Dr Fiona Mitchell

Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology
Honorary Research Fellow

Contact details

Ancient Greek literature, iconography and mythology, and their connections to international mythological and cultural traditions.

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Feedback and office hours

  • Monday 16:00-17:00
  • Wednesday 12:00-13:00


  • BA (Hons) in Classical Studies – University of Manchester
  • MA in Classica and Ancient History – University of Manchester
  • PhD in Classics and Ancient History – University of Bristol


I am currently converting my doctoral thesis, ‘Monsters in Ancient Greek Cosmogony, Ethnography and Biology’, into a monograph.

I am also developing a project on conceptions of time in ancient Greek cosmogony and looking at correspondences between ancient Greek and Indian creation narratives. I held a conference, Time and Chronology in Creation Narratives, in June 2018 which brought together an international group of scholars to discuss the theme across different cultures in the ancient world. 


  • Forthcoming (2019) ‘The Augean Stables’ in Ogden, D. (ed.) (2019) Oxford Companion to Herakles. Oxford: Oxford University Press USA. 
  • Forthcoming (2018)    Mitchell, F. and Cobb, M. ‘Eros at Junnar: a Reappraisal of a Piece of Ancient Art’. Greece and Rome
  • Forthcoming (2018) ‘Destruction and Creation: Monstrous Hybrids in the Primordial Cosmos’ in S. Lewis and S. Newington (eds.) Animals and Monsters in Ancient Religion and Culture: Between WorldsRoutledge.
  • 2018 ‘The Universe from an Egg: Ancient Greek and Indian Creation Narratives’ in Cobb. M, (ed.) (2018) Indian Ocean Trade in Antiquity: Economic, Social and Cultural. Routledge.  
  • 2014 ‘Introduction: Sound and Silence’. HARTS & Minds(4).  
  • 2013 ‘Monstrous Omens in Herodotus’ Histories’  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature 2013.