Recent publications
Fontana, G 2025, 'Introduction: Making sense of the Cultural Dimension in Conflict-Affected Societies', Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, pp. 1-14.
Bobo, T, Fontana, G & Kemoklidze, N 2024, 'Exploring Best Practices for User Engagement in Peace and Conflict Research', Global Policy.
Fontana, G & Costantini, G 2024, 'Mapping Disability in War-to-Peace Transitions: Global Patterns and the Lebanese Experience', Disability & Society.
Fontana, G, Kartsonaki, A, Neudorfer, N & Wolff, S 2024, 'The Multi-Stage Mixed Methods Framework: A New Research Design to Combine Hypothesis Development and Hypothesis Testing and to Embed Machine Learning and Practitioner Engagement in the Social Sciences', International Political Science Review.
Fontana, G 2023, 'Security, conflict management and peacebuilding: formal education in intra-state political agreements 1989-2016', Harvard educational review, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 173-201.
Fontana, G & Masiero, I 2022, 'Beyond reassurance: the reputational effect of cultural reforms in peace agreements', Government and Opposition.
Da Silva, RDS, Fontana, G & Armstrong, MA 2022, '‘It’s about keeping children safe, not spying’: a governmentality approach to Prevent in primary education', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 259-276.
Fontana, G, Siewert, M & Yakinthou, C 2020, 'Managing war to peace transitions after intra-state conflicts: configurations of successful peace processes', Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, vol. 2020, pp. 1-23.
Fontana, G, Kartsonaki, A, Neudorfer, N, Walsh, D, Wolff, S & Yakinthou, C 2020, 'The dataset of political agreements in internal conflicts (PAIC)', Conflict Management and Peace Science.
Fontana, G 2019, 'Does Education Help the Transition out of Power-Sharing in Plural Societies? A Comparative Study', Ethnopolitics.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Fontana, G, Armstrong, MA & Da Silva, RDS 2020, Enacting the Prevent Duty in Primary Schools. in J Busher & L Jerome (eds), The Prevent Duty in Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99.
Jerome, L, Busher, J, Armstrong, MA, Choudhury, T, da Silva, R, Elwick, A, Fontana, G, James, N, Lewis, J, Robson, J, Svennevig, H & Thomas, P 2020, Conclusion: Reflections on the First Five Years of the Prevent Duty in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education. in The Prevent Duty in Education: Impact, Enactment and Implications. Springer International Publishing Cham, pp. 159-169.
da Silva, R, Fontana, G & Armstrong, MA 2020, Enacting the Prevent Duty in Primary Schools. in The Prevent Duty in Education: Impact, Enactment and Implications. Springer International Publishing Cham, pp. 99-115.
Discussion paper
Kartsonaki, A, Fontana, G & Wolff, S 2022 'Mechanisms for Dialogue: A Means to Prevent Civil War Recurrence' USIP Discussion Papers, no. 22-002, United States Institute of Peace, pp. 1-22. <>
Review article
Fontana, G 2023, 'Institutional designs to manage ethnic diversity in conflict-affected states: conceptual, methodological and empirical innovations', Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
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