Dr Ellie Chowns

Dr Ellie Chowns

International Development Department

Contact details

International Development Department
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Please note Ellie is on leave until late 2024.

Ellie's research interests reflect her experience as a practitioner: collective action, power and participation, and evaluation.

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  • PhD International Development, University of Birmingham, 2014
  • MProf Sustainable Development, Middlesex, 1998
  • BA (Hons) Geography and Environmental Studies with Development Studies, Sussex, 1997


Ellie has been part of the teaching team in IDD on and off since September 2014, having studied both part-time and full-time in the department since 2008.  Ellie’s PhD analysed the political economy of community management, focusing on rural water supply in Malawi.

Ellie’s background is in international development NGOs, including Christian Aid, Concern Universal, and Quaker Peace and Social Witness.  She specialises in monitoring, evaluation, and learning; and has worked in Malawi, Uganda, Burundi and the Philippines.  Ellie is also active in politics, and her teaching is informed by this practical engagement.


Ellie teaches on the following modules:

  • Development Practice (PG)
  • Introduction to International Development (UG)