Professor Lei Chen BEng, PhD, CEng

Professor Lei Chen

Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Professor of Railway Operation and Control

Contact details

Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Lei Chen, a Professor of Railway Operation and Control at The University of Birmingham, currently leads the Future Railway Operation and Control Theme at UKRRIN Digital System Innovation Centre, and Railway Operation Control and Simulation team at the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education.

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  • CEng in Railway Signalling and Control, Engineering Council, UK
  • PhD in Civil Engineering (Railway Traffic Management and Control), The University of Birmingham, UK
  • BEng(with first class) in Automation Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, China


He qualified with a BEng in Automation Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University and a PhD in Engineering (Railway Traffic Management and Control) from The University of Birmingham. He is also qualified as a CEng (IRSE/EC) and Professor Engineer (China).

He has been working in the area of railway traffic management and train control since 2005, involved in several significant railway research and development projects in the UK and China, including the research and development of CBTC system, ETCS and next generation railway traffic management systems etc.

His research interest mainly covers railway traffic management and train control, railway simulation and testing, railway operation optimisation, and railway safety critical system design. He also works extensively with the railway industry in the UK and overseas including China and Europe etc.

He was awarded IMechE W. A. Agnew Meritorious/C. N. Goodall Award in 2010, and The Michael K. O’Rourke PhD Publications Award in 2012.


  • Railway Management and Control
  • Railway Design Project
  • Sensing and Control for Autonomous Systems

Postgraduate supervision

  • PhD in Railway Operation and Control
    • Railway traffic management and train control
    • Railway simulation and testing
    • Railway operation optimisation
    • Railway safety critical system design
  • MRes in Railway System


Research Themes

  • railway traffic management and train control
  • railway simulation and testing
  • railway operation optimisation
  • railway safety critical system design


Recent publications


Zhang, E, Chen, L, Kuang, P & Dickinson, DG 2023, 'An Accessibility Measurement Based on Commuter Behaviour and Living Conditions: An Empirical Analysis of the High-Speed Railway Network in the East of China', Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 5, 4309.

Ye, J, Stewart, E, Chen, Q, Chen, L & Roberts, C 2022, 'A vision-based method for line-side switch rail condition monitoring and inspection', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 236, no. 8, pp. 1-11.

He, L, Chen, L, Liu, J, Roberts, C, Yu, S & Feng, X 2022, 'Passenger Flow-Oriented Metro Operation without Timetables', Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 10, 4999.

Tesar, M, Hytten, K, Hoskins, TK, Rosiek, J, Jackson, AY, Hand, M, Roberts, P, Opiniano, GA, Matapo, J, St. Pierre, EA, Azada-palacios, R, Kuby, CR, Jones, A, Mazzei, LA, Maruyama, Y, O'donnell, A, Dixon-román, E, Chengbing, W, Huang, Z, Chen, L, Peters, M & Jackson, L 2022, 'Philosophy of education in a new key: future of philosophy of education', Educational Philosophy and Theory, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 1234-1255.

Zhao, N, Tian, Z, Hillmansen, S, Chen, L, Roberts, C & Gao, S 2022, 'Timetable optimization and trial test for regenerative braking energy utilization in rapid transit systems', Energies, vol. 15, no. 13, 4879.

Zhao, N, Tian, Z, Chen, L, Roberts, C & Hillmansen, S 2021, 'Driving strategy optimization and field test on an urban rail transit system', IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 34-44.

Samra, M, Chen, L, Roberts, C, Constantinou, C & Shukla, A 2021, 'TV white spaces handover scheme for enabling unattended track geometry monitoring from in-service trains', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1161-1173.

Wen, T, Ge, Q, Lyu, X, Chen, L, Constantinou, C, Roberts, C & Cai, B 2019, 'A cost-effective wireless network migration planning method supporting high-security enabled railway data communication systems', Journal of the Franklin Institute.

Wen, T, Constantinou, C, Chen, L, Li, Z & Roberts, C 2019, 'A Practical Access Point Deployment Optimization Strategy In Communication-based Train Control Systems', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 3156-3167.

Hou, Z, Dong, H, Gao, S, Nicholson, G, Chen, L & Roberts, C 2019, 'Energy-saving metro train timetable rescheduling model considering ATO profiles and dynamic passenger flow', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , vol. 20, no. 7, 8684279, pp. 2774-2785.

Wen, T, Dong, D, Chen, Q, Chen, L & Roberts, C 2019, 'Maximal information coefficient-based two-stage feature selection method for railway condition monitoring', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 2681-2690.

Wen, T, Constantinou, C, Chen, L, Tian, Z & Roberts, C 2018, 'Access point deployment optimization in CBTC data communication system', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 19, no. 6, 8115216, pp. 1985-1995.

Li, Z, Chen, L, Roberts, C & Zhao, N 2018, 'Dynamic Trajectory Optimization Design for Railway Driver Advisory System', IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 121-132.

Wang, Y, Chen, L, Kirkwood, D, Fu, P, lv, J & Roberts, C 2018, 'Hybrid Online Model-Based Testing for Communication-Based Train Control Systems', IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 35-47.

Zou, L, Wen, T, Wang, Z, Chen, L & Roberts, C 2018, 'State Estimation for Communication-Based Train Control Systems with CSMA Protocol', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems .

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