Dr Zahraa Jalal

Dr Zahraa Jalal

School of Pharmacy
Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics

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University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Zahraa is a Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy; she has a sustained academic teaching background. She has taught both Undergraduate and Post Graduate Pharmacy Medical Students in subjects of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology. Zahraa has contributed to the development of teaching programmes and materials. She has experience in primary and secondary healthcare research. Zahraa’s research interests include primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and pharmacy service developments.

Other research interests include pharmaceutical care, communication skills for pharmacists and adherence to medicines. 

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  • PhD in Clinical Pharmacy UCL School of Pharmacy 2016
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2014
  • MSc. Clinical Pharmacy University of London School of Pharmacy 2009
  • Postgraduate Certificate Clinical Pharmacy 1997
  • BSc. Pharmacy 1996


Zahraa graduated from Pharmacy School with a BSc. Pharmacy in 1996.  She enrolled in a one year Clinical Pharmacy training course in 1997. She worked as a Clinical Pharmacist in hospitals overseas. Zahraa was Lead Clinical Pharmacist in three of the hospitals that she worked in and she became a Specialist Cardiac Pharmacist in 2003. After been granted a Chevening Scholarship (UK Government’s International Awards Scheme aimed at developing global leaders) to study for a Masters Degree. She enrolled onto the Clinical Pharmacy International Practice and Policy course at University of London School of Pharmacy, where she finished her MSc. in Clinical Pharmacy in 2009 with Distinction; during this course she had the opportunity to develop her research skills at The Harley Street Clinic in London.

In 2010 Zahraa taught Clinical Pharmacology to Medical Students and also worked to develop and implement a collaboration project (secured funding from UK Department for International Development) between Higher Education Institutions. This programme led to the development of a Clinical Pharmacy Diploma in a developing country. In 2012 Zahraa commenced her PhD in Clinical Pharmacy at UCL School of Pharmacy and graduated in 2016.

During her PhD she designed and executed a pilot randomised trial of a novel intervention in community pharmacy (collaborative work UCL School of Pharmacy, The London Chest Hospital and North East London Local Pharmaceutical Committee). During her time at UCL, Zahraa taught on the MPharm programme and delivered lectures on Cardiovascular Medicine, she helped support the MSc.CPIPP in OSCEs and PBLs. Zahraa designed and delivered workshops on primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases to London Postgraduate Pharmacists as CPD courses. Zahraa also worked at UCL Research Department of Practice and Policy as a Researcher from 2011-2016.  In 2016 Zahraa joined the team at College of Medical and Dental Sciences as a Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy. 


  • Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  • Cardiovascular Medicines
  • Post Graduate Pharmacy teaching 

Postgraduate supervision

Zahraa is interested in supervising research projects in the following areas:

  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy Services Development
  • Pharmaceutical Care (Chronic Diseases)
  • Pharmacy Consultations
  • Adherence to Cardiovascular Medicines


Zahraa’s main research interests include:

  • Safe and effective use of medicines and reducing medicines waste, adherence to medicines and medicine optimisation
  • Prescribing and patient safety
  • Pharmacy care and pharmacy services
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • The rational use of antibiotics

Other activities

  • Developed and helped design a course on Motivational Interviewing for Pharmacists (collaboration work between UCL-School of Pharmacy, University of Buckingham and the London Chest hospital) for UK postgraduate pharmacists 2015.
  • Zahraa was invited to speak as an Expert Speaker at several conferences in the UK (NELLPC -2014) and abroad on Cardiovascular Medicines (2010).
  • In collaboration with NELLPC workshops for development of SelfCare Pharmacy. 
  • Zahraa gained funding in 2010 from DelPHE-DIFD for development of higher education- £44,600.00 and in 2013 funds from Marjorie Moss funding- £8,000.00.
  • Reviewer for BMJ group journals.


  • Zahraa Jalal, Cabdi, S., Khan, N., Dorsch, M., Gill, N. K., Toner, F. & Alan M Jones Sacubitril/Valsartan (EntrestoTM) hospital prescribing in patients with symptomatic chronic HF with reduced ejection fraction: a UK multi-centre study 11 Feb 2019, (Accepted/In press) In : Journal of Prescribing Practice .
  • Zahraa Jalal, Antoniou, S., David Taylor, Vibhu Paudyal, Finlay, K. & Smith, F, South Asians living in the UK and adherence to coronary heart disease medication: a mixed- method pilot study, 18 Dec 2018, In : International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.
  • Zahraa Jalal, Anthony Cox, Neera Goel, Nikita Vaitha, Kathryn King, and Jon Ward Communications skills in the pharmacy profession: A cross sectional survey of UK registered pharmacists and pharmacy educators, 12 Dec 2018, In : Pharmacy. 6, 4, 132.
  • Zehra Yonel, Praveen Sharma, Asma Yahyouche, Zahraa Jalal, Thomas Dietrich & Iain Chapple Patients’ attendance patterns to different healthcare settings and perceptions of stakeholders regarding screening for chronic, non-communicable diseases in high street dental practices and community pharmacy: a cross- sectional study, 3 Nov 2018, In : BMJ open. 8, 11, e024503.
  • Zahraa Jalal, Smith, F., David, T., Finlay, K., Patel, H. & Antoniou, S. Impact of pharmacy care upon adherence to cardiovascular medication: a feasibility controlled trial., 1 Feb 2016, In : European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 23, 5.
  • Colin-Thome, D., Gill, J., Zahraa Jalal & Taylor, D., Policy paper Primary care in the twenty-first century, 1 Jan 2016, UCL School of Pharmacy.Research output: Working paper
  • Zahraa Jalal, Smith, F., David Taylor, Patel, H., Finlay, K. & Antoniou, S., 1 Aug 2014, Pharmacy care and adherence to primary and secondary prevention cardiovascular medication: a systematic review of studies In : European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 21, p. 238-244 7.
  • Zahraa Jalal & BOUJAN, M. M. K, A rare case of primary multiple hydatid cysts of the brain in a 10-year-old child, 2013, In : Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 19, Supplement 3, p. S216-S219 4 p.
  •  Zahraa Jalal, Anthony Cox, Goel, N., Vaitha, N., King, K. & Jonathan Ward, 3 Apr 2019, Communications skills in the pharmacy profession: a cross sectional survey of registered pharmacists and pharmacy educators In : International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 27, S2, p. 20-21 2 p.

  • Al-Arkee, S., Julie Mason, Larissa Fabritz, Winnie Wei Ling Chua, Asma Yahyouche, Singh, K. & Zahraa Jalal,Mobile apps, cardiovascular disease and medication adherence: a systematic review 3 Apr 2019, In : International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 27, S2, p. 35-36 2 p.
  •  Alshehri, A., Asma Yahyouche & Zahraa Jalal, Pharmacist interventions in prevention of cardiovascular diseases in general practice: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials 3 Apr 2019, In : International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 27, S2, p. 50-50 1 p.

  •  Azfr Ali, R., Vibhu Paudyal & Zahraa Jalal, Prevalence and effective interventions to manage cardiovascular and metabolic side effects in patients using anti‐depressants or antipsychotic medication: a systematic review 3 Apr 2019, In : International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 27 , S2, p. 7-8 2 p.

  • Cabdi, S., Alan M Jones, Khan, N., Dorsch, M., Gill, N. K., Toner, F. & Zahraa Jalal Sacubitril/Valsartan (EntrestoTM) hospital uptake: a UK multi‐centre study, 3 Apr 2019, In : International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 27 , S2, p. 60-60 1 p.
  • Almunef, M., Julie Mason, Zahraa Jalal & Christopher Curtis, The role of primary care pharmacist in the management of chronic illnesses in young people aged 10–24 years: a systematic review  3 Apr 2019, In : International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 27, S2, p. 48-49 2 p.

Further publications can be found on: https://research.birmingham.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/zahraa-jalal(f0a7dd82-abd4-4113-85da-a2232c368485)/publications.html