Professor Karl Kitching

Professor Karl Kitching

School of Education
Professor of Public Education
Director of Research in the School of Education

Contact details

School of Education
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Karl joined the School of Education, University of Birmingham in June 2020. He started working in education as a primary school teacher in Dublin. Just before coming to Birmingham, he was a Senior Lecturer in Education, and Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University College Cork, Ireland. 

Karl's research and teaching focuses on challenging multiple inequalities in education, in childhood, and in young people’s lives. Karl has published a range of internationally peer-reviewed articles on young people’s experiences of racism in school, race theory in education, the sexualisation of childhood, children’s religious identities at school, teacher motivation, and critical theory and pedagogy. He has also published two key books on the politics of racism and on religion in education, childhood and youth. The first, The Politics of Compulsive Education: Racism and Learner-Citizenship explores how racism, education and resistance have been entangled in Ireland from the colonial to the global age, and offers new ways of thinking about anti-racism in education as a form of learner-citizenship. The second book, Childhood, Religion and School Injustice examines how children and parents negotiate secular-religious relations and inequalities across school contexts. You can also listen to a New Books Network podcast discussing this book.

Karl is currently the Principal Investigator on the Leverhulme Trust (2022-2025) study 'Free' Expression at School? The Making of Youth Engagements with Race and Faith, in collaboration with Dr Reza Gholami. Using national surveys and in-depth case studies, this project will map the political, geographic, social and cultural conditions that 'make' youth expression on race and faith issues across school and public contexts in England, and particularly in Birmingham and London.

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  • PhD (Institute of Education, University of London)
  • MEd (St Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin City University)
  • BEd. (St Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin City University)


Recent publications


Kitching, K, Kandemir, A, Gholami, R & Rahman, MS 2024, 'Education policy and ‘free speech’ on race and faith equality at school', Journal of Education Policy.

Kitching, K 2024, 'The reactionary use of concepts of secularism, pluralism and freedom of expression: implications for education studies', Irish Educational Studies.

Kitching, K & Gholami, R 2023, 'Towards Critical Secular Studies in Education: Addressing secular education formations and their intersecting inequalities', Discourse.

Kitching, K 2022, 'Contemporary, racialised conflicts over LGBT-inclusive education: more strategic secularisms than secular/religious oppositions?', Educational Review.

Horgan, D, Fernandez, E & Kitching, K 2022, 'Walking and talking with girls in their urban environments: a methodological meandering', Irish Journal of Sociology.

Kiely, E, Ging, D, Kitching, K & Leane, M 2021, '“A source of anxiety like never before”: unpacking the Irish print media sexualisation of children discourse', Teanga: The Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 89-113. <>

Kiely, E, Ging, D, Kitching, K & Leane, M 2021, 'Parents displaying family consumption in Ireland', Families, Relationships and Societies.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Fernandez, E, Kitching, K & Horgan, D 2022, Experiencing school food policy and practice: learning from eleven-year-old girls in a working-class community in Ireland. in D Ruge, I Torres & D Powell (eds), School Food, Equity and Social Justice: Critical Reflections and Perspectives. 1st edn, Critical Studies in Health and Education, Routledge, pp. 78-94.

Book/Film/Article review

Kitching, K 2024, 'Care and Capitalism Care and Capitalism, by K. Lynch, Cambridge, UK, Polity Press, 2022, 248 pp., €21.50 (paperback), ISBN 9781509543847', Irish Educational Studies.


Bryan, A, Byrne, D, Coulter, M, Delahunty, T, Keane, E, Kitching, K & Chróinín, DN 2024, '‘Bearing witness to negativity’: towards just futures of education', Irish Educational Studies, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 345-354.

Hall, T, Byrne, D, Bryan, A, Kitching, K, Ní Chróinín, D, O’Toole, C & Addley, J 2021, 'COVID-19 and education: positioning the pandemic; facing the future', Irish Educational Studies, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 147-149.

Other report

Rahman, S, Kitching, K, Gholami, R, Kandemir, A & Khokan, MR 2023, Youth Engagement with Race and Faith at School: National Pupil Survey Headline Findings Report. University of Birmingham. <>

Kitching, K, Park, G, Bryan, A, Grummell, B, Keane, M & Munro, M 2022, Guidance on Teaching for Social Justice in Irish Higher Education: Insights from the DISCs Project.

Kitching, K, Park, G, Bryan, A, Grummell, B, Keane, M & Munro, M 2022, The Development of Teaching for Social Justice in the Irish Higher Education Sector: Insights from the DISCs Project.

Working paper

Gillborn, D, Bhopal, K, Crawford, CE, Demack, S, Gholami, R, Kitching, K, Kiwan, D & Warmington, P 2021 'Evidence for the commission on race and ethnic disparities' University of Birmingham.

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