Professor Suganthi John PhD, FEA, FHEA

Photograph of Dr Suganthi John

Department of Linguistics and Communication
Professor of English Language

Contact details

Frankland Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I am a Professor of English Language in the Department of Linguistics and Communication at the University of Birmingham. I teach a range of modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervise PhD students in Linguistics and Communication. My research focusses on self-representation and identity in academic texts. I am also interested in writing development across boundaries (undergraduate to postgraduate; postgraduate to workplace) and in writing for research publication purposes.

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  • PhD in English Language, 2005, University of Birmingham
  • MA in Applied Linguistics, 1993, University of Sheffield
  • Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language to Adults, 1993, Royal Society of Arts, British Council, Singapore
  • BA (Honours) in English Language and Literature, 1992 National University of Singapore

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Before pursuing my PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2000, I lived and worked in Singapore. I graduated in 2005 with a PhD from Birmingham and moved back to Singapore for a brief period. In 2007, I was offered a position at Birmingham. I was initially in the English for International Students Unit (now known as the Birmingham International Academy) and joined the Department of English Language and Linguistics in 2009.

I have held several leadership roles in the department (Admissions Tutor, Undergraduate Programme Director and Head of Department). I was Head of Internationalisation for the School of EDACS (2016-2020) and I have also held college, institutional and national roles in widening participation (2010-2021). I was Deputy Director of Education for Digital Education and Distance Learning (2019-2024) in the College of Arts and Law. 



  • Language Education and Literacy
  • ELL/DMC Dissertation


  • English for Specific and Academic Purposes

Postgraduate supervision

I am currently supervising several students working on academic discourse, the teaching of academic writing, identity in writing and academic writing development. I am interested in supervising PhD research in the areas of:

Academic discourse
English for academic purposes
Advanced academic literacy

Find out more - our PhD English Language and Applied Linguistics  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


The primary focus of my research is on identity creation in academic discourse and advanced academic literacy. My other research interests include English for research publication purposes, English for academic purposes, particularly, academic writing, and second language learning and teaching.

Other activities

  • I am a Fellow of the English Association and a member of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. I am also on the Committee for Linguistics in Education. I have a keen interest in promoting the study of English Language and Linguistics at all levels of education.
  • I have served as External Examiner to universities in the UK and for the Arab Open University (2017-2023). I was on the Advance HE Subject Benchmarks Advisory Group for Linguistics in 2023.
  • I work in close collaboration with academic colleagues at the University of Barcelona and the University of Zaragoza where we share research interests in the dissemination of scientific research and communication.  


Recent publications


Groom, N, Charles, M & John, S (eds) 2015, Corpora, grammar and discourse: In honour of Susan Hunston. vol. 73, Studies in Corpus Linguistics edn, John Benjamins, Amsterdam.


John, S & Laso, N 2017, 'The pedagogical benefits of a lexical database (SciE-Lex) to assist the production of publishable biomedical texts by EAL writers', Iberica, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 147-172. <>

Smith Stvan, L & John, S 2016, 'Learning English Bare Singulars: Data in the L2 Classroom', EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-22.

Laso, N & John, S 2013, 'An exploratory study of NNS medical writers’ awareness of the collocational patterning of abstract nouns in medical discourse', RESLA - Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 307-331. <>

John, S 2010, 'The Influence of Revision on First Person Pronoun Use in dissertation Writing', Writing and Pedagogy, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 227-247.

John, S & Tang, R 1999, 'The ‘I’ in identity: Exploring writer identity in student academic writing through the first person pronoun', English for Specific Purposes, vol. 18, no. Supplement 1, pp. S23-S39.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Groom, N, Charles, M & John, S 2015, Introduction: Corpora, grammar, and discourse analysis: Recent trends, current challenges. in N Groom, M Charles & S John (eds), Corpora, Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Susan Hunston. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 2-19.


John, S 2013, A corpus-based analysis of the collocational patterning of adjectives with abstract nouns in medical English. in I Verdaguer, NJ Laso & D Salazar (eds), Biomedical English: a corpus based approach. Studies in Corpus Linguistics, vol. 56, John Benjamins Publishing.

John, S 2012, Identity without the 'I': a study of citation sequences and writer identity in literature review sections of dissertations. in R Tang (ed.), Academic Writing in a Second or Foreign language: issues and challenges facing ESL/EFL academic writers in higher education contaxts. Research in second language learning, Bloomsbury Academic.

John, S 2009, Using the revision process to help international students understand the linguistic construction of the academic identity. in M Charles, D Pecorari & S Hunston (eds), Academic Writing: All the Interface of Corpus and Discourse.

John, S 2007, Meeting the challenge of developing an academic identity: a textual approach. in P Teo & C Ho (eds), Discourse in the Modern World: Perspectives and Challenges. McGraw Hill, Singapore.

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