Dr Jason Schaub PhD, SFHEA

Dr Jason Schaub

Department of Social Work and Social Care
Associate Professor in Social Work

Contact details

Department of Social Work and Social Care
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Jason is an Associate Professor in Social Work, and Director of PGR for the School of Social Policy and Society. His teaching and research examine gender and sexuality, leadership in social work, and children and families social work. He is co-chair of the UK regional network for International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience (INQYR) and previously chair of  Sexuality in Social Work interest group, and is a founding member of European Social Work Research Association. His research explores gender and sexuality, particularly focussing on LGBTQ+ young people and how professionals support them, using evidence-based methodologies and mixed methods. 


  •  PhD, Social and Policy Sciences, Bath
  •  PG Certificate Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  •  MSW (Social Work), University of Missouri, USA
  •  BA (hons), Music & Psychology, University of Redlands, USA


Jason has had research funded by national funding councils, as well as charities and government bodies. He has been an academic for over twelve years. Before entering academia, he practised social work in the USA, Ireland and the UK in mental health and children’s services for over ten years. 


Jason teaches on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses:

  • Theories, Methods and Practice
  • Research for Evidence Informed Practice
  • Dissertation

Postgraduate supervision

Jason is interested in supervising postgraduate students undertaking studies in the fields of social work, sociology and social policy, specifically in the areas of:

  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Professional practice with LGBTQ+ people
  • Social work education


Research interests

Jason's research interests include exploring gender and sexuality (particularly professional ideas of), leadership in social work and social work with children and families. He has undertaken and led a number of research studies using a range of methods including large-scale quantitative analysis, multi-system case studies and in-depth qualitative analysis. He is keen to improve the engagement of social work with evidence-based research. 

Current projects

LOASCA: Lgbtq+ Older Adult Social Care Assessment study

National Institute of Health Research, School for Social Care Research (£270,000) September 2021 – August 2023, Principal Investigator

This cross-sectional mixed-methods study employs a multiple site case study approach to improve understanding of: A) how social care workers engage with issues of SOGI when assessing older LGBTQ+ people with care and support needs and; B) how these service users experience and receive assessments. The study is informed by an advisory group which includes older LGBTQ+ people who use social care services, service providers, and representatives from professional regulators and support organisations including Safe Ageing No Discrimination, Birmingham LGBT, Opening Doors London and Social Care Institute for Excellence.

With Dr Paul Willis (University of Bristol), Dr Stephen Hicks (University of Manchester) Professor Ben Thomas (Opening Doors London).

LGBTQ+ young people's experiences of social care

What Works for Children’s Social Care and other What Works Centres,(£267,000) April 2021 – March 2023, Principal Investigator.

Two linked studies: the first qualitatively assesses the experiences of LGBTQ+ youth in residential care, the second evaluates an LGBTQ+ training programme for social workers working with LGBTQ+ young people. This project is the first in the UK to gather experiences of LGBTQ+ young people in residential care, and to understand what works and what needs to change to improve LGBTQ knowledge for social workers. Both studies are co-produced, working with stakeholder groups including youth, carers, social workers, support organisations and policymakers that are connected to LGBTQ+ young people. 

With: Professor Paul Montgomery

PROSPer Study

PROSPer Study: Supporting survivors of sexual violence: a mixed methods, co-research study of the role, funding and commissioning of specialist services provided by the voluntary sector in England. National Institute of Health Research, Health Services and Delivery Research Programme, (£820,000) September 2019 – June 2022, Co-Investigator.

Multi-phase co-produced study of sex abuse and rape clinics (SARCs), their engagement with voluntary services, and how they support survivors of sexual violence.


AutOnoME: Experiences of information and communicative technologies from the perspective of autistic gender minority youth: A photo elicitation study Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (via INQYR) (estimated cost £46,424 – funded £26,424) October 2020 - October 2021. Principal Investigator. With Dr. Daragh McDermott (Anglia Ruskin), Dr Sam Martin (University of Oxford), Dr Kate Rimes (King’s College, London), Dr Begonya Grau (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

This project uses photo elicitation to understand how autistic transgender and non binary young people engage and navigate ICT, particularly gaming and social media. 

Other activities


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