Dr Amy Coulden MBBS BSc MRCP PG Cert

Dr Amy Coulden

Department of Metabolism and Systems Science
Clinical Research Fellow
Specialist Registrar in Endocrinology and Diabetes

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University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Coulden is an Honorary Specialist Registrar in Endocrinology and Diabetes, currently at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. She is currently taking time out of clinical training to undertake a clinical research fellowship, named the Metchley Park Fellowship at the Department of Metabolism and Systems Science (MSS). The research project is looking at the metabolic profile and subsequent pathophysiology of patients with Acromegaly, a rare endocrinological disorder, using metabolomics and related translation in vitro research.

Her supervisors are Professor Niki Karavitaki, a Senior Clinical Lecturer in Endocrinology at the IMSR and Honorary Consultant Endocrinologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, and Dr Gabriella Da Silver Xavier, an Associate Professor in Cellular Metabolism at the IMSR.

Dr Coulden was recently awarded the Society for Endocrinology practical skills grant Practical Skills Grant | Society for Endocrinology which will allow her to travel to Liverpool to learn the fundamentals of metabolomics study and analysis, which is paramount for the project. She will spend a week at the Centre for Metabolomics Research in Liverpool with Professor Warwick Dunn gaining invaluable experience and expertise in the field.


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  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians UK 2019
  • PG Cert in Medical Education 2018
  • MBBS 2015
  • BSc (Hons) in Infection and Immunity 2013


Dr Coulden studied at Barts and the London Medical and Dental School in London for her undergraduate medical degree in 2015. During her time there, she also did an intercalated BSc in Infection and Immunity. She did her foundation medical training in Birmingham, then worked in London and Birmingham in various medical jobs whilst undertaking a PG Certificate in medical education. She then went back to London to complete her core medical training and back to the West Midlands again to start her specialty training in diabetes and endocrinology. After 1 year of this she has taken time out of training to boost her academic experience in the form of the current Metchley Park fellowship.


  • MBChB- 1st year medical student teaching- SGT (small group teaching)- adrenal and thyroid
  • MRCP PACEs teaching for Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham candidates- joint lead in organisation.

Dr Coulden has an extensive record in teaching since qualifying from medical school in 2015, including co-designing a running a PACES teaching course for core medical trainees in South London. 


Dr Coulden is currently working with Professor Karavitaki and Dr Da Silver Xavier looking at metabolomics in patients with acromegaly, a rare endocrinological disorder characterised by a Growth Hormone secreting tumour in the pituitary. They are using metabolomics to analyse the study the metabolic profile of patients with the condition and compare to healthy controls. The are translating the metabolic data found from metabolic profiling to do in vitro study to further understand the role of such metabolites in the pathophysiology of acromegaly.

Other activities

Dr Coulden is an Honorary Specialist Registrar in Endocrinology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and continues to have clinics and clinical activity in the form of meetings and MDTs regularly.

Former posts:

  • General internal Medicine registrar representative (2020-2022)


Coulden AE, Rickard LJ, Crooks N, N Arora. Phosphate replacement in the critically ill: potential implications for military patients. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps Published Online First: 12 October 2017. doi: 10.1136/jramc-2017-000843.    


Coulden A (joint first author), Rickard L (joint first author), Jalota P, Samani N, Austin E, Lane B, Dawson D, Peters L, Salahuddin S, Ghosh S.Variable rate insulin infusions on medical and surgical wards: are we getting it right? (2019) British Journal of Diabetes VOLUME 18 ISSUE 3 Page 127. http://dx.doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2018.188

Coulden, A., Rickard, L., Jalota, P., Austin, E., Samani, N., Lane, B., Dawson, D., Peters, L., Salahuddin, S., Ghosh, S. (2019). Variable rate insulin infusions on medical and surgical wards: are we getting it right? Future Healthcare Journal, 6(Suppl 1), 11-11. http://m.futurehospital.rcpjournal.org/content/6/Suppl_1/11.full.pdf

Coulden A, Ahmed M. (2015). Risk factors for recurrent status epilepticus in children. Epilepsia, 56(Suppl. 1):3–262. doi: 10.1111/epi.13241 Risk factors of status epilepticus in children | Request PDF (researchgate.net)

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