Selected publications
Bathmaker-Ann-Marie (2013) Defining ‘knowledge’ in vocational education qualifications in England: an analysis of key stakeholders, and their constructions of knowledge, purposes and content, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 65, 1, pp.87-107
Bathmaker, Ann-Marie and Avis, James. (2012) Inbound, outbound or peripheral: the impact of discourses of organizational; professionalism on becoming a teacher in English further education. Discourse
Bathmaker, Ann-Marie and Will, Thomas. (2009) 'Positioning themselves: an exploration of the nature and meaning of transitions in the context of dual sector FE/HE institutions in England, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33, 2, pp.119-130
Bathmaker, Ann-Marie, Brooks, Greg.; Parry, Gareth. and Smith, David. (2008) 'Dual-sector further and higher education: policies, organisations and students in transition. Research papers in Education, 23, 2, pp.125-137
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