Dr Saba Hussain

Dr Saba Hussain

School of Education
Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Education and Social Justice

Contact details

School of Education
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK
B15 2TT

Saba Hussain is an Assistant Professor in Education Studies in the Department of Education and Social Justice. She holds a PhD in Sociology from University of Warwick and master’s degrees from London School of Economics (Development Studies) and Delhi University (Sociology).

Saba is a feminist Sociologist of Education with a particular interest in theorizations of social justice, citizenship, power and resistance in postcolonial contexts. Shaped by her own location as a transnational scholar, she has an inter-disciplinary research portfolio working across the global North and South. Within the various strands of research Saba's interest has been on the workings of ‘power’ and how actors and institutions position themselves in relation to the various forces of domination. She has recently completed a Leverhulme Trust funded research that to understand how the counter-terrorism agenda, specifically imposition of the Prevent ‘duty’ on schools normalizes the teacher’s role in surveillance.

Saba's other research interest is in the area of gender and education, especially in the global south contexts. Her doctoral work based on empirical research in India offered a post-colonial feminist analysis of subjectivities available to school-going Muslim girls. This research puts forth a ‘new’ conception of ‘good girlhood’ that combines traditional gender roles with discourses of modernity, choice and aspirations.

Saba is also interested in decolonial/Southern feminist and anti-racist educational approaches.

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PhD (Sociology) University of Warwick

MA (Development Studies) London School of Economics

MA  (Sociology) Delhi School of Economics


Prior to working in academia, Saba worked as a Social Development consultant working for organizations like DFID, Save the Children, World Bank on issues of gender equality, education and social protection, particular among migrant population, urban poor and minorities.

Between 2012-17, she completed her PhD in Sociology from University of Warwick. Saba's doctoral work based on empirical research in India offered a post-colonial feminist analysis of subjectivities available to school-going Muslim girls. This research puts forth a ‘new’ conception of ‘good girlhood’ that combines traditional gender roles with discourses of modernity, choice and aspirations. A monograph based on this research titled Contemporary Muslim Girlhoods in India: A Study of Social Justice, Identity and Agency in Assam has recently been published by Routledge. During this period Saba held several part-time teaching and research roles, at University of Warwick, Bath Spa University and University Collage London.

In 2017 Saba was funded by the Leverhulme Trust to undertake a three-year research project interrogating teachers’ understandings and experiences if the counter-terrorism/Prevent agenda in British Schools. During this time, she also developed and lead PG and UG modules on Sociology of Education, Race in Contemporary Britain, and South Asia in Britain (IATL).

Between 2019-21, Saba was working as a Lecturer in Education at Coventry University leading modules on race, global inequalities, and youth. She was also a part of the research Center on Global Learning and Education. Her focus there was on decolonisation of education, gender, diversity and inclusion. During this time Saba was funded by Coventry City of Culture to undertake research on South Asian Women’s experiences of maternal healthcare using art-based method.

Saba joined University of Birmingham as a lecturer/Assistant Professor in Oct 2021.


Research interests

  • Identity and belonging
  • Gender and education
  • Muslim women
  • Girls and Girlhoods in the Global South
  • Racism and Islamophobia
  • Youth and politics in educational spaces
  • Decolonisation
  • Tran-nationality

2021: PI Coventry, City of Culture University Partnership Grant for Recovery & Transformation: Call the Midwife: South Asian Women’s hidden histories in Coventry

2019: Co-PI, Research and Development Grant, University of Warwick ‘Making and un-making Citizens: A case study of Assam’s National Registrar of Citizens’ (2019-20)

2017: PI, Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, University of Warwick- Three-year Project ‘(Re)constructing Teacher identity: Prevent and Securitization in Birmingham Schools’

Non academic publications 

Hussain, Saba (2021) India: election loss in West Bengal may be start of a backlash against Modi’s handling of COVID crisis, The Conversation

Hussain, Saba and Nazia Hussain (2020) Migrant ethnic minority women in academia during the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and racism, Bristol University Press and Polity Press

Hussain, Saba (2020) Continuities of state violence and policing in settler colonial and post-colonial contexts: From Hashimpura, to Delhi to Minneapolis, Discover Society (Forthcoming July 2020)

Hussain, Saba (2017) The OFSTED Hijab controversy: Beyond the Hijab, Discover Society, December

Hussain, Saba (2017) Old Problem, New Lexicon: The EU Workplace Headscarf Ban, April 2017


Recent publications


Hussain, S 2019, Contemporary Muslim Girlhoods in India: A Study of Social Justice, Identity and Agency in Assam. Routledge.


Hussain, S, Knijnik, J & Balram , R 2024, 'Curriculum wars and youth political education in the UK and Australia—a narrative review', Curriculum Perspectives. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41297-024-00226-1

Hussain, S 2024, 'Feminist counter-authoritarian political agency: Muslim girls re-generating politics in India', Women's Studies International Forum, vol. 102, 102850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2023.102850

Hussain, S 2021, 'Bhal Suwali, Bhal Ghor: Muslim families pursuing cultural authorization in contemporary Assam', Gender and Education, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 830-846. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540253.2020.1773409

Hussein, N & Hussain, S 2019, 'Decolonising gender in South Asia: a border thinking perspective', Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, vol. 4, no. 4-5, pp. 261-270. https://doi.org/10.1080/23802014.2019.1701545

Hussain, S 2019, 'Social justice, politics of authorisation and agency: A hybrid theoretical framework to study contemporary Muslim femininity', Women's Studies International Forum. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2019.04.005

Hussain, S & Hussein, N 2019, 'The (im)possibility of decolonising gender in South Asia: a reading of Bollywood’s ‘new women’', Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal . https://doi.org/10.1080/23802014.2019.1666660


Hussain, S 2023, Kitab vs. Hijab: Muslim Girls Re-Generating Politics in India. in SR Mazzarella (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Girls‘ Studies. 1st edn, Routledge Companions to Gender, Routledge.

Adorable, PDM, Policarpio, NAB & Hussain, S 2022, Women and Conflict: A Gendered Analysis of Violence in the Bangsamoro. in FJ Lara & NPC de la Rosa (eds), Conflict’s Long Game: A Decade of Violence in the Bangsamoro. International Alert, pp. 165-185. <https://conflictalert.info/our-work/books/36/conflicts-long-game-a-decade-of-violence-in-the-bangsamoro>


Hussain, S & Yunus, R 2021, 'Right‐wing populism and education: Introduction to the special section', British Educational Research Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 247-263. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3726

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