Research Interests
- Nanoscale Science
- Noncovalent Bonding
- Self-Assembly
- Self-Organisation
- Recognition Phenomena
- C60
- Electron Beam Resists
- Liquid Crystals
- Self-Assembled Monolayers
- Nano-Tribology
Jon Preece began his academic research career in the Group of Professor J Fraser Stoddart (Birmingham, 1991-1994) carrying out research in the area of supramolecular chemistry, with particular interest in the design, synthesis and characterisation of materials which could be switched between different states. This interest in materials chemistry led John to join the Research Group of Professor Helmut Ringsdorf for a period of two years (1995-1996) where he gained experience in aspects of materials surface science. Currently, the John A Preece Group carry out research in the area of nanoscale materials science. For example, new nanoscale-materials (i) for electron beam resists, (ii) for the assembly of inorganic/organic hybrid nanoparticles with novel electro-optic, structural and medicinal properties (gene delivery), (iii) for liquid crystals, and (iv) for surfaces used in technological applications. The research is or has been supported by the EPSRC, BBSRC, European Community (RTN, STREP), The Leverhulme Trust and NEDO (Japan), as well as two leading British Companies (BASYSTEMS and BNFL).