Dr Emma Sutton PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), FHEA, MCSP

Dr Emma Sutton

School of Nursing and Midwifery
Associate Professor Implementation Science and MSK Advanced Practice

Contact details

School of Nursing and Midwifery
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Emma Sutton is a Clinical Academic. She is a musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (practicing in Leicester), and an academic at the University of Birmingham and the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

At the University of Birmingham, Emma contributes towards a variety of undergraduate and post graduate courses including the Advanced Clinical Practice Degree and Degree Apprenticeship and MNurs. Her teaching includes: Musculoskeletal Assessment, anatomy, quality improvement and implementation science. Emma also maintains a strong publication track record in the field of surgical research, quality improvement and implementation. Her current research involves leading a study to identify what works to reduce avoidable re-admission after hip fracture in Birmingham. At the University Hospital Birmingham (UHB), Emma co-leads a regional (West Midlands) Health Education England funded Clinical Academic programme and she also supports clinical academic career development within the trust (UHB).

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  • FHEA (2020)
  • PhD Quality of care in surgery (2017)
  • MSc Advanced Practice (2009)
  • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (2001)


Dr Emma Sutton has worked as a physiotherapist specialising in musculoskeletal (MSK) practice for more than 20 years, with a specialist interest in hip and knee surgery.

Emma completed a Physiotherapy degree in 2001 at the University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol, a Masters in Advanced Practice (also at UWE) in 2009, and her PhD (Doctorate) at the University of Leicester in 2017.

Emma is also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an affiliate member of the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) and a member of the Arthroplasty Care Practitioners Association (ACPA). She is a registered Physiotherapist with the UK Health and Care Professions Council (PH60431) and with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand (70-08678).

Emma worked in a specialist role alongside orthopaedic surgeons at University Hospital Leicester and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire with hip and knee surgical patients between 2014 and 2019. Emma’s research has focussed on improving the care of surgical patients, with work on enhanced recovery after surgery, avoidable re-admission, prehabilitation, patient and public involvement and the completeness of reporting in quality improvement.

Emma chairs the West Midlands Hub for the Council for Allied Health Professions in Research – (CAHPR), and she chairs the Special Interest Group for Hip Fracture Recovery Research with the international Fragility Fracture Network. Emma is also a member of the Q community – a connected community aiming to improve health care quality across the UK.

Postgraduate supervision

Emma is interested to supervise PhD students conducting work in the field of quality improvement, surgical research, patient and public involvement, hip fracture and quality of reporting.


Research interests

  • Avoidable readmission after hip fracture
  • Quality improvement in surgery – spread and replication, quality of reporting
  • Prehabilitation in Orthopaedics
  • Patient and Public Involvement – monitoring quality

Current projects

Chief Investigator - Birmingham Health Partners 2022 Seed Fund award - How should avoidable readmission after hip fracture be understood and defined and which interventions may be most capable of reducing avoidable readmission after hip fracture?

Other activities

  • That’s me project – with the University Hospitals Birmingham Clinical Academic Team
  • Chair – FFN Hip Fracture Recovery SIG
  • Chair – West Midlands Council for Allied Health Professions Research (CAHPR)
  • Public lay member – EMAS Ambulance Service PPI group
  • Public lay reviewer – British Medical Journal (BMJ)
  • Bank MSK Physiotherapist – Leicester Royal Infirmary
  • Private MSK Physiotherapist – Body Works Leicester


1. Symes E (2008) Chronic Pain in Palliative Care: A Physiotherapists Perspective. eCancer doi: 10.3332/eCMS.2008.LTR2, http://ecancer.org/ecms/letters/1

2. Foster JD, Jones EL, Falk S, Cooper EJ, Francis NK. (2013) Timing of surgery after long-course neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: a systematic review of the literature. Dis Colon Rectum. Jul;56 (7):921-30 (Impact factor 3.749)

3. Jones E.L, Wainwright T.W, Foster J.D, Smith J.R.A, Middleton R.G, Francis N.K (2014) A systematic review of Patient Reported Outcomes and Patient Experience in Enhanced Recovery After Orthopaedic Surgery Annals Royal Coll Surg; 96; 2; 89-94(6) (Impact factor 1.268)

4. Jones EL, Lees N, Martin GP and Dixon-Woods M.(2014) Describing methods and interventions: a protocol for the systematic analysis of the perioperative quality improvement literature. Systematic Reviews Sep 5;3:98

5. Shah R, Jones EL, Vidart V, Kuppen PJ, Conti JA, Francis NK. (2014) Biomarkers for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer and Polyps: Systematic Review. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers & Prev. Sep;23(9):1712-28 (impact factor 4.125)

6. Maguire K, Jones E, Williams-Yesson B, Stevens S, (2014) Valuing patient and public involvement in research, Nursing Times 110: 45 22-23)

7. Jones E.L et al (2015) Quality of reporting on patient and public involvement within surgical research: a systematic review Annals Surg Feb 261 (2) 243-50. (impact factor 8.327)

8. Hignett S, Jones E, Miller D, Wolf L, Modi C, Shahzad M, Buckle P, Banerjee J, Catchpole K (2015) Human Factors & Ergonomics and Quality Improvement Science: Integrating Approaches for Safety in Healthcare, BMJ Quality & Safety Apr;24(4):250-4 (impact factor 4.99) 9

9. Jones EL et al (2016) SIQINS – strengthening implementation of quality improvement interventions and methods in surgery (SPECIAL ISSUE: Innovations in healthcare, patient safety and simulation: 5th Annual Homerton Simulation Conference, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK, 10 December 2015) Journal of Surgical Simulation 2016; A: 5 - 5 Published: 25 February 2016 Doi: 10.1102/2051 7726.2016.A005 http://www.journalsurgicalsimulation.com/contents/volume3/JSS2016A005/

10. Jones EL, Lees N, Martin GM, Dixon-Woods M (2016) How well is Quality Improvement Described in the Perioperative Care Literature? A Systematic Review. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 42 (5): May 196-206 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/jcaho/jcjqs/2016/00000042/00000005/art00002?crawler =true

11. Messenger D, Curtis N, Jones A, Jones E, Smart N, Francis N (2016) Factors predicting outcome from enhanced recovery programmes in laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a systematic review Surg Endosc Sept 8 (impact factor 3.540)

 12. Stephens T, Peden C, Pearse R, , Shaw S.E, Abbott T, Jones E, Kocman D, Martin G (2018) Improving care at scale: process evaluation of a multi-component quality improvement intervention to reduce mortality after emergency abdominal surgery (EPOCH trial). Implement Sci. 2018 Nov 13;13(1):142

13. Jones, E, Furnival J, Carter W (2019) Identifying and resolving the frustrations of reviewing the improvement literature: The experiences of two improvement researchers. BMJ Open Qual Jul 24; 8 (3)

14. Jones EL, Dixon-woods M, Martin GP (2019) Why is reporting quality improvement so hard? A qualitative study in perioperative care. BMJ Open Jul 24; 9 (7)

15. Sutton and Kearney (2021) What works? Interventions to reduce readmission after hip fracture: A rapid review of systematic reviews. Injury 2021 Jul;52(7):1851-1860

16 Ashley, Sutton et al (2021) Challenges and opportunities in delivering multi-institution and multi-professional research placements. – British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 17 (5)

(submitted) Sutton et al (2021) Do pre-operative therapeutic interventions affect outcomes in people undergoing hip and knee joint replacement? A systematic analysis of systematic reviews – Phys Ther Rev Papers  

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