Dr Mozafar Saadat

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Senior Lecturer

Contact details

Mechanical Engineering

Dr Saadat has a particular research expertise in the design, development and engineering analysis of intelligent manipulation and assembly of deformable and/or complex components used in applications of industrial automation.

He also has a research interest in the design and modelling of agent-based and holonic manufacturing systems. He has worked with, and obtained various research funding from a number of companies including British United Shoe Machinery, British Aerospace, Airbus UK, and Mitac (Synnex UK). Dr Saadat has successfully supervised many PhD students.

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Dr Mozafar Saadat holds an honours degree in mechanical engineering from University of Surrey, and a PhD in manufacturing automation from University of Durham. He has had a range of previous experience as manufacturing technology consultant to industry as well as holding a full-time academic position at University of Sunderland prior to joining University Birmingham in 1999.

His general research and teaching interests are in the areas of automation, robotic, and manufacturing engineering. Dr Saadat has developed and directed a number of engineering undergraduate and MSc programmes, authored several open/distance learning teaching modules, and more recently, has instigated, developed and led international collaborative and partnership degree programmes.


Current Research Projects

  • Modelling of assembly of large aerospace components
  • Design of an intelligent and predictive system for part-to-part assembly
  • Design of an intelligent robotic manipulation system for flexible materials
  • Holonic manufacturing system modelling and design

Editorial Activities

  • Joint Editor, Proceedings of Third World Manufacturing Congress, 2001, NAISO Academic Press, ISBN 3-906454-28-2.
  • Joint Editor, Proceedings of Second World Manufacturing Congress, 1999, ICSC Academic Press, ISBN 3-906454-19-3.
  • Joint Editor, Proceedings of World Manufacturing Congress, 1997, ICSC Academic Press, ISBN 3-906454-07-X.

Other activities

Admin Responsibilities

  • International Undergraduate Admissions Tutor
  • Member of School of Engineering’s International Committee

Awards and Honorary Appointments

  • Industrial Secondment Award in Automotive Engineering, Royal Academy of Engineering, 2004-2005.
  • Visiting Research Academic, School of Engineering and Technology, Deakin University, Australia, winter/spring 2005.
  • Adjunct Professor of Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, Since 2005

Professional Activities and Membership

  • Scientific reviewer, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, EPSRC
  • Member, UK Consortium Of Manufacturing Engineering Heads (COMEH)
  • Scientific reviewer, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  • General Chair, World Manufacturing Congress series
  • Member, International Technical Committee, World Automation Congress