Recent publications
Rate control Therapy Evaluation in permanent Atrial Fibrillation (RATE-AF) trial team, Abdali, Z, Bunting, KV, Mehta, S, Camm, J, Rahimi, K, Stanbury, M, Haynes , S, Kotecha, D & Jowett, S 2025, 'Cost-effectiveness of digoxin versus beta-blockers in permanent atrial fibrillation: the RATE-AF randomised trial', Heart.
Kotecha, D, Rienstra, M & Van Gelder, IC 2025, 'The '10 commandments' for the 2024 European Society of Cardiology guidelines on atrial fibrillation', European Heart Journal.
ESC Scientific Document Group, Van Gelder, IC, Rienstra, M, Bunting, KV, Casado-Arroyo, R, Caso, V, Crijns, HJGM, De Potter, TJR, Dwight, J, Guasti, L, Hanke, T, Jaarsma, T, Lettino, M, Løchen, ML, Lumbers, RT, Maesen, B, Mølgaard, I, Rosano, GMC, Sanders, P, Schnabel, RB, Suwalski, P, Svennberg, E, Tamargo, J, Tica, O, Traykov, V, Tzeis, S & Kotecha, D 2024, '2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS): Developed by the task force for the management of atrial fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), with the special contribution of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the ESC. Endorsed by the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) ', European Heart Journal, vol. 45, no. 36, pp. 3314-3414.
Gill, SK, Barsky, A, Guan, X, Bunting, KV, Karwath, A, Tica, O, Stanbury, M, Haynes, S, Folarin, A, Dobson, R, Kurps, J, Asselbergs, FW, Grobbee, DE, Camm, AJ, Eijkemans, MJC, Gkoutos, GV, Kotecha, D, BigData@Heart Consortium and the cardAIc group & RATE_AF trial team 2024, 'Consumer wearable devices for evaluation of heart rate control using digoxin versus beta-blockers: the RATE-AF randomized trial', Nature Medicine, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 2030-2036.
Sterliński, M, Bunting, K, Boriani, G, Boveda, S, Guasch, E, Mont, L, Rajappan, K, Sommer, P, Mehta, S, Sun, Y, Gale, CP, van Deutekom, C, van Gelder, IC & Kotecha, D 2024, 'Design and deployment of the STEEER-AF trial to evaluate and improve guideline adherence: A cluster-randomised trial by the European Society of Cardiology and European Heart Rhythm Association', EP Europace, vol. 26, no. 7, euae178.
Zhang, Y, Liu, B, Bunting, KV, Brind, D, Thorley, A, Karwath, A, Lu, W, Zhou, D, Wang, X, Mobley, AR, Tica, O, Gkoutos, GV, Kotecha, D & Duan, J 2024, 'Development of automated neural network prediction for echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction', Frontiers in Medicine, vol. 11, 1354070.
Majert, J, Nazarzadeh, M, Ramakrishnan, R, Bidel, Z, Hedgecott, D, Perez-Crespillo, A, Turpie, W, Akhtar, N, Allison, M, Rao, S, Gudgin, B, McAuley, M, A'Court, C, Billot, L, Kotecha, D, Potter, J & Rahimi, K 2024, 'Efficacy of decentralised home-based antihypertensive treatment in older adults with multimorbidity and polypharmacy (ATEMPT): an open-label randomised controlled pilot trial', The Lancet Healthy Longevity, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. e172-e181.
Champsi, A, Mobley, A, Subramanian, A, Nirantharakumar, K, Wang, X, Shukla, D, Bunting, K, Molgaard, I, Dwight, J, Casado Arroyo, R, Crijns, HJGM, Guasti, L, Lettino, M, Lumbers, RT, Maesen, B, Rienstra, M, Svennberg, E, Tica, O, Traykov, V, Tzeis, S, van Gelder, I & Kotecha, D 2024, 'Gender and contemporary risk of adverse events in atrial fibrillation', European Heart Journal, vol. 45, no. 36, ehae539.
Linz, D, Andrade, JG, Arbelo, E, Boriani, G, Breithardt, G, Camm, AJ, Caso, V, Nielsen, JC, De Melis, M, De Potter, T, Dichtl, W, Diederichsen, SZ, Dobrev, D, Doll, N, Duncker, D, Dworatzek, E, Eckardt, L, Eisert, C, Fabritz, L, Farkowski, M, Filgueiras-Rama, D, Goette, A, Guasch, E, Hack, G, Hatem, S, Haeusler, KG, Healey, JS, Heidbuechel, H, Hijazi, Z, Hofmeister, LH, Hove-Madsen, L, Huebner, T, Kääb, S, Kotecha, D, Malaczynska-Rajpold, K, Merino, JL, Metzner, A, Mont, L, Ng, GA, Oeff, M, Parwani, AS, Puererfellner, H, Ravens, U, Rienstra, M, Sanders, P, Scherr, D, Schnabel, R, Schotten, U, Sohns, C, Steinbeck, G, Steven, D, Toennis, T, Tzeis, S, van Gelder, IC, van Leerdam, RH, Vernooy, K, Wadhwa, M, Wakili, R, Willems, S, Witt, H, Zeemering, S & Kirchhof, P 2024, 'Longer and better lives for patients with atrial fibrillation: the 9th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference', Europace, vol. 26, no. 4, euae070.
Aiyegbusi, OL, Cruz Rivera, S, Kamudoni, P, Anderson, N, Collis, P, Denniston, AK, Harding, R, Hughes, SE, Khunti, KK, Kotecha, D, Krumholz, H, Liu, X, McMullan, C, Molony-Oates, B, Monteiro, J, Myles, P, Rantell, KR, Soltys, K, Verdi, R, Wilson, R & Calvert, MJ 2024, 'Recommendations to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in decentralized clinical trials', Nature Medicine.
Adasuriya, G, Barsky, A, Kralj-Hans, I, Mohan, S, Gill, S, Chen, Z, Jarman, J, Jones, D, Valli, H, Gkoutos, GV, Markides, V, Hussain, W, Wong, T, Kotecha, D & Haldar, S 2024, 'Remote monitoring of atrial fibrillation recurrence using mHealth technology (REMOTE-AF)', European Heart Journal - Digital Health, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 344-355.
Rienstra, M, Tzeis, S, Bunting, KV, Caso, V, Crijns, HJGM, De Potter, TJR, Sanders, P, Svennberg, E, Casado-Arroyo, R, Dwight, J, Guasti, L, Hanke, T, Jaarsma, T, Lettino, M, Løchen, M-L, Lumbers, RT, Maesen, B, Molgaard, I, Rosano, GMC, Schnabel, RB, Suwalski, P, Tamargo, J, Tica, O, Traykov, V, Kotecha, D & Van Gelder, IC 2024, 'Spotlight on the 2024 ESC/EACTS management of atrial fibrillation guidelines: 10 novel key aspects', EP Europace, vol. 25, no. 12, euae298.
Mobley, AR, Subramanian, A, Champsi, A, Wang, X, Myles, P, McGreavy, P, Bunting, KV, Shukla, D, Nirantharakumar, K & Kotecha, D 2024, 'Thromboembolic events and vascular dementia in patients with atrial fibrillation and low apparent stroke risk', Nature Medicine.
Review article
ESC Scientific Document Group, Byrne, RA, Rossello, X, Coughlan, JJ, Barbato, E, Berry, C, Chieffo, A, Claeys, MJ, Dweck, MR, Galbraith, M, Gilard, M, Hinterbuchner, L, Jankowska, EA, Jüni, P, Kimura, T, Kunadian, V, Leosdottir, M, Lorusso, R, Pedretti, RFE, Rigopoulos, AG, Gimenez, MR, Thiele, H, Vranckx, P, Wassmann, S, Wenger, NK & Ibanez, B 2024, '2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes: Developed by the task force on the management of acute coronary syndromes of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)', European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 55-161.
ESC Task Force, Humbert, M, Kovacs, G, Hoeper, MM, Badagliacca, R, Berger, RMF, Brida, M, Carlsen, J, Coats, AJS, Escribano-Subias, P, Ferrari, P, Ferreira, DS, Ghofrani, HA, Giannakoulas, G, Kiely, DG, Mayer, E, Meszaros, G, Nagavci, B, Olsson, KM, Pepke-Zaba, J, Quint, JK, Rådegran, G, Simonneau, G, Sitbon, O, Tonia, T, Toshner, M, Vachiery, JL, Noordegraaf, AV, Delcroix, M & Rosenkranz, S 2023, '2022 ESC/ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension', European Respiratory Journal, vol. 61, no. 1, 2200879.
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