Professor Robin Miller

Robin Miller

Department of Social Work and Social Care
Professor of Collaborative Learning in Health & Social Care
UK Demonstrator Lead for the IMPACT Centre

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Professor Robin Miller is an applied academic with an international reputation in relation to integration and leadership in health and social care. He is the Co-Editor in Chief of the international journal of integrated care and has researched widely the implementation of transformational programmes in primary health and social care. Robin has been P-I or Co-I to over £17 million of research grants over the past 15 years and has published over 65 peer reviewed articles and books. He is the social care lead within the WM Applied Research Collaboration, co-ordinates the community asset theme of the national priority programme for adult social care and social work and is a Senior Fellow of the NIHR School for Social Care Research. In the latter capacity, he oversees the national capacity development programme for future research leaders in adult social care.

He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has developed numerous leadership and management programmes. This includes the strength-based leadership programme with the Social Care Institute for Excellence which has been recognised as an European exemplar of good practice and the senior leaders apprenticeship programme for social work and social care.  He has published widely in relation to research and theory of inter-professional learning and its development at practice and senior levels. Robin is the lead editor for the first international research handbook in social work and social care leadership. He instigated and continues to lead the U21 Community of Practice for Social Work with membership from seventeen research intensive universities across the world.

Robin has a strong commitment to strengthening the engagement of universities with wider society.  His collaboration with local authorities and providers in the West Midlands to build a research infrastructure has been recognised as an exemplar by the Chief Social Worker for England. He is the UK Demonstrator Model lead for the IMPACT (IMProving Adult Care Together) Centre which uses evidence to address issues of strategic importance. Robin co-ordinates the lived experience panel for adult social care research at the University of Birmingham. As the Director of Global Engagement in the College of Social Sciences, Robin led the Society & Education work package of the EUniWell university partnership which developed closer engagement between universities and civic society.

Robin specialises in:

  • new models of primary, integrated, and social care
  • leadership within health, social work and social care
  • strength-based practice
  • inter-professional working and education
  • practice-research collaborations.

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His relevant qualifications and memberships are:

  • Senior Fellow of the School for Social Care Research (2019)
  • PhD (Managing Change in Health and Social Care), University of Birmingham
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2013)
  • PG Cert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Birmingham (2013)
  • Fellow of the School for Social Care Research (2011)
  • Future Directors Programme, Social Care Institute of Excellence (2010)
  • MSc in Public Sector Management (Distinction), University of Birmingham (2004)
  • MA in Social Work, University of Edinburgh (1994)
  • Diploma in Social Work, University of Edinburgh (1994)
  • BSc (Upper Second), University of Glasgow 1990


Prior to taking up post at the University, Robin was a frontline social work practitioner in disability and mental health services before moving into operational management of integrated health and social care teams. He worked as a Commissioning Manager for Vulnerable Adults & People with a Learning Disability before taking on the leadership of an Integrated Service for children and adults with a disability. His final operational post was Deputy Director of Community Services within a Care Trust with a lead for Children’s health services and adult disability and mental health.

Through his evaluation work he has maintained a direct link with the realities of health and social practice and seeks to support practitioners and managers to use research and theory to improve experience and outcomes of people and communities. Robin’s PhD explored the realities of change management within health and care through researching change in different contexts and levels of the system. He regularly speaks at home and international conferences on improving collaboration between professionals, organisations, and sectors.

Robin has considerable experience of leadership roles at the University of Birmingham, including Director of Global Engagement for the College of Social Science, Head of Department of Social Work & Social Care, and Co-director of the Centre of Health & Social Care Leadership. He has undertaken key external roles includes chairing an advisory group of the national adult social care taskforce for COVID 19 and representing the university sector on the Birmingham Health & Wellbeing Board. Other external responsibilities have included chair of trustees at a large care and support charity, a non-executive director of a housing association, and the chair of the Kent Research Partnership for Adult Social Care.


Other activities

  • Senior Associate, International Foundation of Integrated Care (2023-)
  • Joint Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Integrated Care (2017-)
  • Co-Chair of the Guidance, Good Practice and Innovation Advisory Group to the National Covid 19  Taskforce for Adult Social Care (2020)
  • Birmingham Health & Wellbeing Board Member (2018- 2023)
  • Advisory group member of the European Forum for Primary Care (2016-2020)
  • Co-Editor of the Journal of Integrated Care (2013-2018)
  • Non-executive director on the Board of Trident Social Investment Group (2013-2015)
  • Chair of trustees of Reach the People Charity (2011-2015)


Recent publications


Glasby, J, Waring, J, Miller, R, Glasby, A-M & Ince, B 2025, 'Out of sight, out of mind: explaining and challenging the re-institutionalisation of people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people', Sociology of Health and Illness, vol. 47, no. 2, e70009.

Mahesh, S & Miller, R 2024, 'Building on strengths to develop the leadership of social workers', Social Work Education.

Miller, R, Ehrenberg, N, Jackson, C, Stein, V, Van der Vlegel‐Brouwer, W & Wojtak, A 2024, 'Just a story? Leadership, lived experience and integrated care', Health Expectations, vol. 27, no. 3, e14084.

Currie, G, Bharatan, I, Mahesh, S & Miller, R 2024, 'Supporting New Ways of Working for Social Workers Through High Performance Work Practices: Sustaining Professional Identity', Human Resource Management.

Miller, R, Ehrenberg, N, Jackson, C, Penwarden, H, Stein, V, van der Vlegel-Brouwer, W & Wojtak, A 2023, 'Builder, Expert, Disruptor, Leader: The Many Roles of People with Lived Experience', International Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 23, no. 3, 12.

Winsper, C, Bhattacharya, R, Bhui, K, Currie, G, Edge, D, Ellard, DR, Franklin, D, Gill, PS, Gilbert, S, Miller, R, Motala, Z, Pinfold, V, Sandhu, H, Singh, SP, Weich, S & Giacco, D 2023, 'Improving mental healthcare access and experience for people from minority ethnic groups: an England-wide multisite experience-based codesign (EBCD) study', BMJ Mental Health, vol. 26, no. 1, e300709.

Mahesh, S, Lowther, J & Miller, R 2023, 'Improving Quality in Social Work: The Role of Peer Challenge', British Journal of Social Work.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Miller, R, Kaehne, A & Glasby, J 2023, The contribution of leadership for effective integration of care. in N Chambers (ed.), Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare . Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 132–148.


Glasby, J & Miller, R 2025, Recreating Victorian asylums? What next for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people in 'long-stay' settings. in Health and care futures: an essay collection. Turning Point, pp. 22-26. <>


Needham, C, Morris, H, Miller, R, Ayton, D, O'Connor, M, Hall, K & Skouteris, H 2024, 'Social care: Time for a name change?', International Journal of Care and Caring, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 553–558.

Commissioned report

Miller, R, Smith, J, Durand, MA & Mays, N 2024, Evaluation of the integrated care and support pioneers programme in the context of new funding arrangements for integrated care in England (2015- 2020) PR-R10-1014-25001: Final report to Department of Health and Social Care, and National Institute for Health Research, Policy Research programme: Work Package 3: Engagement with pioneers, policy makers and national partner/user organisations to derive and spread learning.

Vallance, P & Miller, R 2023, EUniWell Policy Commission 2022-2023 Final Report: Young People, Well-being, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning for the Future. University of Birmingham.

Sidhu, M, Litchfield, I, Miller, R, Fulop, N, Janta, B, Tanner, J-R, Maistrello , G, Bousfield, J, Vindrola-Padros, C & Sussex, J 2022, The use of pulse oximetry in care homes to manage residents with COVID-19 and long-term health conditions in England: a rapid evaluation.

Other contribution

Glasby, J, Miller, R, Glasby, A-M, Ince, B & Konteh, F 2023, 'Why are we stuck in hospital': A guide to overcoming the barriers to people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people leaving ‘long-stay’ hospital. University of Birmingham. <>

Glasby, J, Miller, R & Dickinson, H 2022, A reason to be cheerful (about integrated care). Emerald. <>

View all publications in research portal


  • integration in health and social care
  • the role of the third sector (i.e. voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises) in health and social care
  • social care and community health services (in particular learning disability and mental health)
  • Commissioning of health and social care services

Alternative contact number available for this expert: contact the press office


Health and social care policy in general social enterprise, commissioning, partnerships, community services, services for people with a learning disability.

Alternative contact number available for this expert: contact the press office