Professor Karl Dearn PhD, MEng, Wh Sch, Wh SSch, AMIMechE, FHEA

Professor Karl Dearn

School of Engineering
Head of the School of Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Contact details

+44(0) 121 414 4190
+44(0) 121 414 7484
James Stockton (PA)
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School of Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Karl Dearn is an Engineer with over twenty years of industrial and academic experience in Mechanical Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Holds both a Senior Whitworth and Whitworth Scholar, Past-President of the Whitworth Society and was the 2009 IMechE Visionary awarded for Outstanding Leadership.

Professor Dearn was appointed to a lectureship in 2008, promoted to Senior Lecturer and then to a Readership in 2016 with the title, Reader in Mechanical Engineering.  During the past 10 years, Karl has built a team of researchers specialising in tribology and mechanical engineering design with a focus on innovation. His current research group, the Mason Institute of Tribology, consists of five post-doctoral research fellows, six Ph.D. researchers and a Masters in Research student, with recent graduates currently employed as Assistant Professors, Lecturers and Senior Research Fellows at leading Academic Institutions, and Senior Industrial roles across many sectors.

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  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham,  2009
  • MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering 2005
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Associate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
  • Whitworth Senior Scholar 2009
  • Whitworth Scholar 2005

Awards and Memberships in Professional Bodies:

  • Business with Birmingham, Best Innovative Idea for Exploitation (2016)
  • Business with Birmingham – Most successful business collaboration (2015)
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy (2013)
  • Institution of Mechanical Engineers Visionary (2009)
  • Whitworth Senior Scholar (2009)
  • Whitworth Scholar (2005)
  • Postgraduate Scholarship (2005)


Tribology at the University of Birmingham

Professor Dearn served his engineering apprenticeship with Yale Security Products and spent a further 6 years with Assa Abloy as a research and development engineer specialising in low energy and high-security product development.

He studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, holding a Whitworth Scholarship Award, and graduated in 2005 and was also elected a Whitworth Scholar.  He continued his studies at Birmingham reading for a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering working on the theory and design of per machine elements and held a Whitworth Senior Scholarship Award.  He obtained his Ph.D. in 2009 and was elected a Whitworth Senior Scholar, the first person to hold a double Whitworth Award since 1944. 

Karl leads the Tribology Research Group with research that links mechanical engineering design with tribology and is by its nature multi-disciplinary. The applications of his research have been as diverse as engines that run on air to novel spinal implants, from ball valves to fallopian tubes, and this is reflected in the variety of funding he has received to support it.

Sir Joseph Whitworth’s fundamental goal was to join both the theory and practice of engineering, and this philosophy of contextualisation is embodied throughout all of Karl's teaching and research. He is an enthusiastic communicator teaching Mechanical Design and machine element theory.  He was a Birmingham Educational Fellow 2017 – 2018 and short-listed for an Outstanding Teaching Award in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. He is an active STEM ambassador and continues to work towards widening participation in engineering higher education, particularly for those from a non-traditional educational background. 

Professor Dearn has devised a series of design-based curriculum enrichment activities, in collaboration with industry, to support his teaching. These include the Aston Martin Dissection exercise, enabling students to contextually engage with form and function, within a complex engineering system. This is a unique student experience. The exercise was identified as an exemplar of “The student experience at Russell Group universities” and featured on the group’s webpage. It has also been included in the University’s TEF submission as an exemplar of industry/academia collaboration.

Karl has created a circular economy from his research, through interactions with industry, and embedding the importance of practical experience in the practice of mechanical engineering. He provides effective student supervision with large proportions of his final year project student’s having won prizes and been published. Many of his projects are industry-linked and provide an enhanced student experience for those that complete them.


Teaching Programmes

  • Levels 2 & 3, Mechanical Design A & B (comprising mechanical design and machine elements theory)

Professor Dearn teaches Mechanical Engineering Design (a combination of machine element theory, applied mechanics, principles of engineering design and framed by a complex design project) to second- and third-year students (c. 500 students, 44 contact hours over two semesters, 20 credits, and equivalent to 400 effort hours). The module incorporates an innovative delivery method based around the principle of student-centered learning and highly contextualised material with real-world examples that are drawn from his industrial and research experience.

  • Level 3: Integrated Design Project Supervision

Professor Dearn supervises 3 teams of 5 undergraduates as they execute a project to identify a market need, develop a novel solution to the problem and prepare and present a business case to compete for financing to commercialise the team’s solution. This assignment is a real challenge that requires the teams to successfully apply core engineering with a full range of other professional skills. This course provides a highly effective mechanism for generating new research ideas and collaborations, with patents filed and projects receiving subsequent funding to assist in accelerating the prototypes to become products.

  • Levels 3, 4 and MSc: Final year research project

Professor Dearn supervises ~14 projects per year related to design, tribology and machine element theory. These have included projects in collaboration with schools from across the University (as examples he has supervised students studying airflow around rotating gears with the School of Chemical Engineering, and, Designing bicycle pedals that record force with the School of Sport and Exercise Science). Many of these projects are industrially linked with industrial partners as varied as Cummins Diesel Engines, Goodrich Aerospace, Proctor and Gamble and BP.
He also teaches on the level 4 modules; Synoptic Engineering, delivering his lecture on fundamental tribology, title: Science Friction, and the Advanced Vehicle Module led by Dr. Richard Hood.

Postgraduate supervision

Professor Dearn works with colleagues in the Railways and Vehicle Technology, and the Manufacturing research groups in the School and with colleagues from across the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. He currently supervises the following doctoral research projects:

  • Investigating the functionalisation of poly-ether-ether-ketone surfaces through the application of surface texturing for friction and wear control within all polymeric joint prosthesis. Mr. Christopher Harris, Ph. D., 2014 – 2018, supported by a School of Mechanical Engineering Scholarship with an Industrial contribution.
  • Design and evaluation of devices for the treatment of intervertebral disc disorders. Ms. Alicja Kubiac, Ph. D., 2014 – 2019, supported by the EU – Marie Currie Actions ITN – Spinal Implant Design.
  • Tribological test methods for polymers in roll/ slide applications. Miss Zainab Shukur, Ph.D., 2015-2019, supported by an Iraqi Government scholarship.
  • Reduction of parasitic losses in zero emissions liquid air engines. Mr. Iestyn Stead, Ph.D., 2016-2020, Industrial Fellow Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 and Institution of Mechanical Engineers Lawrence Arthur Foster Scholar, supported by Dearman and an EPSRC doctoral scholarship.
  • SURFUNC: Surface Functionalisation for improved tribological interactions, Mr. James Firth, Ph. D, 2017-2021. supported by Dearman and the EPSRC – National Productivity Investment Fund
  • Acoustic Emission from Orthopaedic Interactions, Miss Khadijat Olorunlambe, Ph.D., 2018 – 2022, supported by a School of Engineering Scholarship
  • Sliding and Structural Abrasive Wear Behaviour of SiC against Si3N4 with Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) and Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) Coatings, Mr. Septinus Saa, MSc by Research, 2016 – 2018, supported by an Indonesian Government Scholarship

He has supervised to completion, the following:

  • Dr. Joshua Shenker, Interaction of alternative fuels and lubrication – A tribological study of engine durability, Ph. D., 2009 – 2014, currently a Senior Design Engineer at Precision Robotics.
  • Dr. Ekarong Sukjit, Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines, Ph. D., 2009 – 2013, awarded FK Bannister (2010) & Austin Rover Prizes (2012) – the University of Birmingham, currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Suraneree University of Technology.
  • Dr. Hua Xin, Suitability of Poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) for total disc replacements, Ph. D., 2009 –2014, awarded the FK Bannister Prize (2011) – the University of Birmingham, currently an Academic Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
  • Dr. Thomas Hoskins, Design and Characterisation of Polymers and Composites Machine Elements, 2010 – 2015, awarded the Dudley Docker Prize – the University of Birmingham, currently a Structures Engineer at McLaren Racing
  • Dr. David Eckold, Spinal Implants – The Problem of Debris, 2011 – 2016, currently a Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
  • Dr. Mohammad Fayed, Effect of Alternative Fuels on Exhaust Emissions and Lubricant Properties in Engines Equipped With After-treatment Systems, Ph.D., 2013 –2017, currently an Associate Professor at Bagdad University, Iraq.
  • Dr Feras Adnan Alnaimat, Synthetic joint capsule for joint replacement implants, Ph. D., 2013 – 2017
  • Dr. Davidson Lütkenhaus, Engineering understanding of mechanical forces in cleaning processes, Ph. D., 2014 – 2017, awarded the 12th Formulation Engineering Conference – Best Oral Presentation Prize, currently a research engineer at Procter & Gamble.
  • Dr. A Gonzalez, Design and development of dynamic orthopedic implants to improve surgical treatment of the spine, Ph. D., 2014 – 2018, currently a Prosthesis Engineer at Morriston Hospital in Swansea

International visiting Ph.D. Scholars:

  • Mr. H Ding, Durability assessment DISI Fuel injection Equipment, Ph.D., 2012 –2013, Tsinghua University, China
  • Mr. J Po, Application of Novel Mn+1AXn Ceramics and Advanced Processing Technologies in Fuel Injection Equipment, Ph.D., 2013 –2014, HUST, Wuhan, Hubei, China

The Tribology Research Group are always looking to recruit talented and committed engineers. If you are interested in working in the group then please get in touch. Researchers who would like to join our research team may apply for scholarship and fellowship opportunities, for more details contact


Karl is an expert in mechanical design and tribology and his research focuses predominantly on making mechanical components and devices achieve higher levels of efficiency and performance. His work uses design methodologies founded on the fundamental principles of mechanics. This is catalysed by the development of tribological methods and techniques and experience in materials science and mathematical tools to understand problems. He leads the Mason Institute of Tribology.

Karl has recently filed a UK patent (No.) for a novel active ball valve for high temperature, severe service applications which are currently being developed and tested by IMI critical engineering.

His research activities theme can be broadly grouped as:

Polymer tribology

  • Friction, wear, and lubrication of engineering polymer and polymer for composites machine elements. Polymer gearing technology.


  • Engine and component lubrication and durability particularly fuel injection equipment. The physical and chemical properties of fuels, lubricants and novel additives; condition monitoring and inspection of mechanical systems.


  • Design and development of spinal implants, tribology of disc arthroplasty, tribological characterisation of novel materials


  • Application of engineering science and computer-aided engineering in the design of products, applications of innovative design methodologies and symbiosis, knowledge transfer and management

Funding supporting Dr. Dearn’s current research portfolio (all values at FEC) includes:

  • EPSRC, Born Slippy: A Tribological Discourse on Hysterosalpingography as a Therapeutic Treatment for Infertile Women, £315,866, [EP/R041407/1] Principal Investigator
  • EPSRC - Newton Fund, Dearman liquid air TRU systems for cold chain in India, £227,995, collaboration with Dearman, Cartwright Group, Cold Ex India, Replicon, Arctic Refrigeration Systems India, IIT Bombay, India, [EP/P025838/1, ]Principal Investigator
  • ROYAL COMMISSION FOR THE EXHIBITION OF 1851 – Industrial Fellowship, Reduction of Parasitic Losses in Zero Emissions Liquid Air Engines, £49596, Principal Investigator
  • Singapore Metro Rail Transport (SMRT), Insulated Rail Joint (IRJ) Condition Monitoring Techniques, £225330, Co-Investigator
  • Innovate UK – Energy Catalyst, LAir Dearman Engine for Power and Cooling in Confined Spaces, £149348, collaboration with Dearman, [EP/P032052/1] Co-Investigator
  • Innovate UK/ EPSRC, Knowledge Transfer Partnership, Process design for narrow strip steel
  • for the production of saw blades, £355865, collaboration with Liberty Performance Steels, [KTP 11144], Academic lead
  • EPSRC – National Productivity Infrastructure Fund, Lub-LAES – High-performance Lubrication systems for Liquid Air Engine Systems, £70000, collaboration with Dearman, [EP/R512436/1], Principal Supervisor
  • European Union – European Regional Development Fund, Accelerating Thermal Energy Technology Adoption (ATETA), £4.5M. strategic fund

The post-doctoral researchers in the Tribology Research Group under Dr. Dearn’s supervision:

  • Dr. David Eckold, Research Fellow on EU-ERDF: ATETA. UoB, 2017 – 2020
  • Dr. Anjana Kothandaraman, Research Fellow, EPSRC Born Slippy, UoB, 2018 – 2020
  • Dr. Amir Hajiyavand, Research Fellow, EPSRC Born Slippy, UoB, 2018 – 2020
  • Dr. Piyamon Poapongsakorn, Research Fellow, Newton - EPSRC, UoB, 2018 – 2020
  • Dr. Jialiang Yu, Research Fellow on SMRT Project Insulated Rail Joint (IRJ) Condition Monitoring Techniques, (BCCRE) 2017 – 2019

Other activities

Student Enrichment and support of teaching

  • Facility advisor – UBRacing, the Formula Student team with 10 years experience
  • Coniston team building exercise
  • Dual degree programme lead with the Hefei University of Technology, China and Suraneree University of Technology, Thailand
  • Industrial placement supervisor
  • Personal tutor
  • Funding to support L&T is approximately £100K, from the British Council, the Higher Education Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering and industry
  • Other teaching responsibilities include sitting on L&T committees, representing the School externally and course development

School Administration

  • School of Engineering Aerospace Degree Programme Lead
  • REF 2021 – SoE Environmental Template Lead

College roles

  • The Energy Institute Management Group
  • Chair: The Energy Capital Climate-KIC Accelerator program
  • Co-director of the £12.5M EPSRC and Industrially funded Birmingham Centre for Cryogenic Energy Storage

External positions

  • External examiner at Swansea University and University of Sheffield
  • Grant reviewer and evaluator for the Royal Academy of Engineering, British Council, Government of Ireland, and, overseas universities.
  • The institution of Mechanical Engineers – Trustee Board Prizes and Awards Committee
  • Chair of the Whitworth Awards Panel – As Chair of the Whitworth Panel Dr. Dearn has overseen the disbursement of approximately £1M of awards that have enabled c. 100 former apprentices read for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
  • Dr. Dearn is a registered STEM ambassador and engaged in outreach at all levels.


A full list of Karl’s publications can be found on Google Scholar.

Selected journal publications

  • Xu, Y., Liu, Z., Dearn, K.D., Dong, Y., You, T., Hu, X., Thermo-tribological behaviour of microgels for improved aqueous lubrication for steel/UHMWPE contact (2018),
  • Tribology International, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2018.08.039.
  • Kubiak, A. J., Lindqvist-Jones, K., Dearn, K.D., Shepherd, D. E. T.,Comparison of the mechanical properties of two designs of polyaxial pedicle screw, (2018), Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2018.08.023
  • Hoskins, T.J., Dearn, K.D., Kukureka, S.N., Mechanical performance of PEEK produced by additive manufacturing, (2018), Polymer Testing, 70, pp. 511-519, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.08.008.
  • Gonzalez Alvarez, A., Dearn, K.D., Lawless, B.M., Lavecchia, C.E., Vommaro, F., Martikos, K., Greggi, T., Shepherd, D.E.T., Design and mechanical evaluation of a novel dynamic growing rod to improve the surgical treatment of Early Onset Scoliosis(2018) Materials and Design, 155, pp. 334-345. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2018.06.008
  • Dearn, K.D., Moorcroft, H., Sukjit, E., Poapongsakorn, P., Hu, E.Z., Xu, Y.F., Hu, X.G., The tribology of fructose derived biofuels for DISI gasoline engines,(2018) Fuel, 224, pp. 226-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.03.082
  • Cheng, L., Yu, D., Hu, E., Tang, Y., Hu, K., Dearn, K.D., Hu, X., Wang, M., Surface modified rice husk ceramic particles as a functional additive: Improving the tribological behaviour of aluminium matrix composites,(2018) Carbon Letters, 26 (1), pp. 51-60. DOI: 10.5714/CL.2018.26.051
  • Dearn, K.D., Kukureka, S.N., Walton, D., Engineering polymers and composites for machine elements,(2018) Handbook of Polymer Tribology, pp. 441-479.DOI: 10.1142/9789813227798_0013
  • Eckold, D.G., Dearn, K.D., Shepherd, D.E.T., Wear debris from total joint replacements: evaluation of automated categorisation by scale-invariant feature transforms (2018) Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization, 6 (2), pp. 226-232. DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2016.1230075
  • Peng, Y., Xu, Y., Dearn, K.D., Geng, J., Hu, X., Novel in situ tribo-catalysis for improved tribological properties of bio-oil model compound (2018) Fuel, 212, pp. 546-553. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.10.080
  • Pruncu, C.I., Braic, M., Dearn, K.D., Farcau, C., Watson, R., Constantin, L.R., Balaceanu, M., Braic, V., Vladescu, A., Corrosion and tribological performance of quasi-stoichiometric titanium containing carbo-nitride coatings, (2017) Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 10 (7), pp. 1015-1028. DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2016.09.009
  • Alnaimat, F.A., Shepherd, D.E.T., Dearn, K.D., Crack growth in medical-grade silicone and polyurethane ether elastomers, (2017) Polymer Testing, 62, pp. 225-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2017.07.002
  • Xu, Y., Peng, Y., Dearn, K.D., You, T., Geng, J., Hu, X., Fabrication and tribological characterization of laser textured boron cast iron surfaces, (2017) Surface and Coatings Technology, 313, pp. 391-401. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.02.005
  • Peng, Y., Xu, Y., Geng, J., Dearn, K.D., Hu, X., Tribological assessment of coated piston ring-cylinder liner contacts under bio-oil lubricated conditions, (2017) Tribology International, 107, pp. 283-293. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2016.12.004
  • Hu, E., Dearn, K., Yang, B., Song, R., Xu, Y., Hu, X., Tribofilm formation and characterization of lubricating oils with biofuel soot and inorganic fluorides
  • (2017) Tribology International, 107, pp. 163-172. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2016.11.035
  • Pruncu, C.I., Moustabchir, H., Dearn, K.D., The industry requirements solved by fracture mechanics (2017) Fracture Mechanics: Theory, Applications and Research, pp. 1-23. Book Chapter
  • Sukjit, E., Poapongsakorn, P., Dearn, K.D., Lapuerta, M., Sánchez-Valdepeñas, J.
  • Investigation of the lubrication properties and tribological mechanisms of oxygenated compounds (2017) Wear, 376-377, pp. 836-842. DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2017.02.007
  • Moustabchir, H., Alaoui, M.A.H., Babaoui, A., Dearn, K.D., Pruncu, C.I., Azari, Z.The influence of variations of geometrical parameters on the notching stress intensity factors of cylindrical shells, (2017) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Poland), 55 (2), pp. 559-569. DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.2.559
  • Jiang, C., Xu, H., Srivastava, D., Ma, X., Dearn, K., Cracknell, R., Krueger-Venus, J., Effect of fuel injector deposit on spray characteristics, gaseous emissions and particulate matter in a gasoline direct injection engine, (2017) Applied Energy, 203, pp. 390-402. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.06.020
  • Li, B., Dearn, D.K., Liu, Y., Hu, E., Xu, Y., Hu, X. Effect of emulsified biomass-fuel on the film formation behavior of diesel engine lubricating oil (2016) Shiyou Xuebao, Shiyou Jiagong/Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), 32 (6), pp. 1142-1149. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-8719.2016.06.009
  • Hu, E., Hu, K., Dearn, K.D., Hu, X., Xu, Y., Yu, D., Gu, H., Tang, Y. Tribological performance of rice husk ceramic particles as a solid additive in liquid paraffin (2016) Tribology International, 103, pp. 139-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2016.06.035
  • Xu, Y., Geng, J., Zheng, X., Dearn, K.D., Hu, X. Friction-Induced Transformation from Graphite Dispersed in Esterified Bio-Oil to Graphene (2016) Tribology Letters, 63 (2), art. no. 18,. DOI: 10.1007/s11249-016-0708-5
  • Alnaimat, F.A., Shepherd, D.E.T., Dearn, K.D., The effect of synthetic polymer lubricants on the friction between common arthroplasty bearing biomaterials for encapsulated spinal implants (2016) Tribology International, 98, pp. 20-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2016.02.014
  • Hu, E., Hu, K., Xu, Z., Hu, X., Dearn, K.D., Xu, Y., Xu, Y., Xu, L. Investigation into the morphology, composition, structure and dry tribological behavior of rice husk ceramic particles (2016) Applied Surface Science, 366, pp. 372-382. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.01.116
  • Lütkenhaus, D., Cao, H., Dearn, K.D., Bakalis, S.The tribology of cleaning processes (2016) Tribology Online, 11 (2), pp. 298-307. DOI: 10.2474/trol.11.298
  • Xu, Y., Peng, Y., Dearn, K.D., Zheng, X., Yao, L., Hu, X. Synergistic lubricating behaviors of graphene and MoS2 dispersed in esterified bio-oil for steel/steel contact (2015) Wear, 342-343, pp. 297-309. DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2015.09.011
  • Wo, H., Dearn, K.D., Song, R., Hu, E., Xu, Y., Hu, X. Morphology, composition, and structure of carbon deposits from diesel and biomass oil/diesel blends on a pintle-type fuel injector nozzle (2015) Tribology International, 91, pp. 189-196. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.07.003
  • Xu, Y., Peng, Y., Zheng, X., Dearn, K.D., Xu, H., Hu, X. Synthesis and tribological studies of nanoparticle additives for pyrolysis bio-oil formulated as a diesel fuel (2015) Energy, 83, pp. 80-88. DOI: 10.1016/
  • Eckold, D.G., Dearn, K.D., Shepherd, D.E.T. The evolution of polymer wear debris from total disc arthroplasty (2015) Biotribology, 1-2, pp. 42-50. DOI: 0.1016/j.biotri.2015.04.002
  • Dearn, K., Xu, J., Ding, H., Xu, H., Weall, A., Kirkby, P., Cooper, B., Edington, I., Krueger-Venus, J. An Investigation into the Characteristics of DISI Injector Deposits Using Advanced Analytical Methods (2014) SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 7 (3), pp. 771-782. DOI: 10.4271/2014-01-2722
  • Tira, H.S., Tsolakis, A., Turner, D., Herreros, J.M., Dearn, K.D., Theinnoi, K., Wyszynski, M.L., Influence of fuel properties, hydrogen, and reformate additions on diesel-biogas dual-fueled engine, (2014) Journal of Energy Engineering, 140 (3), art. no. A4014003, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000173
  • Xu, Y., Zheng, X., Hu, X., Dearn, K.D., Xu, H., Effect of catalytic esterification on the friction and wear performance of bio-oil (2014) Wear, 311 (1-2), pp. 93-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.12.029
  • Hoskins, T.J., Dearn, K.D., Chen, Y.K., Kukureka, S.N. The wear of PEEK in rolling-sliding contact - Simulation of polymer gear applications (2014) Wear, 309 (1-2), pp. 35-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.09.014
  • Sukjit, E., Herreros, J.M., Dearn, K., Tsolakis, A., Improving Ethanol-Diesel Blend Through the Use of Hydroxylated Biodiesel (2014) SAE Technical Papers, 2014-October, DOI: 10.4271/2014-01-2776
  • Soleimanian, N., Jolly, M., Dearn, K., Brinkman, O., Brinkman, W., Effect of batch initial velocity on the glass furnace efficiency, (2014) TMS Annual Meeting, pp. 207-213. DOI: 10.1002/9781118888735.ch26
  • Hu, E., Hu, X., Liu, T., Song, R., Dearn, K.D., Xu, H., Role of TiF3 catalyst in the tribological properties of biofuel soot-contaminated liquid paraffin, (2014) Tribology International, 77, pp. 122-131, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2014.04.022

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