Recent publications
Callow, C 2020, Landscape, Tradition and Power in Medieval Iceland: Dalir and the Eyjafjörður region c.870-c.1265. The Northern World, vol. 80, Brill, Leiden.
Callow, C & Evans, C 2016, 'The mystery of plague in medieval Iceland', Journal of Medieval History, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 254-84.
Callow, C 2012, 'Putting women in their place? Gender and landscape in Iceland's national medieval colonisation narrative.', Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, vol. 07/2011, no. 7, pp. 7-28.
Callow, C & Mouhot, J 2008, 'A Climatic warning from history', BBC History, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 42 (1 page article).
Callow, C 2006, 'First steps towards an archaeology of children in Iceland', Archaeologia Islandica, vol. 5, pp. 55-74.
Callow, C 2022, The study of Icelandic place-names. in S Bassett & AJ Spedding (eds), Names, Texts and Landscapes in the Early Middle Ages: A Memorial Volume for Duncan W. Probert. Shaun Tyas, Donington, pp. 320-341.
Callow, C 2017, Dating and Origins. in Á Jakobsson & S Jakobsson (eds), The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas. Ashgate.
Callow, C & Harlow, M 2012, 'Left over Romans: life course in the Late Antique West'. in M Harlow & L Larsson Loven (eds), Families in the Imperial and Late Antique World. Continuum.
Callow, C 2010, Iceland's medieval coastal market places: Dögurðarnes in its economic, social and political context. in J Brendalsmo, T Gansum & F-E Eliassen (eds), Strandsteder, utvikinglingssteder og Småbyer i vikingtid, middelalder og tidlig nytid (ca.800-ca.1800). Oslo, pp. 213-229.
Callow, C, Levene, M, Johnson, R & Roberts, P 2010, People, climate and landscape in medieval Iceland and beyond? in History at the End of the World? History, Climate and the Possibility of Closure.
Callow, C 2009, Iceland's medieval costal market places: Dogurdarnes in its economic, social and political context. in J Brendalsmo, F-E Eliassen & T Gansum (eds), Den urbane underskog: Strandsteder, utvikslingssteder og smabyer I vikingtid, middelalder og tidlig nytid. Novus.
Book/Film/Article review
Callow, C 2022, 'Violence and Risk in Medieval Iceland. This Spattered Isle. By OrenFalk. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021. xiii + 358 pp. £75. ISBN 978 0 19 886604 6.', Early Medieval Europe.
Callow, C 2021, 'Julio Escalona, Orri Vésteinsson and Stuart Brookes (Eds.): Polity and Neighbourhood in Early Medieval Europe. Turnhout, Brepols, 2019, XVIII + 430 pp.', Historia Agraria, vol. 83, pp. 261-266.
Callow, C 2010, 'Review of Oral Art Forms and their Passage into Writing. Edited by Else Mundal and Jonas Wellendrof', Early Medieval Europe, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 480-482.
Callow, C 2008, 'Review of West Over Sea. Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement Before 1300. A Festschrift in Honour of Dr Barbara E. Crawford. Edited by Beverley Ballin Smith, Simon Taylor and Gareth Williams. The Northern World 31. Brill. Leiden, 2007. ISBN 978 90 04 15893 1. xxix + 581 pp. 68 illustrations', Saga-Book of the Viking Society, vol. XXXII, pp. 110-111.
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