Dr Lisa Gee

Image credit - IG: @luna.jenesaisquoi

Department of Film and Creative Writing
Assistant Professor in Creative Writing and Digital Media

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Department of Film and Creative Writing
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Lisa is co-editor with Professor Max Saunders of the digital publication Ego Media: life writing and online affordances  (Stanford University Press, 2023). She has contributed a chapter – ‘Digital Editions: rethinking how we preserve, present and explore literary correspondences’ – to the Routledge Companion to Literary Media (August 2023).

She leads the Discovering Creative Practice modules on the University’s new Digital Media and Communications BA

Lisa is currently co-editing William Hayley: A Biographer’s Influence on Long Eighteenth-Century Life Writing Networks for Palgrave Studies in Life Writing with Mark Crosby, and the pilot edition of her digital project, A Museum of Relationships: the correspondence of William Hayley 1745–1820.

In her previous role as Research Fellow in Future Thinking, Lisa worked with Max developing a network and project(s) exploring different modes of thinking about the future. She was Programme Director and editor for the first set of FUTURES essays, Associate Research Fellow at the Centre for Life-Writing Research at King’s College, London, and External Research Consultant on the Hayley Papers at the Fitzwilliam Museum. 

As Lead associate director of Furner Communications, she has been facilitating the Health Foundation’s Inclusion Panel. She is also a trustee of Mainspring Arts, a charity that works across artforms to support neurodivergent artists and celebrate neurodivergent creativity, and online facilitator for HSM Advisory.

Lisa is the author of Stage Mum and Friends: Why Men and Women are from the Same Planet, and the editor of Bricks Without Mortar: the selected poems of Hartley Coleridge and is a regular judge for the New Media Writing Prize

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  • PhD Digital Writing by Practice – ‘HayleyWorld: a zoeography of William Hayley (1745-1820)’, 2018, Bath Spa University
  • City & Guilds Sound & Music Technology (Distinction) 2010, City of Westminster College          
  • MA Literature and Politics 1776-1832 (Distinction) 1996, Roehampton Institute (now the University of Roehampton)
  • University Certificate in Computer Studies, 1993, University of Brighton
  • BA International Relations (2ii), 1985, University of Sussex


Prior to joining the University of Birmingham,  Lisa was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate on the Ego Media Project at King’s College London, where her primary responsibility was to pull together, and contribute to Ego Media: Life Writing and Online Affordances (Stanford University Press, 2023). Her PhD by Practice involved collaborating with developer Michael Kowalski to create HayleyWorld, an interactive biography of William Hayley (1745-1820). She is co-editor of William Hayley: A Biographer’s Influence on Life Writing and Romantic Networks in the Long Eighteenth Century with Mark Crosby (Palgrave Studies in Life Writing, 2025).

Lisa has worked in publishing as a publicist and, throughout the noughties, edited the Orange Prize for Fiction (now the Women’s Prize for Fiction) website, where she also sat on the Prize Management Committee. She has been Associate Director of Furner Communications Ltd for 20 years, working on a variety of accounts in the third and public sectors, most recently focusing on inclusive facilitation. She has written two non-fiction works, edited a collection of poetry, and is contributing author to several other works. She initiated and made Disequilibrium with – and about – composer and binaural sound maven Nick Ryan for BBC Radio 3’s “Between the Ears” strand. The programme was selected as one of the nine best in the series’ history. Together with Max Saunders, she is co-originator of the  FUTURES book series, now published by Melville House.


As Research Fellow in Future Thinking, Lisa worked with Professor Max Saunders on developing a network and projects exploring the impact and effectiveness of different modes of thinking about the future. As part of this work, she was Programme Director of the proof of concept set of FUTURES books, a series of essays exploring possible futures written by leading authors, thinkers and subject experts, published by  Unbound, in conjunction with Tortoise Media in 2020.

In addition to her future-focused work, Lisa has also worked with a team at the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, to develop A Museum of Relationships: a pilot digital edition of the correspondence of William Hayley (1745-1820).

Her research interests include:

  • Literature, art, culture, society, history and politics of/in the long eighteenth century
  • Creative writing
  • Digital narratives/storytelling
  • inclusive future thinking


Recent publications


Gee, L 2020, '‘A Task enough to make one frantic’: William Hayley’s Memorialising', European Journal of Life Writing, vol. 9. https://doi.org/10.21827/ejlw.9.36899


Gee, L 2023, Digital Editions: Rethinking How We Preserve Literary Correspondences. in A Ensslin, J Round & B Thomas (eds), The Routledge Companion to Literary Media. 1st edn, Routledge Literature Companions, Routledge, pp. 244-254. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003119739-23

Digital or Visual Products

Gee, L, Eliza Hayley – the portrait myster, 2021, Digital or Visual Products. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xBZAFZESh0>

Web publication/site

Gee, L, Billingsley, N, Reynolds, S, Doji, G, Pett, D, van Kemenade, P & Steinbrück, A, "Most Sacred Things": A Museum of Relationships, 2021, Web publication/site, University of Cambridge. <https://amor.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/>

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