Dr Thomas Brodie

Dr Thomas Brodie

Department of History
Assistant Professor in 20th Century European History

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I am a historian of Modern Europe, and work primarily on Germany during the Nazi and post-war periods. My first book German Catholicism at War, 1939-1945, (Oxford, 2018), explored the social and cultural histories of religion on Germany's Home Front during the Second World War. I teach a range of courses on 20th century European history, including a final-year special subject, 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich', and an advanced option on European History since 1945.

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  • DPhil in History (The University of Oxford, 2014)
  • MSt in Modern British and European History (The University of Oxford, 2010)
  • BA in History (The University of Oxford, 2009)
  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (2020). 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (University of Birmingham, 2020).


I grew up in Cardiff and am a native Welsh speaker. I read history as an undergraduate at Hertford College, Oxford, from 2006-2009, and was inspired to go into graduate work by my wonderful tutors during that period. I took an MSt at Oxford in the academic year 2009-10, and completed my doctorate at the university over the following four years. This examines the histories of the Catholic community on the German Home Front during the Second World War. My doctoral research was funded courtesy of an AHRC award in addition to the senior scholarship I held at Hertford College in 2010-12.

In 2013-14, a Hanseatic Scholarship permitted me to undertake further archival research in Berlin and other German cities, and I took up a teaching position at the University of Leeds in 2014-15. In the academic years 2015-18 I held a three-year post as a Departmental Lecturer at Jesus College, Oxford. I joined the University of Birmingham in September 2018. I am a devoted follower of the Welsh rugby and football teams and have become increasingly addicted to coffee over the course of my historical training.



  • Practicing History (B)
  • The Making of the Contemporary World
  • War and Society
  • Group Research- The American Occupation of Germany, 1944-1949
  • Special Subject: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
  • Advanced Option: Life After Death: Culture, Memory and Power in Postwar Europe
  • BA Dissertation Supervision


  • MA Module: Historical Methods
  • MA Module: Mass Society and Modernity, 1914-1945

Postgraduate supervision

I would be delighted to hear from students intending to work on any aspect of Modern German history, as well as those with thematic interests in the histories of religion, war and memory in any European context since 1800.

Find out more - our PhD History  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


My research primarily addresses the social and cultural histories of Nazi Germany, with a particular focus on the period of the Second World War and its aftermaths. My first book, German Catholicism at War, 1939-1945, analyses how a significant section of the Third Reich’s population understood and responded to the conflict, including both the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazi regime, and the devastation increasingly wrought upon German society itself. Focusing on the Rhineland and Westphalia as a case study, I combine an exploration of the Catholic Episcopate and clergy’s theological understandings of the war with a social and cultural history of religious belief, practice and mentality on the ground. Using a host of previously unused sources gathered in a range of church, state and private archives, my book makes a new contribution to our understandings of German society’s moral economy during the Second World War, and highlights how the politics of Catholic belief and community helped maintain the resilience of the Reich’s home front until 1945. The doctorate from which this book developed won the runner-up award for the Wiener Library’s Fraenkel Prize in 2014.

My new research project flows from the above, and concerns German society’s responses to bereavement during the Second World War and its aftermaths. It addresses the histories of grief and mourning in German (and Austrian) society during the Second World War itself and how they evolved afterwards, into the late 1950s, in order to pursue this question in all three of the Third Reich’s successor states. By exploring personal diaries and letters alongside artistic representations of wartime loss, the design of public spaces, war memorials and acts of commemoration, the project analyses how Nazi Germany and its successor states attempted to cope with the challenge of mass bereavement, and to address the sentiments of their populations. This project aims to go beyond top-down understandings of grief and memory as fashioned into ‘useable pasts’ by individual political regimes and seeks to uncover the wider social and cultural frameworks which shaped private and familial repertoires of mourning during the 1940s and 50s.


Recent publications


Brodie, T 2018, German Catholicism at war, 1939-1945. Oxford Historical Monographs, Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198827023.001.0001


Brodie, T & Heal, B 2024, 'Introduction: Houses of Worship in Times of War', German History. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerhis/ghae018

Brodie, T 2024, 'Sacred Space, Mourning and the War Dead in Protestant Germany, 1945-', German History, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 275-294. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerhis/ghae010

Brodie, T 2017, 'Between 'National Community' and 'Milieu': German Catholics at War, 1939-1945', Contemporary European History, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 421-440. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777317000169

Brodie, T 2015, 'The German Catholic Diaspora in the Second World War', German History, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 80-99. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerhis/ghu110

Special issue

Brodie, T & Heal, B (eds) 2023, 'Houses of Worship in Times of War', German History.

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