Recent publications
Cohen, Z, Hahn, O, Rabin, I & Ward, A 2024, 'Centenary Paper: Of inks and scribes: The composition of a thirteenth-century Castilian manuscript – British Library Res 20787', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 101, no. 8, pp. 703-720.
Cugliana, E, Ward, A, van Zundert, J, Kuczera, A & Gruntgens, M 2024, 'Computational Approaches and the Epistemology of Scholarly Editing', International Journal of Digital Humanities.
Ward, A & He, S 2024, 'Medieval reading in the twenty-first century? Eye tracking and medieval manuscripts', Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 39, no. 4, fqae056, pp. 1134–1155. <>
Ward, A 2023, 'Batallas cibdadanas y un emperador 'muy bueno e muy esforçado en todos los fechos que cometie'- Octaviano César augusto en la general estoria y la estoria de Espanna: Octaviano César augusto en la general estoria y la estoria de Espanna', Cahiers d'Études Hispaniques Médiévales, vol. 45, pp. 89-112.
Ward, A 2023, 'Humanities Computing? La corónica's 50 Years of Innovation', La Corónica, vol. 50, no. 1-2, pp. 197-205. <>
Ward, A 2022, 'Of digital surrogates and immaterial objects: the (digital) future of the Iberian manuscript in textual editing', Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 41-54.
Ward, A 2020, 'Medieval Punctuation, mise en texte and the digital world', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 97, no. 5, pp. 537–562.
Ward, A 2018, 'The Estoria de Espanna Digital: collating Medieval prose - challenges... and more challenges', Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 65-92.
Ward, A, Abbott, H, Mitchell, RN, Edmond, J & Doran, M 2024, Digital Scholarly Editing and the Crisis of Knowledge Technology. in Twenty-First Century Digital Editing & Publishing. Scottish Universities Press.
Ward, A 2024, Editing digital knowledge: Alfonso el Sabio's Estoria de Espanna in the 21st century. in OV Aurov, AV Marey & R Pichel (eds), Историк и власть, историк во власти: эпоха Альфонсо Х Мудрого. Alma Mater, Moscow, pp. 467-495.
Ward, A 2018, El buen gobierno en la Estoria de Espanna: el ejemplo de la historia romana. in Homenaje a Georges Martin. Éditions Classiques Garnier.
Data set/Database
Ward, A & Smith, C, estoriadigital/Transcriptions 1.0.0, 2019, Data set/Database, Zenodo.
Ward, A 2020, 'Introduction: The Estoria de Espanna de Alfonso X el Sabio in the Twenty-first Century', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 97, no. 5, pp. 439-442.
Branford, S, Ward, A & Smith, C, estoriadigital/Estoria-Admin 1.0.0, 2019, Software, Zenodo.
Smith, C & Ward, A, estoriadigital/Estoria-de-Espanna-Digital 1.0.0, 2019, Software, Zenodo.
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