Recent publications
Thornhill, C 2024, A Sociology of Post-Imperial Constitutions: Suppressed Civil War and Colonized Citizens. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Delgado, L & Thornhill, C 2024, 'Conjunctures of democracy erosion: Is Brazil a global paradigm of resilience?', Direito Publico, vol. 21, no. 110, pp. 121-150.
Thornhill, C 2024, 'Constitutional Law and Cultures of Violence', Historical Social Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 34-64. <>
Thornhill, C 2023, 'Indigenous Rights as a Field of Sociological Research', Studia Iuridica, vol. 96, pp. 374-404.
Thornhill, C 2022, 'Constitutionalism and Warfare', Direito Publico, vol. 19, no. 102, pp. 343-366.
Thornhill, C 2025, Modern Law and the Military System: The Missing Soldier? in R Rogowski (ed.), Research Handbook on Law and Systems Theory. Edward Elgar.
Thornhill, C 2025, Sociology of Constitutions. in U Schultz, H Hydén & P Scharff Smith (eds), International Encyclopaedia of the Sociology of Law. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Thornhill, C 2024, Democracy and Changing Security Landscapes: In Search of Constitutional Conjunctures. in M Deflem (ed.), Democracy, Governance and Law. Emerald, Leeds, pp. 75-91.
Thornhill, C 2024, Sovereignty and Exceptionalism: Rights, Constitutions and Security. in M Diamantides & M Rosenfeld (eds), Handbook on the law and politics of sovereignty. Edward Elgar.
Thornhill, C 2023, Global Law. in G Verschraegen & R Vanderstraeten (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Social Theory. Edward Elgar.
Thornhill, C 2023, Legal Pluralism and the Army: Legal Sociology as Military Sociology. in H Hydén, R Cotterrell, D Nelken & U Schultz (eds), Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law: An Homage to Reza Banakar. 1 edn, Oñati International Series in Law and Society, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 93-109. <>
Thornhill, C 2023, Luhmann and Constitutional Sociology: Law and Functional Differentiation Revisited. in R Rogowski (ed.), The Anthem Companion to Niklas Luhmann. Anthem Companions to Sociology, Anthem Press, London. <>
Thornhill, C 2023, Teaching the Political Sociology of Law. in W Outhwaite & L Ray (eds), Teaching Political Sociology. Elgar Guides to Teaching, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK, pp. 149-171.
Thornhill, C 2023, The Weimar Constitution as a Military Constitution. in GF Fonseca, MALLD Barros & LF Amato (eds), Contemporary Socio-Legal Studies: empirical and global perspectives. 1 edn, University of São Paulo Law School, São Paulo, pp. 177-214.
Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
Thornhill, C 2023, Constitutionalism: Sociology of. in M Sellers & S Kirste (eds), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. 1 edn, Springer, pp. 583-590.
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