Dr Simon Scott

Photograph of Dr Simon Scott

Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences
Associate Professor

Contact details

Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences Hub
ERI Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

My research interests include interdisciplinarity, the philosophy of interdisciplinarity, and ancient and continental philosophy.

I convene the University of Birmingham’s Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, which is open to all staff at the university.

I am co-editing the article collection ‘Practice-Based Research of Interdisciplinary Higher Education’ for the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications of Springer Nature with Ida Kemp, Catherine Lyall, and Iris van der Tuin.


  • BA (Kent)
  • MA (Royal Holloway)
  • PhD (Warwick)
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


  • Stage One: From Research to Policy I and II; One Planet Thinking and Living
  • Stage Two: Interdisciplinarity: Study & Practice
  • Stage Three: LANS Independent Research Project (supervision)
  • Masters: The World of Interdisciplinary Research


  • Scott, S. and Kemp, I. (co-editors). 2024. Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching: Practice and Pedagogies. Ethics Publishing Press.
  • Scott S. 2024. ‘The Ethics of Interdisciplinarity’ in Scott S. and Kemp, I. Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching: Practice and Pedagogies. Ethics Publishing Press.
  • Scott. S. 2022.  ‘Two Central Challenges that Arise in an Introduction to Interdisciplinarity Module (and Responses to them)’, Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 40(2).
  • Scott, S., 2020. Loving and Living Well: the Importance of Shame in Plato’s Phaedrus. In Emotions in Plato (pp. 270-284). Brill.
  • Scott, S., 2018. The Artistry of the Priest and the Philosopher: Ressentiment in Gilles Deleuze's Nietzsche and Philosophy. In The Polemics of Ressentiment: Variations on Nietzsche (pp.51-63). Bloomsbury Academic.