From 2004-09 I was editor of Britannia, the leading journal on Roman Britain. I am currently Chair of the Editorial Committee of the Roman Society, responsible for the Society’s two journals, Britannia and Journal of Roman Studies. I am also a member of the comité scientifique (editorial committee) of Gallia, the major academic journal dealing with Roman Gaul. I also sit on the editorial group for the journal Antiquité Tardive, based in Paris.
Apart from speaking in Britain, in the last couple of years I have been invited to give lectures or seminars in Aarhus, Brussels, Paris, and given papers to conferences in Ann Arbor, Barcelona and Lugo.
I have held a wide range of administrative roles within the University of Birmingham. In 2010-11 I was on Study Leave. This has been partly financed by the National Trust in order to prepare a definitive publication on Chedworth (Glos), one of the few in Britain open to the public, but never properly written up.
I have acted as external examiner (under- and post-graduate) at universities in Britain and France and as consultant to a number of archaeological and related bodies