Dr Sameera Khalfey

Dr Sameera Khalfey

Department of Political Science and International Studies
Lecturer in International Relations

Contact details

POLSIS - School of Government
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Sameera Khalfey is a lecturer in International Relations. Her research explores the relationship between ‘Islam’ and the ‘West’ critically engaging with assumptions of intractability and violence. She is currently working on the rise of ‘Islamic’ home-grown terrorism and the role of ‘Western’ society.

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  • PhD, University of Hull
  • Masters, International Relations, University of Reading
  • BA(Hons) Politics and International Relations, University of Reading


  • Security Studies (G22)
  • Body Politics: Security, Economy and Violence (Pol 366)
  • Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (G2H)
  • Diplomatic History of the 20th Century (G9)
  • International Relations of the Middle East (Pols 233)


Sameera Khalfey, 3rd June 2020, Invisible Scars, Silent Cramps and Hidden Bleeding: Body Politics and Endometriosis.  DiscoverSociety.com, 

Sameera Khalfey and Sophia Dingli, Oct 2018, “Silence, Exit and the Politics of Piety: Challenging Logocentrism in Political Theory”, in Sophia Dingli and Thomas N Cooke, Political Silence: Meanings, Functions and Ambiguity (Interventions Series) Routledge

Smith, T; Lee, P; Khalfey, S; Rauta, V, Sep 2018, “Countering the Syria Babel: Moral Perspectives on the Syrian Conflict from Just War to Jihad.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism

Sameera Khalfey, June 2017, Fact Check: are only one in eight counter-terrorism referrals to Prevent made by Muslims? The Conversation.

Khalfey, Sameera, Sep 2013, “The Duality of Syria: Civil War and War Against Terror”. E-IR. 

Dingli, Sophia; Khalfey, Sameera; Bandiera Cristina, Sep 2013, “The Effectiveness of Incentive Driven Role-Play” European Political Science Journal