She started this journey by doing a bachelor’s degree on Railway Transportation Engineering. Her master’s degree of socio-economic systems engineering helped her to see the big picture, complexities and interconnectedness that exist in transportation systems enabling her to broaden problem solving approaches and be innovative.
Being awarded a prestigious full scholarship, she did her PhD at the University of Southampton under the supervision of Professor John Preston on railway capacity during which she won an award from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) for best innovative poster award as well as a personal development from the university of Southampton. She is an enthusiastic fan of railways who tries to improve various aspects of this industry through education and research.
Her research has been published in major transportation journals including Transport policy, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transport Geography, Research in transportation Business & Management, Promet-Traffic &Transportation, journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management and journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability.
She has also presented her research findings at the main international transportation conferences including World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), TRB annual meeting, World Conference on Transport Research and International seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis.