Refereed Authored Books
Weber, Y., Tarba, S. Y., and Oberg, C. 2014. A Comprehensive Guide To Mergers & Acquisitions: Managing the Critical Success Factors Across Every Stage of the M&A Process. New York, USA: Pearson & Financial Times Press.
Selected Articles in Refereed Journals
Tarba, S. Y., Cooke, F. L., Weber, Y., Ahlstrom, D., Cooper, C. L., & Collings, D. G. (2020). Mergers and acquisitions in the global context: The role of human resource management. Journal of World Business, 55 (2).
Khan, Z., Wood, G., Tarba, S. Y., Rao‐Nicholson, R., & He, S. 2019. Human resource management in Chinese multinationals in the United Kingdom: The interplay of institutions, culture, and strategic choice. Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), 58 (5), 473-487.
King, D. R., Bauer, F., Weng, Q., Schriber, S., & Tarba, S. 2019. What, when, and who: Manager involvement in predicting employee resistance to acquisition integration. Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), Forthcoming.
Bauer, F., Rothermel, M., Tarba, S. Y., Arslan, A., & Uzelac, B. 2019. Marketing Integration Decisions, Intermediate Goals and Market Expansion in Horizontal Acquisitions: How Marketing Fit Moderates the Relationships on Intermediate Goals. British Journal of Management. Forthcoming.
Scuotto, V., Del Giudice, M., Tarba, S., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., & Chang, V. 2019. International social SMEs in emerging countries: Do governments support their international growth? Journal of World Business. Forthcoming.
Soundararajan, V., Khan, Z., & Tarba, S. Y. 2018. Beyond Brokering: Sourcing Agents, Boundary Work, and Social Upgrading In Global Production Networks. Human Relations, 71 (4), 481-509.
Carmeli, A., Brammer, S., Gomes, E., & Tarba, S. Y. 2017. Organizational Ethic of Care and Employee Involvement in Sustainability-related Behaviors: A Social Identity Perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 (9), 1380-1395.
Sarala, R.M., Junni, P., Cooper, C. L., & Tarba, S. 2016. A Socio-Cultural Perspective on Knowledge Transfer in Mergers and Acquisitions. Journal of Management (SAGE), 42, 1230-1249.
Ahammad, M. F., Leone, V., Tarba, S. Y., and Glaister, K. W., & Arslan, A. 2017. Uncertainty and Equity Ownership in Cross-Border Acquisitions: Evidence from Cross-Border Acquisitions by UK Firms. British Journal of Management, 28 (2), 180-196.
Khan, Z., Rao-Nickolson, R., & Tarba, S. Y. 2016. Global Networks as a Mode of Balance for Exploratory Innovations in a Late Liberalizing Economy. Journal of World Business, 53 (6), 392-402.
Junni, P., Sarala, R., Tarba, S.Y., Liu, Y., & Cooper, C. 2015. The Role of Human Resources and Organizational Factors in Ambidexterity. Human Resource Management, 54 (S1), 1-28 ( US, Wiley).
Junni, P., Sarala, R., Tarba, S.Y., & Weber, Y. 2015. Strategic Agility In Mergers and Acquisitions. British Journal of Management, 26, 596-616.
Xing, Y., Liu, Y., Boojihawon, D. K., & Tarba, S. (2020). Entrepreneurial team and strategic agility: A conceptual framework and research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1).
Pereira, V., Budhwar, P., Temouri, Y., Malik, A., & Tarba, S. (2020). Investigating Investments in agility strategies in overcoming the global financial crisis-The case of Indian IT/BPO offshoring firms. Journal of International Management, (Forthcoming).
Tarba, S.Y., Ahammad, M. F., Stokes, P., Junni, P., & Morag, O. 2019. The Impact of Organizational Culture Differences, Synergy Potential, and Autonomy Granted to the Acquired High-tech Firms on the M&A Performance. Group & Organization Management, 44(3), 483-520.
Park, K. M., Meglio, O., Bauer, F., & Tarba, S. 2018. Managing patterns of internationalization, integration, and identity transformation: The post-acquisition metamorphosis of an Arabian Gulf EMNC. Journal of Business Research, 93, 122-138.
Bauer, F., Dao, M.-A., Strobl, A., and Tarba, S.Y. 2017.Triggering Innovation through Mergers and Acquisitions – The Role of Shared Mental Models. Group & Organization Management, 42 (2), 195-236.
Bauer, F., Dao, M. A., Tarba, S.Y., and Matzler, K. 2016. How industry context sets the boundary conditions in M&A integration. Long Range Planning, 50 (4), 501-517.
Liu, Y., Xing, Y., Tarba, S. Y., and Cooper, C. 2016. Servitization Through Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case of Emerging Market Manufacturing Firms Venturing into Advanced Economies. International Journal of Production and Economics, 192, 9-18.
Ahammad, M., Tarba, S.Y., Liu, Y., and Glaister, K. 2016. Knowledge Transfer and Cross-border Acquisition Performance: The Impact of Cultural Distance and Employee Retention. International Business Review, 25 (1),66-75.
Arslan, A., Tarba, S.Y., and Larimo, J. 2015. FDI Entry Strategies and The Impacts of Economic Freedom Distance: Evidence From Nordic FDIs in Transitional Periphery of CIS and SEE. International Business Review, 24, 997-1008.
Ahammad, M., Tarba, S.Y., Liu, Y., Glaister, K., and Cooper, C.L. 2015. Exploring The Factors Influencing The Negotiation Process In Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions. International Business Review, 25 (2),445-447.
Zhang, Z., Ahammad, M. F., Tarba, S.Y., Cooper, C. 2015.The Impact of Leadership Style on Talent Retention During M&A Integration: Evidence from MNEs in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (7),1021-1050.
Almor, T., Tarba, S.Y., and Margalit, A. 2014. Maturing, Technology-Based, Born Global Companies: Surviving Through Mergers and Acquisitions. Management International Review, 54 (4), 421-444.
Weber, Y. and Tarba, S.Y. 2014. Strategic Agility: A State of Art. California Management Review, 56 (3), 5-12.
Junni, P., Sarala, R., Taras, V., and Tarba, S.Y. 2013. Organizational Ambidexterity and Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Perspectives, 27 (4), 299-312.
Gomes, E., Angwin, D., Weber, Y., and Tarba, S.Y. 2013. Critical Success Factors Through The Mergers and Acquisitions Process: Revealing Pre- and Post- M&A Connections for Improved Performance. Thunderbird International Business Review, 55 (1), 13-35.
Weber, Y., Tarba, S.Y., and Reichel, A. 2011. International Mergers and Acquisitions Performance: Acquirer Nationality and Integration Approaches. International Studies of Management & Organization, 41 (3), 9-24.
Weber, Y. and Tarba, S.Y. 2010. Human Resource Practices and Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions in Israel, Human Resource Management Review, 20, 203-211.
Almor, T., Tarba, S.Y., and Benjamini, H. 2009. Unmasking Integration Challenges: The Case of Biogal's Acquisition by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. International Studies of Management & Organization, 39 (3), 33-53.