Recent publications
Yu, K, Li, F, Chen, X, Hua, H, Yin, M, Yang, Q, Jiang, Y, Shao, J & Naidoo, P 2025, 'Mean-variance Trading Portfolio Selection for A Class of Energy Retailers', CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.
Shao, J, Zhong, S, Tian, M & Liu, Y 2024, 'Combining fuzzy MCDM with Kano model and FMEA: A novel 3-phase MCDM method for reliable assessment', Annals of Operations Research.
Ghadiridehkordi, A, Shao, J, Boojihawon, R, Wang, Q & Li, H 2024, 'Leveraging Sentiment Analysis via Text Mining to Improve Customer Satisfaction in UK Banks', International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Chatoro, M, Mitra, S, Pantelous, AA & Shao, J 2023, 'Catastrophe bond pricing in the primary market: the issuer effect and pricing factors', International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 85, 102431.
Hodds, M, Shao, J & Lawson, D 2020, 'Changes in student entry competencies 2001 - 2017', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, pp. 1859-1874.,
Hardiman, N, Burgin, S & Shao, J 2020, 'How Sharks and Shark–Human Interactions are Reported in Major Australian Newspapers', Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 7, 2683.
Khzouz, M, Gkanas, E, Shao, J, Sher, F, Beherskyi, D, El-Kharouf, A & Qubeissi, MA 2020, 'Life Cycle Costing Analysis: Tools and Applications for Determining Hydrogen Production Cost for Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology', Energies, vol. 13, no. 15, 3783.,,
Kallinterakis, V, Liu, F, Pantelous, A & Shao, J 2020, 'Pricing inefficiencies and feedback trading: evidence from country ETFs', International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 70, 101498.
Hardiman, N, Burgin, S & Shao, J 2019, 'News media portrayal of attributed stakeholder attitudes to shark management in Australia', Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 548-563.
Shao, J, Pantelous, A, Ayyub, B, Chan, SL & Nadarajah, S 2017, 'Nuclear Catastrophe Risk Bonds in a Markov Dependent Environment', ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4.
Shao, J, Papaioannou, A & Pantelous, A 2017, 'Pricing and Simulating Catastrophe Risk Bonds in a Markov-dependent Environment', Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 309, pp. 68-84.
Shao, J, Joseph, NL & El-Masry, AA 2024, Models of option pricing. in Handbook Of Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, And Financial Derivatives. vol. 1, World Scientific, pp. 117-170.
Conference contribution
Ayyub, B, Pantelous, A & Shao, J 2016, Towards Resilience to Catastrophic Events: Financing Liabilities via Catastrophe Risk Bonds. in Economics of Community Disaster Resilience Workshop Proceedings.
Khzouz, M, Gkanas, E & Shao, J 2018, 'Life Cycle Costing Analysis for Determining Hydrogen Cost for Mobility Applications'.
Shao, J, Zhao, X & Luis, M 2024 'Impact of COVID-19 on Chinese Consumers’ Shopping Channels Choice for Daily Necessaries: Evidence from an Online Survey' SSRN, Elsevier. <>
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