Highlight publications
PRONIA Consortium, Lalousis, PA, Schmaal, L, Wood, S, Reniers, R, Barnes, N, Chisholm, K, Griffiths, L, Stainton, A, Wen, J, Hwang, G, Davatzikos, C, Wenzel, J, Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L, Andreou, C, Bonivento, C, Dannlowski, U, Ferro, A, Liechtenstein, T, Riecher-Rössler, A, Romer, G, Rosen, M, Bertolino, A, Borgwardt, S, Brambilla, P, Kambeitz, J, Lencer, R, Pantelis, C, Ruhrmann, S, Salokangas, RKR, Schultze-Lutter, F, Schmidt, A, Meisenzahl, EM, Koutsouleris, N, Dwyer, D & Upthegrove, R 2022, 'Neurobiologically based stratification of recent-onset depression and psychosis: identification of two distinct transdiagnostic phenotypes', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 92, no. 7, pp. 552-562. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.03.021
Upthegrove, R, Marwaha, S & Birchwood, M 2017, 'Depression and schizophrenia: cause, consequence or trans-diagnostic issue?', Schizophrenia bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 240-244. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbw097
PIMS collaboration 2022, 'Inflammation and brain structure in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders: A Mendelian randomization study', JAMA psychiatry, vol. 2022, no. 5, pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.0407
Morales-Munoz, I, Palmer, E, Mallikarjun, P, Marwaha, S & Upthegrove, R 2021, 'Persistent childhood and adolescent anxiety and risk for psychosis: a longitudinal birth cohort study', Biological Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.12.003
PRONIA Consortium 2020, 'The psychopathology and neuroanatomical markers of depression in early psychosis', Schizophrenia bulletin, vol. 2020, sbaa094. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbaa094
Recent publications
Corsi-Zuelli, F, Donohoe, G, Griffiths, S, Del-Ben, CM, Watson, AJ, Burke, T, Lalousis, PA, McKernan, D, Morris, D, Kelly, JP, McDonald, C, Patlola, SR, Pariante, CM, Barnes, N, Khandaker, GM, Suckling, J, Deakin, B, Upthegrove, R & Dauvermann, M 2025, 'Depressive and negative symptoms in the early and established stages of schizophrenia: integrating structural brain alterations, cognitive performance, and plasma interleukin-6 levels', Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, vol. 5, no. 2, 100429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsgos.2024.100429
Wannan, CMJ, Nelson, B, Addington, J, Allott, K, Anticevic, A, Arango, C, Baker, JT, Bearden, CE, Billah, T, Bouix, S, Broome, MR, Buccilli, K, Cadenhead, KS, Calkins, ME, Cannon, TD, Cecci, G, Chen, EYH, Cho, KIK, Choi, J, Clark, SR, Coleman, MJ, Conus, P, Corcoran, CM, Cornblatt, BA, Diaz-Caneja, CM, Dwyer, D, Ebdrup, BH, Ellman, LM, Fusar-Poli, P, Galindo, L, Gaspar, PA, Gerber, C, Glenthøj, LB, Glynn, R, Harms, MP, Horton, LE, Kahn, RS, Kambeitz, J, Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L, Kane, JM, Kapur, T, Keshavan, MS, Kim, SW, Koutsouleris, N, Kubicki, M, Kwon, JS, Langbein, K, Lewandowski, KE, Light, GA, Mamah, D, Marcy, PJ, Mathalon, DH, McGorry, PD, Mittal, VA, Nordentoft, M, Nunez, A, Pasternak, O, Pearlson, GD, Perez, J, Perkins, DO, Powers, AR, Roalf, DR, Sabb, FW, Schiffman, J, Shah, JL, Smesny, S, Spark, J, Stone, WS, Strauss, GP, Tamayo, Z, Torous, J, Upthegrove, R, Vangel, M, Verma, S, Wang, J, Rossum, IWV, Wolf, DH, Wolff, P, Wood, SJ, Yung, AR, Agurto, C, Alvarez-Jimenez, M, Amminger, P, Armando, M, Asgari-Targhi, A, Cahill, J, Carrión, RE, Castro, E, Cetin-Karayumak, S, Mallar Chakravarty, M, Cho, YT, Cotter, D, D'Alfonso, S, Ennis, M, Fadnavis, S, Fonteneau, C, Gao, C, Gupta, T, Gur, RE, Gur, RC, Hamilton, HK, Hoftman, GD, Jacobs, GR, Jarcho, J, Ji, JL, Kohler, CG, Lalousis, PA, Lavoie, S, Lepage, M, Liebenthal, E, Mervis, J, Murty, V, Nicholas, SC, Ning, L, Penzel, N, Poldrack, R, Polosecki, P, Pratt, DN, Rabin, R, Rahimi Eichi, H, Rathi, Y, Reichenberg, A, Reinen, J, Rogers, J, Ruiz-Yu, B, Scott, I, Seitz-Holland, J, Srihari, VH, Srivastava, A, Thompson, A, Turetsky, BI, Walsh, BC, Whitford, T, Wigman, JTW, Yao, B, Yuen, HP, Ahmed, U, Byun, AJS, Chung, Y, Do, K, Hendricks, L, Huynh, K, Jeffries, C, Lane, E, Langholm, C, Lin, E, Mantua, V, Santorelli, G, Ruparel, K, Zoupou, E, Adasme, T, Addamo, L, Adery, L, Ali, M, Auther, A, Aversa, S, Baek, SH, Bates, K, Bathery, A, Bayer, JMM, Beedham, R, Bilgrami, Z, Birch, S, Bonoldi, I, Borders, O, Borgatti, R, Brown, L, Bruna, A, Carrington, H, Castillo-Passi, RI, Chen, J, Cheng, N, Ching, AE, Clifford, C, Colton, BL, Contreras, P, Corral, S, Damiani, S, Done, M, Estradé, A, Etuka, BA, Formica, M, Furlan, R, Geljic, M, Germano, C, Getachew, R, Goncalves, M, Haidar, A, Hartmann, J, Jo, A, John, O, Kerins, S, Kerr, M, Kesselring, I, Kim, H, Kim, N, Kinney, K, Krcmar, M, Kotler, E, Lafanechere, M, Lee, C, Llerena, J, Markiewicz, C, Matnejl, P, Maturana, A, Mavambu, A, Mayol-Troncoso, R, McDonnell, A, McGowan, A, McLaughlin, D, McIlhenny, R, McQueen, B, Mebrahtu, Y, Mensi, M, Hui, CLM, Suen, YN, Wong, SMY, Morrell, N, Omar, M, Partridge, A, Phassouliotis, C, Pichiecchio, A, Politi, P, Porter, C, Provenzani, U, Prunier, N, Raj, J, Ray, S, Rayner, V, Reyes, M, Reynolds, K, Rush, S, Salinas, C, Shetty, J, Snowball, C, Tod, S, Turra-Fariña, G, Valle, D, Veale, S, Whitson, S, Wickham, A, Youn, S, Zamorano, F, Zavaglia, E, Zinberg, J, Woods, SW & Shenton, ME 2024, 'Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis', Schizophrenia bulletin, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 496-512. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbae011
Hoheisel, L, Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L, Wenzel, J, Haas, SS, Antonucci, LA, Ruef, A, Penzel, N, Schultze-Lutter, F, Lichtenstein, T, Rosen, M, Dwyer, DB, Salokangas, RKR, Lencer, R, Brambilla, P, Borgwardt, S, Wood, SJ, Upthegrove, R, Bertolino, A, Ruhrmann, S, Meisenzahl, E, Koutsouleris, N, Fink, GR, Daun, S & Kambeitz, J 2024, 'Alterations of Functional Connectivity Dynamics in Affective and Psychotic Disorders', Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsc.2024.02.013
Lalousis, PA, Malaviya, A, Khatibi, A, Saberi, M, Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L, Haas, SS, Wood, SJ, Barnes, NM, Rogers, J, Chisholm, K, Bertolino, A, Borgwardt, S, Brambilla, P, Kambeitz, J, Lencer, R, Pantelis, C, Ruhrmann, S, Salokangas, RKR, Schultze-Lutter, F, Schmidt, A, Meisenzahl, E, Dwyer, D, Koutsouleris, N, Upthegrove, R, Griffiths, SL & PRONIA Consortium 2024, 'Anhedonia as a potential transdiagnostic phenotype with immune-related changes in recent onset mental health disorders', Biological Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.05.019
Birdi, GK, Wong, G, Upthegrove, R, Higgs, S, Walsh, A, Ahern, A, Allen, K, Howe, J, Habib, H, Nixon, K, Oduola, S & Maidment, I 2024, 'A Realist Evaluation of Social Care Practitioners’ Experiences With and Understanding of Applied Healthcare Research', Inquiry : The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, vol. 61. https://doi.org/10.1177/00469580241248130
Tse, W, Khandaker, GM, Zhou, H, Luo, H, Yan, WC, Siu, MW, Poon, LT, Lee, EHM, Zhang, Q, Upthegrove, R, Osimo, EF, Perry, BI & Chan, SKW 2024, 'Assessing the generalisability of the psychosis metabolic risk calculator (PsyMetRiC) for young people with first-episode psychosis with validation in a Hong Kong Chinese Han population: a 4-year follow-up study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, vol. 47, 101089. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2024.101089
Griffiths, K, Mellado, MR, Chung, R, Lally, J, McQueen, G, Sendt, K-V, Gillespie, A, Ibrahim, M, Richter, A, Shields, A, Ponsford, M, Jolles, S, Hodsoll, J, Pollak, TA, Upthegrove, R, Egerton, A & Maccabe, JH 2024, 'Changes in immunoglobulin levels during clozapine treatment in schizophrenia', Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, vol. 115, pp. 223-228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2023.10.001
Casetta, C, Santosh, P, Bayley, R, Bisson, J, Byford, S, Dixon, C, Drake, RJ, Elvins, R, Emsley, R, Fung, N, Hayes, D, Howes, O, James, A, James, K, Jones, R, Killaspy, H, Lennox, B, Marchant, L, McGuire, P, Oloyede, E, Rogdaki, M, Upthegrove, R, Walters, J, Egerton, A & MacCabe, JH 2024, 'CLEAR – clozapine in early psychosis: study protocol for a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of clozapine vs other antipsychotics for young people with treatment resistant schizophrenia in real world settings', BMC Psychiatry, vol. 24, no. 1, 122. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-023-05397-1
Dunleavy, C, Elsworthy, RJ, Wood, SJ, Allott, K, Spencer, F, Upthegrove, R & Aldred, S 2024, 'Exercise4Psychosis: A randomised control trial assessing the effect of moderate-to-vigorous exercise on inflammatory biomarkers and negative symptom profiles in men with first-episode psychosis', Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, vol. 120, pp. 379-390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2024.06.017
Altaweel, N, Upthegrove, R & Marwaha, S 2024, 'Personality traits and change in depression status at 18 months: Findings from a British Psychiatric Morbidity Survey', Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 367, pp. 157-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.190
Lee, R, Griffiths, SL, Gkoutos, GV, Wood, SJ, Bravo Merodio, L, Lalousis, PA, Everard, L, Jones, PB, Fowler, D, Hodgekins, J, Amos, T, Freemantle, N, Singh, SP, Birchwood, M & Upthegrove, R 2024, 'Predicting treatment resistance in positive and negative symptom domains from first episode psychosis: Development of a clinical prediction model', Schizophrenia Research, vol. 274, pp. 66-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2024.09.010
Morales-Munoz, I, Marwaha, S, Upthegrove, R & Cropley, V 2024, 'Role of Inflammation in Short Sleep Duration Across Childhood and Psychosis in Young Adulthood', JAMA psychiatry, vol. 81, no. 8, pp. 825-833. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0796
Palmer, ER, Morales-Muñoz, I, Perry, BI, Marwaha, S, Warwick, E, Rogers, JC & Upthegrove, R 2024, 'Trajectories of Inflammation in Youth and Risk of Mental and Cardiometabolic Disorders in Adulthood', JAMA psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.2193
ISARIC4C Investigators, COVID-CNS Consortium, Michael, BD, Dunai, C, Needham, EJ, Tharmaratnam, K, Williams, R, Huang, Y, Boardman, SA, Clark, JJ, Sharma, P, Subramaniam, K, Wood, GK, Collie, C, Digby, R, Ren, A, Norton, E, Leibowitz, M, Ebrahimi, S, Fower, A, Fox, H, Tato, E, Ellul, MA, Sunderland, G, Held, M, Hetherington, C, Egbe, FN, Palmos, A, Stirrups, K, Grundmann, A, Chiollaz, AC, Sanchez, JC, Stewart, JP, Griffiths, M, Solomon, T, Breen, G, Coles, AJ, Kingston, N, Bradley, JR, Chinnery, PF, Cavanagh, J, Irani, SR, Vincent, A, Baillie, JK, Openshaw, PJ, Semple, MG, Taams, LS & Menon, DK 2024, 'Author Correction: Para-infectious brain injury in COVID-19 persists at follow-up despite attenuated cytokine and autoantibody responses', Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 2918. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-47320-6
PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group, ISARIC investigators, Jackson, T, Broome, M, McArdle, P, Moss, P, Thickett, D, Upthegrove, R, Wraith, D, Aldera, EL, Green, C & McGee, K 2024, 'Large-scale phenotyping of patients with long COVID post-hospitalization reveals mechanistic subtypes of disease', Nature Immunology, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 607-621. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41590-024-01778-0
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