Professor Deirdre Kelly CBE FRCP, FRCPI, FRCPCH, MD

Deirdre Kelly

Department of Immunology and Immunotherapy
Professor of Paediatric Hepatology

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Clinical academic with significant experience in clinical and basic research into paediatric liver disease and liver transplantation, rare genetic liver disease and viral hepatitis in children. Chief/Principal Investigator of many national and international multicentre clinical trials.

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  • FRCPCH, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 1997
  • FRCP, Royal College of Physicians (London), 1995
  • FRCPI, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 1990
  • Accreditation by JCHMT for General Medicine and Gastroenterology, 1984
  • MD, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1979
  • MB, BCh, BAO, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1973
  • BA, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1971


Professor of Paediatric Hepatology at the University of Birmingham, Consultant Paediatric Hepatologist and Founding Director of the Liver Unit for Birmingham Women’s & Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Trained in both adult and paediatric gastroenterology and hepatology. Set up the Paediatric Liver Unit at Birmingham Women’s & Children's Hospital in 1989 which provides a national and international service for children with liver failure and undergoing liver transplantation, focused on family centres care which has transformed survival and outcome for these children.

President of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) (2006-2010), British Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) (2004-2007) and the International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) (2002-2005).

Author of several textbooks about paediatric liver disease and has published many original articles and chapters on liver disease, liver transplantation and viral hepatitis.


  • CBE (Commander of the British Empire) 2016
  • ESPGHAN Distinguished Service award 2016
  • EASL Recognition Award in 2019.


  • Regular teaching to medical students, postgraduate doctors, national and international conferences, and courses.
  • Many previous PhD and MD students.
  • Current supervision: Dr Suze Warner - PhD


Research interest

Research interests include: understanding the genetic basis for neonatal liver disease, improving diagnosis using innovative genetic screening and developing models to treat genetic disease. Evaluation of diagnosis and management of paediatric liver disease with a focus on cholestatic liver disease, biliary atresia and auto-immune liver disease. My research has led to centralisation of care for children with biliary atresia; improvements in therapy for viral hepatitis in children and the quality and outcome of life following liver and/or intestinal transplantation.

Other activities

  • Aetiology and outcome of Auto-immune liver disease in children: With Professor David Wraith and Professor Ye Oo
  • Development of induced pluripotential stem cells (iPSCs) / Liver Scaffolds: With Professor Paul Gissen (UCL)
  • Aetiology, pathogenesis and therapy of Neonatal Liver Disease: With Dr Gary Reynolds and Dr Zania Stamataki
  • Quality of Life and Long-term Outcome following Transplant: With Professor David Adams, Professor Stefan Hubscher and Professor Ye Oo and an international consortium
  • Chair of GIG group (Graft Injury Group Observing Long term Graft Injury)
  • Natural History and Outcome of Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in childhood: With Professor David Savage (Cambridge); Professor Quentin Anstee (Newcastle), Dr Jake Mann & Dr Indra van Mourik (BCH)
  • European Paediatric NAFLD Registry (EU-pNAFLD): a prospective, longitudinal follow-up of children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. With Dr Patrick Kennedy, Royal London Hospital (NIHR)
  • Cohort study to evaluate the use of quantitative Hepatitis B surface Antigen as a marker to risk stratify patients of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in children and young adults

Clinical Trials (BCH/WTCRF)

  • Therapeutic trials of therapy of DAA in children with HCV (Gilead, Abbvie)
  • Therapeutic trials of Pegylated interferon/Entecavir (Roche, Bristol Myers Squibb)
  • Intercept Pharmaceuticals Clinical trial of obeticholic acid in children with biliary atresia
  • Alberio Pharmaceuticals and Mirum Pharmaceuticals Clinical trial of IBAT inhibitor in biliary Atresia
  • Lumena/Shire/Mirum Pharmaceuticals Clinical trial of ASBTi in Alagille and PFIC
  • Alynlam Pharmaceuticals Retrospective study of natural history of alpha-1-anti trypsin deficiency A1AT using machine learning