Recent publications
Gopal, DP, Guo, P, Taylor, SJC & Efstathiou, N 2025, 'Factors affecting cancer care delivery in primary care: a qualitative study', Family Practice, vol. 42, no. 1, cmae077.
Kesecioglu, J, Rusinova, K, Alampi, D, Arabi, YM, Benbenishty, J, Benoit, D, Boulanger, C, Cecconi, M, Cox, C, van Dam, M, van Dijk, D, Downar, J, Efstathiou, N, Endacott, R, Galazzi, A, van Gelder, F, Gerritsen, RT, Girbes, A, Hawyrluck, L, Herridge, M, Hudec, J, Kentish-Barnes, N, Kerckhoffs, M, Latour, JM, Malaska, J, Marra, A, Meddick-Dyson, S, Mentzelopoulos, S, Mer, M, Metaxa, V, Michalsen, A, Mishra, R, Mistraletti, G, van Mol, M, Moreno, R, Nelson, J, Suñer, AO, Pattison, N, Prokopova, T, Puntillo, K, Puxty, K, Qahtani, SA, Radbruch, L, Rodriguez-Ruiz, E, Sabar, R, Schaller, SJ, Siddiqui, S, Sprung, CL, Umbrello, M, Vergano, M, Zambon, M, Zegers, M, Darmon, M & Azoulay, E 2024, 'European Society of Intensive Care Medicine guidelines on end of life and palliative care in the intensive care unit', Intensive Care Medicine.
Causer, H, Spiers, J, Chew-Graham, CA, Efstathiou, N, Gopfert, A, Grayling, K, Maben, J, van Hove, M & Riley, R 2024, 'Filling in the gaps: A grounded theory of the experiences and needs of healthcare staff following a colleague death by suicide in the UK', Death studies.
Kevern, P, Walker, W, Jones, J, Owen, S & Efstathiou, N 2024, 'Influences on Bereaved Family Uptake of Chaplaincy Support when Viewing the Deceased Person', Health and Social Care Chaplaincy.
Spiers, J, Causer, H, Efstathiou, N, Chew-Graham, C, Gopfert, A, Grayling, K, Maben, J, van Hove, M & Riley, R 2024, 'Negotiating the postvention situation: A grounded theory of NHS staff experiences when supporting their coworkers following a colleague’s suicide', Death studies.
Gopal, DP, Taylor, SJC, Guo, P & Efstathiou, N 2024, '‘Picking up the pieces’: primary care practitioners’ experiences of cancer care reviews', BJGP Open.
Efstathiou, N, Guo, P, Walker, W, MacArtney, J & Bailey, C 2024, 'Setting Regional Priorities for Palliative and End-of-Life Care Research Using a Delphi Technique Approach', Journal of Palliative Care, pp. 1-8.
Adistie, F, Neilson, S, Shaw, KL, Bay, B & Efstathiou, N 2024, 'The elements of end-of-life care provision in paediatric intensive care units: a systematic integrative review', BMC Palliative Care, vol. 23, no. 1, 184.
Tanaka Gutiez, M, Efstathiou, N, Innes, R & Metaxa, V 2023, 'End-of-life care in the intensive care unit', Anaesthesia.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Lin, C-P, Chen, P-J, Namisango, E, Musisi, S, Gayton, A, Efstathiou, N & Guo, P 2023, Current integration and challenges of palliative care into dementia practice: evidence and experience from Asia, Europe, and Africa. in M Silberman & A Berger (eds), The Impact of Culture and Faith in Dementia Care: Psycho-Social-Spiritual Healing. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 307-325. <>
Pettifer, A, Bailey, C, Guo, P & Efstathiou, N 2024, 'A review of reviews into the needs of population groups who experience inequity in palliative care', Palliative Medicine, vol. 38, no. 1_suppl, pp. 128-128.
Guo, P, Sharma, P, Efstathiou, N, Bailey, C, Evans, C, Higginson, I & Harding, R 2024, 'Experiences of using a mobile application - IPOS app for people with multimorbidity: a qualitative study', Palliative Medicine, vol. 38, no. 1_suppl, pp. 176-176.
Guo, P, Efstathiou, N, Bailey, C, Adab, P & Glasby, J 2024, 'Priority setting for palliative care research with people affected by dementia: a Delphi study', Palliative Medicine, vol. 38, no. 1_suppl, pp. 48-48.
Review article
Begum, T, Efstathiou, N, Bailey, C & Guo, P 2024, 'Cultural and social attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination and factors associated with vaccine acceptance in adults across the globe: A systematic review', Vaccine.
Dowling, M, Efstathiou, N, Drury, A, Semple, C, Fernandez-Ortega, P, Brochstedt Dieperink, K, Pape, E, Kotronoulas, G, Miguel, S, Colomer-Lahiguera, S & Bagcivan, G 2023, 'Cancer nursing research priorities: A rapid review', European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 63, 102272.
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