Selected publications
Pringle J. K., Jervis, J. J., Roberts, D., Dick, H., Cassidy, N. J. and Cassella, J. P., 2016. Geophysical monitoring of simulated clandestine graves using electrical and Ground Penetrating Radar methods: 4-6 years after burial, Journal of Forensic Science, vol. 61, no. 2, 309-321.
Premasiri, R., Styles, P., Shrira, V., Cassidy, N. J. and Schwenninger, J., 2015. OSL Dating and GPR Mapping of Palaeotsunami Inundation: A 4000-Year History of Indian Ocean Tsunamis as recorded in Sri Lanka, Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 172, no. 12, 3357-3384..
Dick, H., Pringle J. K., Sloane, B., Carver, J., Wisniewski, K., D., Haffensen, A., Porter S., Roberts, D. and Cassidy, N. J., 2015. Detection and characterisation of a Black Death mass burial cemetery in Central London, UK., Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 59, 132-141.
Balint, R., Cassidy, N. J., Cartmell, S. C., 2014. Conductive polymers: Towards a smart biomaterial for tissue engineering, Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 10, no. 6, 2341-2353. (“Editor’s Choice” of top five papers in Acta Biomaterialia)
Weatherill, J., Krause, S., Voyce, K., Drijfhout, F., Levy, A., Cassidy N. J. 2014. Nested monitoring approaches to delineate groundwater trichloroethene discharge to a lowland stream at multiple spatial scales, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, vol.158, 38-54.
Van Dam, R., Hendrick, J. M. M. Cassidy, N. J., North R. and Borchers, B., 2013. Effects of Magnetite on High-Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar, Geophysics, vol. 78 No. 5 H1-H11.
Balint, R, Cassidy, N. J., Hidalgo-Bastida, L. A. and Cartmell, S.C., 2013. Electrical stimulation enhanced Mesenchymal Stem Cell gene expression for the treatment of non-unions and bone tissue engineering, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, 212-221.
Rose, l., Krause, S. and Cassidy, N.J., 2013. Capabilities and limitations of tracing spatial temperature patterns by fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, no.3, 1741-1745.
Millington, T., Cassidy, N. J., Crocco, L. and Soldovieri, F. 2013. Tomographic GPR imaging using a linear inversion algorithm informed by FDTD modeling: a numerical case study of buried utility pipes monitoring, Near-Surface Geophysics, vol. 11, no. 2, 221-230.
Balint, R., Cassidy N. J., Cartmell S. C., 2013. Electrical Stimulation; A Novel Tool for Tissue Engineering, Tissue Engineering: Part B, 19(1): 48-57.
Balint, R., Cassidy N. J., Cartmell S. C., 2012. Capacitive stimulation enhanced osteogenic differentiation of primary human mesenchymal stem cells, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine vol. 6, 332-332.
Krause, S., Taylor, S. L., Weatherill, J., Haffenden, A., Levy, A., Cassidy, N. J. and Thomas, P. A. 2012. Fibre-optic Distributed Temperature Sensing for Characterizing the Impacts of Vegetation Coverage on Thermal Patterns in Woodlands, EcoHydrology, vol. 6, no. 5, 754-764.
Kettridge, N., Binley, A., Comas, X., Cassidy N. J., Baird, A. J., Harris, A., van der Kruk, J, Strack, M. and. Waddington, J. M., 2012. Do peatland Microforms Move through time? Examining the developmental history of a patterned peatland using ground-penetrating radar, Journal of Geophysical Research, Biosciences, Vol. 117 ARTNG03030.
Whelley, P. L., Jay, J., Calder, E.S., Pritchard, M., Cassidy, N. J., Alcaraz, S. and Pavez, A., 2012. Post-depositional fracturing and subsidence of pumice flow deposits: Lascar volcano, Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology, vol. 74, 511-531.
Krause, S., Blume T and Cassidy, N.J., 2012. Investigating patterns and controls of groundwater up-welling in a lowland river by combining Fibre-optic Distributed Temperature Sensing with observations of vertical head gradients, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, vol. 16(6), 1775-1792.
Gertisser R., Cassidy, N J., Charbonnier, S., Nuzzo L. and Preece K. 2012. Overbank block-and-ash flow deposits and the impact of valley-derived, unconfined flows on populated areas at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia, Natural Hazards, vol. 60, no. 2. 623-648.
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