Professor Thangaratinam's selected publications
Sheikh J, Allotey J, …..Thangaratinam S. Effects of race and ethnicity on perinatal outcomes in high- and upper-middle-income countries: individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of 2,198,655 pregnancies. The Lancet 2022; 400: 2049-2062
Allotey J, Chatterjee S, Kew T... Thangaratinam S. SARS-CoV-2 positivity in offspring and timing of mother-to-child transmission: living systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2022; 376: e067696
Rogozinska E, Daru J, Nicolaides M…. Thangaratinam S. Iron preparations for women of reproductive age with iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy (FRIDA): a systemic review and network meta-analysis. The Lancet Haematology 2021; 8; 7; e503-e512
Allotey J, Stallings E, Bonet M…. Thangaratinam S. Clinical manifestations, risk factors, and maternal and perinatal outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy: living systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2020; 370:m3320 (updated 2021)
Sobhy S, Arroyo-Manzano D, Murugesu N, Karthikeyan G, Kumar V, Kaur I, Fernandez E, Gundabattula SR, Betran AP, Khan K, Zamora J, Thangaratinam S. Maternal and perinatal mortality and complications associated with caesarean section in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis involving 12 million pregnancies. The Lancet. 2019; 393: 1973-1984
Allotey J, Fernandez-Felix BM, Zamora J, Moss N, Bagary M, Kelso A, Khan R, van der Post JAM, Mol BW, Pirie AM, McCorry D, Khan KS, Thangaratinam S. Predicting seizures in pregnant women with epilepsy: Development and external validation of a prognostic model. PLoS Med. 2019;16:e1002802
H Al Wattar B, Dodds J, Placzek A, Beresford L, Spyreli E, Moore A, Gonzalez Carreras FJ, Austin F, Murugesu N, Roseboom TJ, Bes-Rastrollo M, Hitman GA, Hooper R, Khan K, Thangaratinam S; ESTEEM study group. Mediterranean-style diet in pregnant women with metabolic risk factors (ESTEEM): A pragmatic multicentre randomised trial. PLoS Med. 2019; 23; 16(7): e1002857.
Muglu J, Rather H, Arroyo-Manzano D, Bhattacharya S, Balchin I, Khalil A, Thilaganathan B, Khan KS, Zamora J, Thangaratinam S. Risks of stillbirths and neonatal deaths with advancing gestation at term: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies of 15 million pregnancies. PLoS Med. 2019; 16(7):e1002838
Daru J, Zamora J, Fernández-Félix BM, Vogel J, Oladapo Olufemi, Morisaki N, Tuncalp O, Torloni MR, Mittal S, Jayaratne K, Lumbiganon P, Togoobaatar G, Thangaratinam S, Khan KS. Risk of maternal mortality in women with severe anaemia during pregnancy and post partum: a multilevel analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2018;6(5):e548-e554
International Weight Management in Pregnancy (i-WIP) Collaborative Group (Last Author Thangaratinam S) Effect of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes: meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised trials. BMJ. 2017;358:j3119
Cheong-See F, Schuit E, Arroyo-Manzano D, Khalil A, Barrett J, Joseph KS, Asztalos E, Hack K, Lewi L, Lim A, Liem S, Norman JE, Morrison J, Combs CA, Garite TJ, Maurel K, Serra V, Perales A, Rode L, Worda K, Nassar A, Aboulghar M, Rouse D, Thom E, Breathnach F, Nakayama S, Russo FM, Robinson JN, Dodd JM, Newman RB, Bhattacharya S, Tang S, Mol BW, Zamora J, Thilaganathan B, Thangaratinam S; Global Obstetrics Network (GONet) Collaboration. Prospective risk of stillbirth and neonatal complications in twin pregnancies: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2016; 354:i4353.
Viale L, Allotey J, Cheong-See F, Arroyo-Manzano D, Mccorry D, Bagary M, Mignini L, Khan KS, Zamora J, Thangaratinam S; EBM CONNECT Collaboration. Anaesthesia-related maternal mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2016;4(5):e320-7.
Viale L, Allotey J, Cheong-See F, Arroyo-Manzano D, Mccorry D, Bagary M, Mignini L, Khan KS, Zamora J, Thangaratinam S; EBM CONNECT Collaboration. Epilepsy in pregnancy and reproductive outcomes. The Lancet. 2015; 386(10006):1845-52.
HTA Monographs
Allotey J, Snell KIE, Chan C, Hooper R, Dodds J, Rogozinska E, Khan KS, Poston L, Kenny L, Myers J7, Thilaganathan B, Chappell L, Mol BW, Von Dadelszen P, Ahmed A, Green M, Poon L, Khalil A, Moons KGM, Riley RD, Thangaratinam S; IPPIC Collaborative Network. Accuracy of clinical characteristics, biochemical and ultrasound markers in predicting pre-eclampsia: External validation and development of prediction models using an Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis Health Technol Assess 2019 (in press)
Thangaratinam S, Allotey J, Marlin N, Mol BW, Von Dadelszen P, Ganzevoort W, Akkermans J, Ahmed A, Daniels J, Deeks J, Ismail K, Barnard AM, Dodds J, Kerry S, Moons C, Riley RD, Khan KS. Development and validation of a prediction model for the risk of adverse outcomes in women with early onset pre-eclampsia (PREP): Prospective cohort study. Health Technol Assess. 2017;21(18):1-100.
Thangaratinam S, Marlin N, Newton S, Weckesser A, Bagary M, Greenhill L, Rikunenko R, D'Amico M, Rogozińska E, Kelso A, Hard K, Coleman J, Moss N, Roberts T, Middleton L, Dodds J, Pullen A, Eldridge S, Pirie A, Denny E, McCorry D, Khan KS. Antiepileptic drug management in pregnancy: A double blind randomised trial on effectiveness and acceptability of monitoring strategies (EMPIRE study). Health Technol Assess. 2018 May;22(23):1-152.
Rogozińska E, Marlin N, Jackson L, Rayanagoudar G, Ruifrok AE, Dodds J, Molyneaux E, van Poppel MN, Poston L, Vinter CA, McAuliffe F, Dodd JM, Owens J, Barakat R, Perales M, Cecatti JG, Surita , Yeo S, Bogaerts A, Devlieger R, Teede H, Harrison C, Haakstad L, Shen GX, Shub A, Beltagy NE, Motahari N, Khoury J, Tonstad S, Luoto R, Kinnunen TI, Guelfi K, Facchinetti F, Petrella E, Phelan S, Scudeller TT, Rauh K, Hauner H, Renault K, de Groot CJ, Sagedal LR, Vistad I, Stafne SN, Mørkved S, Salvesen KÅ, Jensen DM, Vitolo M, Astrup A, Geiker NR, Kerry S, Barton P, Roberts T, Riley RD, Coomarasamy A, Mol BW, Khan KS, Thangaratinam S. Effects of antenatal diet and physical activity on maternal and fetal outcomes: Individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis and health economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess. 2017;21(41):1-158
Thangaratinam S, Rogozinska E, Jolly K, Glinkowski S, Roseboom T, Tomlinson JW, Kunz R, Mol BW, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS. Effects of interventions in pregnancy on maternal weight and obstetric outcomes: meta-analysis of randomised evidence. BMJ. 2012;344:e2088.
Thangaratinam S, Tan A, Knox E, Kilby MD, Franklyn J, Coomarasamy A. Association of thyroid antibodies with miscarriage and preterm birth: A meta-analysis. BMJ 2011; 342:2616
Thangaratinam S, Brown K, Zamora J, Khan KS, Ewer AK. Pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects (CCHD) in asymptomatic newborn infants: A systematic review and meta analysis involving 229,421 babies. The Lancet 2012.379:2459-2464
Wilson A, Lissauer D, Thangaratinam S, Khan KS, MacArthur C, Coomarasamy A. Clinical officers versus medical doctors for Caesarean surgery in the developing world: A meta-analysis of controlled studies. BMJ 2011; 342:2600
Ewer AK, Middleton LJ, Furmston AT, Bhoyar A, Daniels JP, Thangaratinam S, Deeks JJ, Khan KS; PulseOx Study Group. Pulse oximetry screening for congenital heart defects in newborn infants (PulseOx): a test accuracy study. The Lancet. 2011;378(9793):785-94.
Thangaratinam S, Rogozińska E, Jolly K, Glinkowski S, Duda W, Borowiack E, Roseboom T, Tomlinson J, Walczak J, Kunz R, Mol BW, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS. Interventions to reduce or prevent obesity in pregnant women: a systematic Review. Health Technol Assess. 2012 Jul;16(31):iii-iv, 1-191
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