Akhtar, N, Bowen, J, Asteriadou, K, Robbins, P.T., Zhang, Z, Fryer, P.J. (2010), Matching the nano- to the meso- scale: measuring deposit surface interactions with atomic force microscopy and micromanipulation, Food and Bioproducts Processing Transactions of the IChemE C4, 88, 341-348.
Cole, P.A., Asteriadou, K, Robbins, P.T., Owen, E.G., Montague, G.A., and Fryer, P.J. (2010), The effect of cleaning fluid temperature and flow rate on the removal of toothpaste from pipework, Food and Bioproducts Processing Transactions of the IChemE C4, 88, 392-400.
Goode, K.R., Asteriadou, K, Fryer, P.J., Robbins, P.T., Picksley, P. (2010) Characterising the cleaning mechanisms of yeast and the implications for Cleaning In Place (CIP), Food and Bioproducts Processing Transactions of the IChemE C4, 88, 365-374.
Bridson, R.H., Robbins, P.T., Chen, Y.Y., Westerman, D., Gillham, C.R., Roche,T.C. and Seville, J.P.K., (2007), The effects of high shear blending of alpha-lactose monohydrate, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 339 (1-2), 84 – 90.
Mackey, B.M., Kelly, A.F., Colvin, J.A., Robbins, P.T., and Fryer, P.J., (2006), Predicting the thermal inactivation of bacteria in a solid matrix: simulation studies on the relative effects of microbial thermal resistance parameters and process conditions, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 107, 295 – 303.
Fryer, P.J.; Robbins, P.T. (2005), Heat transfer in food processing: ensuring product quality and safety, Applied Thermal Engineering, 25(16), 2499-2510.
Robbins, P.T. and Fryer, P.J., (2003), The spouted-bed roasting of barley: development of a predictive model for moisture and temperature, Journal of Food Engineering, 59, 198-208.
Bridge, S.P., Robbins, P.T., Paterson, W.R. and Wilson, D.I., (2001), A pneumatic gauging sensor for measuring the thickness of soft films, Trans. IMechE Part E: Process Mechanical Engineering, 215, 19-27.
Robbins, P.T., Belmar, M.T., Elliott, B.L. and Fryer, P.J., (1999), A comparison of milk and whey fouling in a pilot scale plate heat exchanger: implications for modelling and mechanistic studies, Trans. IChemE C, 77. 97-106.
Fryer, P.J., Robbins, P.T., Green, C.H., Schreier, P.J.R., Pritchard, A.M., Hasting, A.P.M., Royston, D.G. and Richardson, J.F., (1996), A statistical model for fouling of a plate heat exchanger by whey protein solution at UHT conditions, Trans. IChemE C., 74, 189-199,.
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