Dr Gillian Lowe MA MB BChir MRCP FRCPath PhD

Dr Gillian Lowe

Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
Honorary Associate Professor
Consultant Haematologist, University Hospital Birmingham
Deputy Director of Research for University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Contact details

Birmingham Platelet Group
Institute of Biomedical Research
Cardiovascular Sciences
College of Medicine and Health
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Gill Lowe is a Consultant in Haemostasis and Thrombosis at University Hospital Birmingham, and a Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham. She completed a PhD looking at patients with inherited platelet disorders within the Birmingham Platelet Group between 2010-2013, and has maintained strong links with the group since. She sits on several national committees relating to the care of patients with disorders of haemostasis, and is particularly interested in integrating clinical research in to everyday practice, and in provision of education in her clinical field.

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  • November 2015 - PhD, University of Birmingham
  • April 2013 -  Associate of the Higher Education Academy (following completion of Foundation of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education), Higher Education Academy
  • May 2010 - FRCPath (Haematology), Royal College of Pathologists
  • July 2006 - Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK)
  • December 2002  - MB BChir - Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
  • June 2000 - BA (Hons) in Physiology - Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge


Dr Gill Lowe trained in Cambridge and then worked in Newcastle and Manchester as a junior doctor before taking up a haematology specialist training post in Birmingham in 2006. During her training she completed a Wellcome Trust Funded PhD under the supervision of Professor Steve Watson and Dr Will Lester. Her PhD looked at patients with inherited platelet disorders and aimed to examine ways of better diagnosing these rare conditions.

Her current post is Consultant in Haemostasis and Thrombosis at University Hospital Birmingham.  She is a full time NHS clinician with a keen interest in integrating clinical research in to everyday NHS practice. She is the co-lead for haematology research for the West Midlands Clinical Research Network, and was a recipient of the BSH-NIHR researcher of the year award in 2018.

She enjoys teaching and has been part of the organising committee for numerous national and international training events. She was part of the formulation of HaemSTAR, the haematology trainee research network, and continues to support this group.

She works closely with the Birmingham Platelet Group in their ongoing research studies and has co-supervised medical and biomedical science students within the group.


  • Lead for 3rd year medical student haematology programme
  • Lectures to various year groups on MBChB programme
  • Provides SCE and PIP placements to medical students
  • Examiner for poster presentations and 3rd year exams
  • At postgraduate level coordinates regional haemostasis teaching for FRCPath and is a FRCPath examiner.

Doctoral research

PhD title
Phenotyping and genotyping of platelet defects in patient populations enriched in bleeding.

Other activities


Pavord, S et al  Practical guidance for the management of adults with Immune Thrombocytopenia during the COVID-19 pandemic  May 2020  British Journal of Haematology 189(6)  DOI: 10.1111/bjh.16775

Dutt, T, Shaw RJ et al  Real-World Evidence of Caplacizumab Use in the Management of Acute TTP November 2020 Blood 137(13)  10.1182/blood.2020007599 

Nicolson PL, Desborough MJ, Hart D, Biss TT, Lowe GC, Toh CH  A HaemSTAR is born; a trainee-led, UK-wide research network in haematology. Clin Med (Lond). 2019;19(6):532-533

Khan AO, Maclachlan A, Lowe GC, Nicolson PLR, Al Ghaithi R, Thomas SG, Watson SP, Pike JA and Morgan NV on behalf of the UK GAPP Study Group. High-throughput platelet spreading analysis: a tool for the diagnosis of platelet-based bleeding disorders.  Haematologica. 2020;105(3):e124-e128

Lowe GC, Fickowska R, Al Ghaithi R, Maclachlan A, Harrison P, Lester W, Watson SP, Myers B, Clark J, Morgan NV. Investigation of the contribution of an underlying platelet defect in women with unexplained heavy menstrual bleeding.  Platelets. 2019;30(1):56-65

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