Dr Lisa Goodson

School of Social Policy and Society

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Lisa Goodson is a lecturer in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology where she co-ordinates social policy research modules at post graduate level as well as teaching and tutoring on undergraduate modules in new migration. Lisa has been at the forefront of research exploring the experiences and consequences of migration in the UK and Europe. Common themes that cut across her research and teaching on migration issues include: integration and cohesion, poverty and social exclusion, gender and health, and approaches to welfare provision for migrants in an age of super-diversity. Lisa specialises in qualitative research methodologies and has extensive experience working with a range of community groups. Her work with excluded communities has led to the development of an accredited community research training programme and she has recently co-edited a book on Community research for community participation: from theory to method. She has worked on and managed a range of research projects sponsored by a wide range of funders including the European Union, research councils, local and national Governments, charitable trusts and statutory agencies.


BA (Hons)


Lisa currently teaches and has responsibilities at postgraduate level in the following areas:

  • MA Migration, Superdiversity and Policy (Programme Director)
  • Migration and Superdiversity (Module Convenor) 
  • Introduction to Applied Social Research (Module Convenor)
  • Researching Social Policy

She also teaches and tutors at undergraduate level on:

  • New Migration and Superdiversity 
  • Social Research Methods

Postgraduate supervision

  • Bircan Ciytak- Negotiating belonging across generations: The case of 3rd Turkish heritage migrants in Germany. PhD FT.
  • Andrew Jolly – Insecure and undocumented: food and support for undocumented migrant families in Birmingham
  • Sandra Pertek- Sexual and Gender-based Violence during the Refugee Journey: Vulnerabilities, Inequalities and Responses. PhD FT.
  • Roberto Ozman-  Foster care for unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) in the UK: assessing placement success. PHD PT.
  • Harry Ntata- Decision making processes for remitting funds abroad: a case for Malawi Diaspora in the UK. PhD PT.
  • James Omunson (on LOA but due to return) - Decision-making processes of return migrants participating in voluntary returns programmes. PhD PT.
  • Foster care for unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) in the UK: assessing placement success. PhD. (Roberto Ozman)
  • Analysing unemployment benefit equality for internal migrant workers. PhD. (Ziaolin Yang)
  • Decision-making processes of return migrants participating in voluntary returns programmes. PhD. (James Lukano Omuson)
  • Exploring the nature of representation in an era of superdiversity. PhD. (Asif Alfridi)
  • Identity and citizenship in second generation Philiponos. MPhil. Ford Foundation International (2011) (Mark Llangco)


A selection of recent research projects includes:

  • ULI – Mass migration and real estate in European cities (PI 2016-2017)
  • ESRC Urgency – Development of Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme Toolkit (PI 2016)
  • ESRC Follow On – Implementation of recommendations emerging from the West Midlands No Recourse to Public Funds study (PI 2016)
  • AHRC Large Grant - Translation and translanguaging: Investigating linguistic and cultural transformations in superdiverse wards in four UK cities (TLANG) (CI 2014-2018)
  • WMSMP - West Midlands No Recourse to Public Funds Research Study (PI 2014- 2015)
  • NORFACE – Welfare Bricolage: Understanding approaches to health-seeking in superdiverse neighbourhoods (Community Research Lead for Training the Trainers 2015-2017)
  • AHRC – Connected Communities Research Review: Resilient, mutual self- help in cities of growing diversity (PI 2011)
  • UKBA - (with Sheffield Hallam) a review of small projects funded by the European Integration Fund, the European Refugee Fund III, and the Return Fund in the 2009 and 2010 funding years (with community researchers) (CI 2010)
  • EU INTI fund  - Health and Wealthy Together – brings together partners from eight different EU cities working together to identify mechanisms to improve migrants access to healthcare (PI 2011)
  • Barrow Cadbury Trust - Vulnerable new communities: an examination of the ways in which migrants with no recourse to public funds settle and survive in the UK (with community researchers)  (PI 2009)
  • Home Office – evaluation of ERF II funded refugee integration initiatives (with community researchers) (CI 2008-2009)
  • LGA and IDeA - Evaluation of aspects of local authority communications with a specific focus on myth busting in relation to new migration (CI 2008)
  • Birmingham City Council and Digbeth Trust – developing a community consultation training methodology for Birmingham Strategic Partnerships (PI 2008)
  • Birmingham City Council and Digbeth Trust – developing a community consultation training methodology for Birmingham Strategic Partnerships (PI 2008)
  • Urban Living, Birmingham City Council - scoping study to examine the housing needs of new migrants in North West Birmingham housing market renewal area. (with community researchers) (PI 2008)
  • Decent and Safe Homes - mapping the population of A8 migrants in the East Midlands, the impacts of A8 migration on housing markets, demand and neighbourhoods (2008)
  • Birmingham City Council - mapping the population of new migrants in Neighbourhood Management Areas and examining the neighbourhood needs of new arrivals (2008)
  • Joseph Rowntree Making a Difference – working with refugee community organisations to develop the capacity of leaders to collect and use evidence effectively. (2007)
  • Home Office and ESF: Action 2 of the EQUAL programme 'OPEN' looks at ways of opening pathways to employment for newcomers (2006 -2007)
  • Home Office and ESF: Action 1 of the EQUAL programme undertaking an examination of employability and APEL provision for new migrants across the EU (2006)
  • HACT: Evaluation of the Accommodate initiative and development of a Community Researcher programme. (PI 2005- 2007)
  • Birmingham City Council: Examination of the housing needs and aspirations of new migrant communities in the Eastern Corridor (PI 2005)
  • Learning and Skills Council Black Country: identifying the size and nature of the new migrant population, exploring service provision and examining young people’s access to education: (PI 2005)



Goodson, L. and Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. (in press) Researching migration in a superdiverse society: challenges, methods, concerns and promises. Sociological Research Online.

Goodson, L. and Tagg, C. (in production for 2017) Using researcher vignettes to explore co-production in a large diverse team: implications for research in superdiverse contexts. In Creese, A. (2017) Handbook of Language and Superdiversity. London: Routledge.

Phillimore, J. & Goodson, L. (in production for 2017) Delivering social welfare in the age of superdiversity.  Routledge.


Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2012) Community research for community participation: from theory to method. Bristol: Policy Press.


Goodson, L., Coaffee, J. and Rowlands, R. (2011) Resilient, mutual self-help in cities of growing diversity. AHRC discussion paper.


Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2010) A community research methodology: working with new migrants to develop a policy related evidence base. Social Policy and Society 9(4).

Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2010) Failing to adapt: institutional barriers to RCOs engagement in transformation of social welfare. Social Policy and Society 9 (1) pp:181-192.


Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2008) Social capital and integration: the importance of social relationships and social space for refugee women. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 7(1).

Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2008) ‘Making a Place in the Global City - The Relevance of Indicators of Integration’, Journal of Refugee Studies21: 305-325


Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2006) ‘Problem or Opportunity? Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Employment and Social Exclusion in Deprived Urban Areas’, Urban Studies. Vol. 43 (10), pp 1-22.

Edited books
Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2012) Community research for community participation: from theory to method. Bristol: Policy Press.

Authored books
Goodson, L. (2010) Understanding community participation: a gender perspective. Residents perceptions in the city of Bath. LAP Lambert

Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2008) New migrants in the UK: education, training and employment. Trentham Books.

Research reports
Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2008) Accommodate: report on the community research accredited training programme. A report for the Housing Association Charitable Trust (hact).

Goodson L, Phillimore, J, Guarache, R, Hennessy, D, Isse, C, Lukano, J, Thornhill, J and Uwimana, M (2008) North West Birmingham migrant needs scoping study. A report for Urban Living, Birmingham City Council.

Phillimore, J. Goodson, L. and Thornhill, J. (2008) Migrants from A8 Countries and Housing in the East Midlands. A report for LGEM.

Phillimore, J. Ergun, E. Goodson, L. and D Hennessy (2007) 'They do not understand the problem I have' : Refugee well being and mental health, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Phillimore, J. Ergun, E. Goodson, L. and D Hennessy (2007) 'Now I do it by myself’: Refugees and ESOL, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Mullins, D, and Goodson, L. (2007) Refugee Housing Partnerships. Third Evaluation Report. Accommodate, Housing Association Charitable Trust, University of Birmingham.

Phillimore, J, Goodson, L, and Watts, J. (2007) Recognising migrants' skills and qualifications: a transnational perspective, A Report of MEET Working Group 1 for the European Union.

Phillimore, J, Goodson, L, Hennessy, D, Ergun, E. and Joseph. R. (2007) Employability pathways: an integrated approach to recognising the skills and experiences of new migrants, A Report for EQUAL.

Goodson, L., Beider, H., Phillimore, J. and Joseph, R. (2006) Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in the Eastern Corridor: Aspirations, Neighbourhood 'Choice' and Tenure, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham.

Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2005) West Midlands Regional Housing Strategy. West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Shared evidence base: Asylum seekers and refugees
Goodson, L., Phillimore, J. et al. (2005) New migrant communities: education, training, employment and integration matters. Report for LSC Black Country.

Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2005) Developing Pathways to Education, Training and Employment for New Migrants in the Black Country. LSC Black Country.

Phillimore J, Craig, L and Goodson, L. (2005) Employability initiatives for refugees in Europe: looking at, and learning from, good practice. Report for EQUAL and the Home Office.

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