Professor Javier Zamora

Professor Javier Zamora

Department of Metabolism and Systems Science
Professor of Biostatistics in Maternal and Perinatal Health

Contact details

WHO Collaborating Centre for Women's Health
Institute of Translational Medicine
Heritage Building
Mindelsohn Way
B15 2TH

Professor Zamora has developed an academic career at the University of Madrid in the Biomathematics department as an Associate Professor of Biostatistics. He has been appointed as Non-Clinical Senior Lecturer of Perinatal statistics in BARC (Barts Research Centre for Women’s Health) in Queen Mary University of London.

Professor Zamora has an outstanding track record of delivering high-quality, high impact research, with special interest in statistical methodology and evidence synthesis in maternal and perinatal health.

Since 2013, Professor Zamora has been the Head of the Clinical Biostatistics Unit at Ramon y Cajal University Hospital (Madrid) and the Director of the Clinical Epidemiology Research Area of the Ramon y Cajal Biomedical Research Institute (IRYCIS). His group hosts the Madrid Cochrane Associated Centre.

He was member of the permanent staff of Assessors of the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP) at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. He was also part of the panel of experts of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Spanish Medicine Agency (AGEMED). Professor Zamora leads a Research Group within the Spanish Biomedical Research Network in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP).

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  • Professor of Biostatistics in Maternal and Perinatal Health
  • Senior Lecturer of Perinatal statistics, Queen Mary University of London, 2013
  • MSc in Business and Administration of Biomedical Research & Development, Spanish National School of Health and Alcala University, 2013
  • MSc in Epidemiology and Public Health, Rey Juan Carlos University, 2012
  • Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Complutense University of Madrid, 1997
  • PhD in Biomathematics, Complutense University of Madrid, 1997
  • BSc in Biology, Complutense University of Madrid, 1991

Postgraduate supervision

Co-supervised (Completed)

  • PhD B al Wattar - (2013-2017) - Improving health outcomes for pregnant women with metabolic risk factors
  • PhD E Rogozinska (2014-2017)  Diet and/or physical activity based interventions for antenatal weight management
  • PhD Daru J (2016-2019) - Impact of maternal anaemia on health outcomes in high- and low-income countries
  • MD S Sobhy (2015-2017) - Risks of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in low and middle-income countries (LMIC)

Co-supervision (in progress)

  • PhD Pundir J (2016-) Interventions to improve fertility outcomes in polycystic ovary syndrome
  • PhD Chiamaka E (2016-) Prevention of gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes in high-risk women
  • PhD Bolou A (2017-) Effects of lifestyle interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes
  • PhD Madhavani K (2017-) Minimally invasive surgery


Professor Zamora has broad research interests around perinatal and women's health. It conducts multidisciplinary research to determine the value of diagnostic tests, investigate the prognosis of women and newborns and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to improve the health of women and their children. Professor Zamora has co-lead secondary research and synthesis on the diagnostic accuracy of pulse oximetry, cesarean section rates, anesthesia complications, and caesarean sections in low- and middle-income countries, on the efficacy of interventions in lifestyle in pregnancy, stillbirth rate in multiple pregnancies, etc. Its objective is to synthesize evidence to facilitate the reduction of the gap between the results of scientific research and medical decision-making.

Professor Zamora was the Statistical Lead for the £2 million Work Program (five trials) on the Barts Charity-funded Barts Research Center for Women's Health app. It has a long history of successful collaboration with WHO. It has had the support of the Carlos III Health Institute (Spain) uninterruptedly during the last years (€ 800K).

Research groups and centres

Other activities

Member of Data Safety Monitoring Boards and steering committees of several academic studies:

  • EMPIRE trial (UK, 2015)
  • EPICOS trial (Spain, 2020)
  • IFAAM trial (Spain, 2019)
  • MEDAL study (UK, 2013)
  • PREP study (UK, 2013)
  • PRISM trial (UK, 2015)
  • PROMISE trial (UK, 2011)
  • Chair of the Health Technology Assessment Commission of the Ramon y Cajal Hospital (Madrid) (2018-2019)
  • Member of the Local Ethical Board of the Ramon y Cajal Hospital (Madrid) (2002-2018)
  • Member of advisory group for WHO statement on caesarean section (2014)