Dr Moura Mehravar

Dr Moura Mehravar

Department of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor in Geotechnical Engineering

Contact details

Department of Civil Engineering
School of Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Moura Mehravar specialises in computational mechanics and experiemental modelling in geotechnical engineering, focussing on geo-energy infrastructure, including energy piles and offshore wind turbine foundsations. She has significant experience using biomaterials for ground engineering and has worked on innovative solutions for renerwable energy projects. Her interests include smart infrastructure, particularly developing novel sensing technilogies and efficient methods for infrastructure condition assessment and sustainble design.


Recent publications


Fathi, S, Mehravar, M & Rahman, M 2024, 'A hybrid artificial neural network–genetic algorithm back-analysis technique for local anomaly detection in railway track substructure', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport. https://doi.org/10.1680/jtran.23.00066

Fathi, S, Mehravar, M & Rahman, M 2023, 'Development of FWD based hybrid back-analysis technique for railway track condition assessment', Transportation Geotechnics, vol. 38, 100894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trgeo.2022.100894

Mehravar, M, Harireche, O, Faramarzi, A, Rahimzadeh, F, Osman, A & Dirar, S 2023, 'Installation performance of structurally enhanced caissons in sand', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 159, 105464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105464

Fadaie, S, Mehravar, M, Webb, DJ & Zhang, W 2022, 'Nearshore Contamination Monitoring in Sandy Soils Using Polymer Optical Fibre Bragg Grating Sensing Systems', Sensors, vol. 22, no. 14, 5213. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22145213

Mehravar, M, Yang, H, Webb, D, Zhang, W, Sestelani, S & Chapman, D 2021, 'Soil water content measurement using polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and Construction. https://doi.org/10.1680/jsmic.21.00029

Conference contribution

Fathi, S, Mehravar, M & Rahman, M 2025, The Evaluation of a Commercial Back-Analysis Package in Condition Assessment of Railways. in C Rujikiatkamjorn, B Indraratna & J Xue (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024 - Sensor Technologies, Data Analytics and Climatic Effects: Sensor Technologies, Data Analytics and Climatic Effects. 1 edn, vol. 1, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 402 LNCE, Springer, pp. 191-199, 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, ICTG 2024, Sydney, Australia, 20/11/24. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8213-0_21

Sestelani, SF, Mehravar, M & Webb, D 2023, Interfacial characterization of soil-3D printing materials. in A Viana da Fonseca & C Ferreira (eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 1-8, 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials , Porto, Portugal, 3/09/23. <https://www.issmge.org/publications/publication/interfacial-characterization-of-soil-3d-printing-materials>

Fadaie Sestelani, S, Mehravar, M, Webb, D & Zhang, W 2022, Application of polymer optical fibre Bragg grating sensing systems in contaminated sandy soils. in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC 2022At. ICONHIC, Innovation Center on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure 2022, Athens, Greece, 5/07/22.

Fathi, S & Mehravar, M 2021, A Back-Analysis Technique for Condition Assessment of Ballasted Railway Tracks. in Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics. vol. 2, Chapter 76, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, pp. 931-941. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77234-5_76

Mehravar, M, Yang, H, Zhang, W & Webb, DJ 2019, Ground-water monitoring using polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings. in K Kalli, G Brambilla & S O'Keeffe (eds), Proceedings of SPIE: Seventh European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors., 111991M, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 11199, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Washington, Seventh European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Limassol, Cyprus, 1/10/19. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2541326

Mehravar, M, Harireche, O & Faramarzi, A 2018, Geotechnical performance of suction caisson installation in multi-layered seabed profiles. in Energy Geotechnics. 217729 edn, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Springer, pp. 467-474, International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, SEG 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland, 25/09/18. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99670-7_58


Faramarzi, A, Boddice, D, Castro, G, Cha, W, Soudmand-Niri, S, Rahimzadeh, F, Sgarabotto, A, Boszormenyi, E, Ardakani, F, Mehravar, M, Metje, N & Holynski, M, Going Underground, 2024, Exhibition.


Fathi, S, Mehravar, M & Rahman, MM 2023, 'Application of the Hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm Back Analysis Technique for Local Anomaly Detection in Railway Track Substructure', Paper presented at 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Review Board, Washington, United States, 8/01/23 - 12/01/23. <https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/OnlineProgramArchive/Details/19370>

Darby, L, Faramarzi, A, Faizi, K, Mehravar, M & Harireche, O 2019, 'Finite element modelling of winged suction caissons in clay under uniaxial and combined loading', Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, Chania, Greece, 23/06/19 - 26/06/19.


Faramarzi, A, Chapman, D, Dirar, S, Faizi, K & Mehravar, M Jun. 11 2020, Support structure: winged foundation to support offshore energy structures , Patent No. WO 2020/115474 Al. <https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020115474>

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