Professor Jamie Alcock BA MA PhD

Prof. Jamie Alcock

School of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics and Finance
Deputy-Dean, Jinan-Birmingham Joint Institute

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Jamie Alcock is the Professor of Mathematics and Finance at the University of Birmingham and leads the Financial Mathematics programme. He has previously held senior positions at the University of Oxford, The University of Sydney, The University of Cambridge, and at his alma mater The University of Queensland, Australia. He has also taught at several summer schools at Renmin University in Beijing, China and served as a Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge.

Jamie's research explores the pricing and management of convexity in finance and real estate, with a particular interest in convex dependence structures. He has produced over forty refereed articles and has published across the full range of financial scholarship including The Journal of Finance, Quantitative Finance (Lead Paper), the Review of Finance, The Journal of Futures Markets, The Journal of Banking and Finance, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Finance Research Letters, The Journal of International Money and Finance, Abacus, The Journal of Portfolio Management, among others.

Jamie has been awarded numerous prizes for research and teaching excellence including the best paper at the European Real Estate Conference, which receives over 500 submissions annually and was nominated for the Wayne Lonergan Prize (USyd) for teaching excellence four times.

He has been awarded well over £1 million of external income, won through (non-FEC) competitive research grants and industry sponsorship.

Professor Alcock is particularly proud of his PhD students, with 8 (of 9) receiving international prizes for the excellence of the research conducted under his supervision, as well as their theses passing without corrections. His former students have attracted job offers from the Universities of Cambridge, Cornell, Purdue, Iowa, Penn State, NSW, Melbourne, QLD, as well as Google, Blackrock and Citibank.

At the University of Birmingham, Professor Alcock will also serve as Deputy Dean of the Jinan-Birmingham Joint Institute.


  • PhD, University of Queensland, Australia
  • MA, University of Cambridge
  • BA (Hons 1), University of Queensland, Australia

Postgraduate supervision

Mathematical Finance, Real Estate Finance, Quantitative methods in Finance


Recent publications


Alcock, J & Satchell, S 2017, Asymetric Dependence in Finance: Diversification, Correlation and Portfolio Management in Market Downturns. Wiley-VCH Verlag.


Menkveld, AJ, Dreber, A, Holzmeister, F, Huber, J, Johannesson, M, Kirchler, M, Neusüß, S, Razen, M, Weitzel, U, Abad‐Díaz, D, Abudy, M, Adrian, T, Ait‐Sahalia, Y, Akmansoy, O, Alcock, JT, Alexeev, V, Aloosh, A, Amato, L, Amaya, D, Angel, JJ, Avetikian, AT, Bach, A, Baidoo, E, Bakalli, G, Bao, L, Barbon, A, Bashchenko, O, Bindra, PC, Bjønnes, GH, Black, JR, Black, BS, Bogoev, D, Correa, SB, Bondarenko, O, Bos, CS, Bosch‐Rosa, C, Bouri, E, Brownlees, C, Calamia, A, Cao, VN, Capelle‐Blancard, G, Romero, LMC, Caporin, M, Carrion, A, Caskurlu, T, Chakrabarty, B, Chen, J, Chernov, M, Cheung, W, Chincarini, LB, Chordia, T, Chow, SC, Clapham, B, Colliard, JE, Comerton‐Forde, C, Curran, E, Dao, T, Dare, W, Davies, RJ, Blasis, RD, Nard, GFD, Declerck, F, Deev, O, Degryse, H, Deku, SY, Desagre, C, van Dijk, MA, Dim, C, Dimpfl, T, Dong, YJ, Drummond, PA, Dudda, T, Duevski, T, Dumitrescu, A, Dyakov, T, Dyhrberg, AH, Dzieliński, M, Eksi, A, Kalak, IE, Ellen, ST, Eugster, N, Evans, MDD, Farrell, M, Felez‐vinas, E, Ferrara, G, Ferrouhi, EM, Flori, A, Fluharty‐jaidee, JT, Foley, SDV, Fong, KYL, Foucault, T, Franus, T, Franzoni, F, Frijns, B, Frömmel, M, Fu, SM, Füllbrunn, SC, Gan, B, Gao, G, Gehrig, TP, Gemayel, R, Gerritsen, D, Gil‐Bazo, J, Gilder, D, Glosten, LR, Gomez, T, Gorbenko, A, Grammig, J, Grégoire, V, Güçbilmez, U, Hagströmer, B, Hambuckers, J, Hapnes, E, Harris, JH, Harris, L, Hartmann, S, Hasse, JB, Hautsch, N, He, XZ, Heath, D, Hediger, S, Hendershott, T, Hibbert, AM, Hjalmarsson, E, Hoelscher, SA, Hoffmann, P, Holden, CW, Horenstein, AR, Huang, W, Huang, D, Hurlin, C, Ilczuk, K, Ivashchenko, A, Iyer, SR, Jahanshahloo, H, Jalkh, N, Jones, CM, Jurkatis, S, Jylhä, P, Kaeck, AT, Kaiser, G, Karam, A, Karmaziene, E, Kassner, B, Kaustia, M, Kazak, E, Kearney, F, Kervel, VV, Khan, SA, Khomyn, MK, Klein, T, Klein, O, Klos, A, Koetter, M, Kolokolov, A, Korajczyk, RA, Kozhan, R, Krahnen, JP, Kuhle, P, Kwan, A, Lajaunie, Q, Lam, FYEC, Lambert, M, Langlois, H, Lausen, J, Lauter, T, Leippold, M, Levin, V, Li, Y, Li, H, Liew, CY, Lindner, T, Linton, O, Liu, J, Liu, A, Llorente, G, Lof, M, Lohr, A, Longstaff, F, Lopez‐Lira, A, Mankad, S, Mano, N, Marchal, A, Martineau, C, Mazzola, F, Meloso, D, Mi, MG, Mihet, R, Mohan, V, Moinas, S, Moore, D, Mu, L, Muravyev, D, Murphy, D, Neszveda, G, Neumeier, C, Nielsson, U, Nimalendran, M, Nolte, S, Norden, LL, O'Neill, P, Obaid, K, Ødegaard, BA, Östberg, P, Pagnotta, E, Painter, M, Palan, S, Palit, IJ, Park, A, Pascual, R, Pasquariello, P, Pastor, L, Patel, V, Patton, AJ, Pearson, ND, Pelizzon, L, Pelli, M, Pelster, M, Pérignon, C, Pfiffer, C, Philip, R, Plíhal, T, Prakash, P, Press, O, Prodromou, T, Prokopczuk, M, Putnins, T, Qian, Y, Raizada, G, Rakowski, D, Ranaldo, A, Regis, L, Reitz, S, Renault, T, Renjie, RW, Reno, R, Riddiough, SJ, Rinne, K, Rintamäki, P, Riordan, R, Rittmannsberger, T, Longarela, IR, Roesch, D, Rognone, L, Roseman, B, Roşu, I, Roy, S, Rudolf, N, Rush, SR, Rzayev, K, Rzeźnik, AA, Sanford, A, Sankaran, H, Sarkar, A, Sarno, L, Scaillet, O, Scharnowski, S, Schenk‐hoppé, KR, Schertler, A, Schneider, M, Schroeder, F, Schürhoff, N, Schuster, P, Schwarz, MA, Seasholes, MS, Seeger, NJ, Shachar, O, Shkilko, A, Shui, J, Sikic, M, Simion, G, Smales, LA, Söderlind, P, Sojli, E, Sokolov, K, Sönksen, J, Spokeviciute, L, Stefanova, D, Subrahmanyam, MG, Szaszi, B, Talavera, O, Tang, Y, Taylor, N, Tham, WW, Theissen, E, Thimme, J, Tonks, I, Tran, H, Trapin, L, Trolle, AB, Vaduva, MA, Valente, G, van Ness, RA, Vasquez, A, Verousis, T, Verwijmeren, P, Vilhelmsson, A, Vilkov, G, Vladimirov, V, Vogel, S, Voigt, S, Wagner, W, Walther, T, Weiss, P, Wel, MVD, Werner, IM, Westerholm, PJ, Westheide, C, Wika, HC, Wipplinger, E, Wolf, M, Wolff, CCP, Wolk, L, Wong, WK, Wrampelmeyer, J, Wu, ZX, Xia, S, Xiu, D, Xu, K, Xu, C, Yadav, PK, Yagüe, J, Yan, C, Yang, A, Yoo, W, Yu, W, Yu, Y, Yu, S, Yueshen, BZ, Yuferova, D, Zamojski, M, Zareei, A, Zeisberger, SM, Zhang, L, Zhang, SS, Zhang, X, Zhao, L, Zhong, Z, Zhou, ZI, Zhou, C, Zhu, XS, Zoican, M & Zwinkels, R 2024, 'Nonstandard Errors', The Journal of Finance.

Alcock, J & Sinagl, P 2022, 'International determinants of asymmetric dependence in investment returns', Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 122, 102576.

Alcock, J, Aspris, A, Satchell, S, Segara, R, Wright, D & Yao, J 2019, 'Testing for price bubbles in Australia listed equities and A-REIT markets', AJAF – The Australasian Journal of Applied Finance.

Alcock, J & Andrlikova, P 2018, 'Asymmetric Dependence in Real Estate Investment Trusts: An Asset-Pricing Analysis', Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 183-216.

Alcock, J & Steiner, E 2018, 'Fundamental Drivers of Dependence in REIT Returns', Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 4-42.

Alcock, J & Hatherley, A 2017, 'Characterizing the asymmetric dependence premium', Review of Finance, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1701-1737.

Alcock, J & Smith, G 2017, 'Non-parametric American option valuation using Cressie–Read divergences', Australian Journal of Management, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 252-275.

Alcock, J & Steiner, E 2017, 'The Interrelationships between REIT Capital Structure and Investment', Abacus, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 371-394.

Alcock, J & Steiner, E 2017, 'Unexpected Inflation, Capital Structure, and Real Risk-adjusted Firm Performance', Abacus, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 273-298.


Alcock, J & Andrlikova, P 2017, Asymmetric Dependence, Persistence and Firm-Level Stock Return Predictability. in Assymetric Dependence in Finance: Diversification, Correlation and Portfolio Management in Market Downturns. Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 198-220.

Low, RKY, Alcock, J, Faff, R & Brailsford, T 2017, Canonical Vine Copulas in the Context of Modern Portfolio Management: Are They Worth it? in Assymetric Dependence in Finance: Diversification, Correlation and Portfolio Management in Market Downturns. Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 263-289.

Alcock, J & Hatherley, A 2017, Disappointment Aversion, Asset Pricing and Measuring Asymmetric Dependence. in Assymetric Dependence in Finance: Diversification, Correlation and Portfolio Management in Market Downturns. Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 1-16.

Alcock, J & Hatherley, A 2017, The Price of Asymmetric Dependence. in Assymetric Dependence in Finance: Diversification, Correlation and Portfolio Management in Market Downturns. Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 47-74.

Other contribution

Alcock, J 2017, Houses aren’t more unaffordable for first home buyers, but they are riskier. The Conversation .

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