Professor Stan Siebert

Professor Stan Siebert

Department of Management
Professor of Labour Economics

Contact details

Business School
University House
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

W Stanley Siebert is Professor of Labour Economics at the Business School, where he has worked since 1980. He gained his PhD at the London School of Economics. He has published widely in the major economics and industrial relations journals including the Academy of Management Journal, British Journal of Industrial Relations,  Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Management Science and Oxford Economic Papers. He is the author of two texts on labour economics The Market for Labor: An Analytical Treatment (with John Addison) and The Economics of Earnings (with Solomon Polachek). He has also edited a survey of European labor market regulation Labour Markets in Europe: Issues of Harmonisation and Regulation  (co edited with John Addison).

Stan is a member of IZA (Institute for the Study of Labour, Bonn) where most of his recent papers can be accessed (

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Teaching: Personnel Economics, a final-year 20-credit module (with Dr. Deniz Sevinc)

Postgraduate supervision

  • Industrial relations (unions, worker participation);
  • European social and labour policy;
  • Vocational training and education;
  • Wage issues (gender wage gap, minimum wages, wage inequalities)


  • Project 1 aims to examine employment and wages of unskilled workers within OECD countries, and specifically to consider labour policies such as minimum wages and employment protection laws. Project can be widened to consider education/training of the unskilled and the class wage gap. Data are literature surveys plus original data eg EUKLEMS
  • Project 2 analyses the cost-effectiveness of a guide-style education feedback improvement using an RCT in 10 schools in rural China where there are special problems of “left-behind” children. Feedback notes are shared with the absent parents.

Other activities


Recent publications


Carmichael, F, Darko, C, Ercolani, M, Ozgen, C & Siebert, S 2020, 'Evidence on intergenerational income transmission using complete Dutch population data', Economics Letters, vol. 189, 108996.

Adab, P, Fitzmaurice, D, Dickens, A, Ayres, J, Buni, H, Cheng, K, Cooper, B, Daley, A, Enocson, A, Greenfield, S, Jolly, C, Jowett, S, Kalirai, K, Marsh, J, Miller, M, Riley, R, Siebert, W, Stockley, R, Turner, A & Jordan, R 2016, 'Cohort profile: The Birmingham Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Cohort Study', International Journal of Epidemiology.

Anagnostopoulos, AD & Siebert, W 2015, 'The impact of Greek labour market regulation on temporary employment – evidence from a survey in Thessaly, Greece', International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 26, no. 18, pp. 2366-2393.

Jordan, R, Adab, P, Jowett, S, Marsh, J, Riley, RD, Enocson, A, Miller, MR, Cooper, BG, Turner, AM, Ayres, J, Cheng, K, Jolly, C, Stockley, RA, Greenfield, S, Siebert, W, Daley, A & Fitzmaurice, DA 2014, 'TargetCOPD : a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of targeted case finding for COPD versus routine practice in primary care : protocol', BMC Pulmonary Medicine, vol. 14, no. 1, 157.

Heywood, JS, Siebert, W & Wei, X 2011, 'Examining the Use of Agency Workers: Can Family-Friendly Practices Reduce Their Use?', Industrial Relations, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 535-564.

Siebert, W & Zubanov, N 2010, 'Management Economics in a Large Retail Company', Management Science, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1398-1414.

Heywood, JS, Siebert, W & Wei, X 2010, 'Work-life balance: promises made and promises kept', International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1976-1995.


Siebert, W 2015, The Simple Economics of Wage Floors. in C Coyne & R Coyne (eds), Flaws and Ceilings: Price Controls and the Damage They Cause., 4, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, pp. 45-71.

Siebert, S 2013, Advertising and the professions. in Marketing in the Service Industries: Marketing Service Industries. 3 edn, vol. 4, Taylor and Francis, pp. 108-124.

Other chapter contribution

Siebert, W 2014, The Living Wage. in P Booth (ed.), Economic Affairs. vol. Spring 2014, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, pp. 18-21.

Other contribution

Siebert, W 2015, The Simple Economics of Minimum Wages. Institute of Economic Affairs, London.


Siebert, W, Heywood, J & Wei, X 2013, 'The Consequences of a Piece Rate on Quantity and Quality: Evidence from a Field Experiment'. <>

Siebert, W, Maimaiti, Y & Peng, F 2011, 'HRM Practices and Performance of Family-Run Workplaces: Evidence from the 2004 WERS', Paper presented at Work Pensions and Employment Group Conference 2011, 1/01/11.

Working paper

Darko, C, Carmichael, F, Ercolani, M, Siebert, S & Ozgen, C 2019 'Evidence on intergenerational income transition using complete Dutch population data' IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. < >

Bailey, R, Siebert, W & Addison, JT 2009 'Department of Economics Discussion Paper Series 09-04: Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force'.

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