Dr Beth Jelfs MEng, PhD

Dr Beth Jelfs

Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Assistant Professor

Contact details

Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering
School of Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Beth Jelfs is an Assistant Professor in Signal Processing and Data Analysis within the Microwave Integrated System Laboratory.

Dr Jelfs’s research interests are in adaptive signal processing. In particular, the intersection of signal processing and machine learning and how signal processing techniques can be used to inform machine learning algorithms.

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  • Ph.D in Signal Processing from Imperial College London, 2010
  • MEng (1st Class Hons) in Electronic & Software Engineering from University of Leicester, 2005


Beth Jelfs is an Assistant Professor in Signal Processing and Data Analysis in the School of Engineering.

She obtained her PhD from Imperial College London and held research positions at University of Oxford (Depts. of Chemistry and Physics), University College London (Dept. Medical Physics & Bioengineering)  before joining the International Transition Team at City University of Hong Kong  (Dept. Electronic Engineering)  where she had a joint appointment as a research fellow and providing English language support to both staff and students. Following her time in Hong Kong she received a Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellowship and Lectureship at RMIT University in Australia.

Her research interests are in adaptive signal processing, in particular, she is interested in the intersection of signal processing and machine learning and how signal processing techniques can be used to inform machine learning algorithms. Her work is highly multidisciplinary ranging from the development of prototype devices for real-time monitoring of muscle fatigue to path prediction and attitude estimation for high-altitude platforms, and the creation of a toolbox for analysis of the relationships between single neuron spiking events and local field potentials for use by biologists and neuroscientists. 

She is also currently chair of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association’s Biomedical Signal Processing and Systems technical committee and a member of the IEEE Women in Signal Processing Subcommittee.

Postgraduate supervision

Beth is taking applications from students who are interested in pursuing projects in signal and image processing.


Beth's research interests are in adaptive signal processing especially statistical signal processing and signal characterisation. In particular, she is interested in the intersection of signal processing and machine learning and how signal processing techniques can be used to inform machine learning algorithms. 

Beth also has a specific interest in how these techniques can be applied to multichannel and multimodal data, particularly with reference to complex systems, for example neural data.

For further details about Beth's research please see her personal website


Recent publications


Wu, K, Jelfs, B, Neville, K, Mahmoud, SS, He, W & Fang, Q 2024, 'Dynamic Reconfiguration of Brain Functional Network in Stroke', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics . https://doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2024.3371097

Esmaelpoor, J, Peng, T, Jelfs, B, Mao, D, Shader, MJ & McKay, CM 2024, 'Resting-State Functional Connectivity Predicts Cochlear-Implant Speech Outcomes', Ear and Hearing. https://doi.org/10.1097/AUD.0000000000001564

Wu, K, Jelfs, B, Mahmoud, SS, Neville, K & Fang, JQ 2023, 'Tracking functional network connectivity dynamics in the elderly', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 17, 1146264. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2023.1146264

Choy, CS, Fang, Q, Neville, K, Ding, B, Kumar, A, Mahmoud, SS, Gu, X, Fu, J & Jelfs, B 2023, 'Virtual reality and motor imagery for early post-stroke rehabilitation', BioMedical Engineering Online, vol. 22, no. 1, 66. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12938-023-01124-9

Jelfs, B, Sun, S, Ghorbani, K & Gilliam, C 2021, 'An adaptive all-pass filter for time-varying delay estimation', IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 28, 9380457, pp. 628-632. https://doi.org/10.1109/LSP.2021.3065889

Conference contribution

Choy, CS, Fang, Q, Neville, K & Jelfs, B 2024, The Metaverse for Stroke Motor Rehabilitation. in 2023 IEEE Engineering Informatics., 10520376, Engineering Informatics, IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023 IEEE Conference on Engineering Informatics, EI 2023, Melbourne, Australia, 22/11/23. https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEECONF58110.2023.10520376

Esmaelpoor, J, Peng, T, Jelfs, B, Shader, MJ, McKay, CM & Mao, D 2023, Brain Functional Connectivity Networks do not Return to Resting-state During Control Trials in Block Design Experiments. in 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)., 10340143, IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMBC40787.2023.10340143

Wu, K, Fang, Q, Neville, K & Jelfs, B 2023, Evaluation of Module Dynamics in Functional Brain Networks After Stroke. in 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)., 10340633, IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMBC40787.2023.10340633

Choy, CS, Ye, Z, Huang, Z, Zheng, Q, Fang, Q, Mahmoud, SS, Neville, K & Jelfs, B 2023, Motor Imagery Observed by fNIRS. in 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN)., 10331069, IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/BSN58485.2023.10331069

Sun, S, Jelfs, B, Ghorbani, K, Matthews, G & Gilliam, C 2022, Landmark Management in the Application of Radar SLAM. in Proceedings of 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2022. Proceedings Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference APSIPA ASC, IEEE, pp. 903-910, 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 7/11/22. https://doi.org/10.23919/APSIPAASC55919.2022.9980051


Esmaelpoor, J, Peng, T, Jelfs, B, Mao, D, Shader, MJ & McKay, CM 2024 'Resting-state Functional Connectivity Predicts Cochlear-Implant Speech Outcomes' medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.01.30.24301908

Wu, K, Jelfs, B, Neville, K, He, W & Fang, Q 2023 'Dynamic Reconfiguration of Brain Functional Network in Stroke' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2306.15209

Sun, S, Jelfs, B, Ghorbani, K, Matthews, G & Gilliam, C 2022 'Landmark Management in the Application of Radar SLAM'.

Sun, S, Gilliam, C, Ghorbani, K, Matthews, G & Jelfs, B 2022 'Mapping extended landmarks for radar SLAM' arXiv, pp. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.17207

Review article

Wu, K, Jelfs, B, Neville, K, Cai, A & Fang, Q 2024, 'FMRI-Based Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity Analysis for Post-Stroke Motor Dysfunction Patient: A Review', IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 133067-133085. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3445580

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