Mr Tommaso Pardi MSc

School of Metallurgy and Materials
PhD Student

Contact details

School of Metallurgy and Materials
University of Birmingham
Elms Road
B15 2SE

Tommaso Pardi is a PhD student in the School of Metallurgy and Materials at the University of Birmingham.

He is a member of the Extreme Robotics Lab, where he is working on grasping, manipulation and cutting for robotics applications in hazardous environments. Also, he is interested in Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques. Previous areas he has worked on include soft-grasping and soft-robotics; teleoperation; and multi-UAVs coordination and control. He has competed in different International Robotic challenges.

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  • MSc in Robotic and Automation Engineering, 2015
  • Bsc in Computer engineering, 2012


He qualified with BSc in Computer engineering (2012) and a MSc in Autonomous and Control engineering (2015) from University of Pisa.

After his graduation, he worked for 9 months in a spin-off company of the University of Pisa as Analyst Programmer, and then, as a research fellow for 1 year and a half at the BioRobotic Institute of the School of Advanced Studies Sant'Anna in Pisa.

In his previous experiences, he worked on soft-robotics, grasping manipulation, robotic teleoperation, and UAV controls.

He competed in two important International Robotic Challenges: the first edition of the Amazon Picking Challenge in Seattle (2015) and the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotic Challenge (MBZIRC) in Abu Dhabi (2017).

Postgraduate supervision

  • Rustam Stolkin
  • Amir Ghalamzan