Dr Juliane Schwarz

Dr Juliane Schwarz

The Department of Strategy and International Business
Research Fellow

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Juliane is a Research Fellow at City-REDI/WMREDI, University of Birmingham and holds a PhD in Linguistics from Lancaster University. As a social scientist, she has more than 15 years of experiences in managing and conducting research projects. Her expertise lies in evaluation and impact studies employing mainly qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus groups and surveys. She has contributed to and organised impact evaluation studies for the ESRC, the NHS and NHS Scotland and several public and private sector organisations.

Her present focus of research is entrepreneurship, start-ups and start-up support. She is particularly interested in how incubators and accelerators contribute to regional economic development and growth and, at the same time, how they impact individual entrepreneur and the success or failure of their venture, what kind of methods support inclusive and sustainable growth and how can this be accelerated by building on and strengthening geographic and historic assets of a region. She is leading projects on university-industry relationships including spill-over effects and university incubators as part of a wider regional innovation system.

Juliane was on secondment at the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) from April 2021 till March 2022 to work on policy research and regional strategy development. 


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  • PhD in Linguistics (Social Science), Lancaster University, 2006.
  • Magister Artium in Linguistics, Literature and Modern History, Universität Tübingen, Germany, 1999.
  • Certificate in Learning and Teaching in HE. Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2013) Aston University.
  • PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner (2021)

  • Aurora Leadership Programme (2021)


Dr Juliane Schwarz is a Research Fellow at City-REDI and WM REDI, University of Birmingham and holds a PhD in Linguistics from Lancaster University. As a social scientist, she has more than 15 years of experiences in managing and conducting research projects. Her expertise lies in evaluation and impact studies employing qualitative methods and doing mixed methods research. She has contributed to and organised impact evaluation studies for the Leverhulme Trust, the ESRC, the NHS and NHS Scotland and several public and private sector organisations. 

Previous Research Positions:     

School of Languages and Social Science, Aston University 

Impact Evaluation studies. ESRC and British Council funded.

Quality assurance internal surveys.               

Independent Research Consultant 

Benchmarking studies on knowledge-sharing community of practice within a global enterprise.

In-depth data analysis (discourse analysis) of qualitative research.

Study on Leadership in Communities of Practice (in association with Warwick Business School)

Innovation Knowledge and Organizational Networks Research Centre IKON Warwick Business School, University of Warwick               

International benchmarking studies of Knowledge-sharing Communities and Networks in Improving Business Performance (ESRC funded).

Evaluation on Healthcare provision (EPSRC funded).           

Research Unit at UCAS 

Education and education policy impact. 

Researcher Centre for Research into Quality, Birmingham City University 

Internal and external student and staff satisfaction surveys. 

Lancaster University               

Co-organiser of the International Gender and Language Association Conference IGALA 2

Previous Teaching Positions

Applied Linguistics at ELAL, University of Birmingham

Language Acquisition and German Language at the Department of Languages, Linguistics and TESOL, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Business English at Department of Languages and Social Science, Aston University.

Sociolinguistics and German Language Linguistics and English Language and Department of Modern Languages, Lancaster University.

Linguistics and Study Skills at Linguistics and Modern Languages and History, Universität Tübingen, Germany.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Start-up and start-up support
  • Business support
  • Business accelerators and incubator
  • Inclusive growth
  • University-industry relationships
  • Evaluations
  • Impact studies
  • Mixed method research
  • Ethics

Other activities

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of Student Entrepreneurship Working Group 



Schwarz, J., Nathan, M., Silva, O., Overman, H., Riom, C. and Nunes-Chaim, G. (work in progress) ‘A Mixed-Method Evaluation of an Accelerator Programme for Early-Stage Start-ups’ 


Williams, F., Schwarz, J., Pugh, A. (2022) University-Industry Relationships Facilitated: The Case of Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hub.  

Bramley, G., Pugh, A. and Schwarz, J. (2021) ‘Evaluation of the GBSLEP Pivot & Prosper Grant Fund Programme.’  

Policy Briefs  

Schwarz, J. (2022) ‘Clean Growth Case Study: Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) and Tyseley Energy Park’.  

Schwarz, J.; Pugh, A.; Breukelaar, H., Green, A.; Bramley, G. (2021) ‘Labour Market Disconnect: High Level of Unemployment in the Region and a Record Number of Vacancies for Jobs and Apprenticeships.’  


Schwarz, J., (2023) ‘Female Entrepreneurship in the UK’   

Schwarz, J., (2021) Accelerator Programmes and the COVID-19 Pandemic.  

Williams, F., Pugh, A. and Schwarz, J (2021) ‘Business Support: Referrals to Regional Universities by the GBSLEP Growth Hub.’   

Schwarz, J., (2021) University-Industry Relationships and Spillover Effects in the West Midlands. The Case of the ARLI Collaborative Research Project.  

Schwarz, J., (2021) A Role for University Incubators in a Regional Innovation System.  


Schwarz, J., Nathan, M., Silva, O., Overman, H., Riom, C. and Nunes-Chaim, G. (2022) ‘Evaluation of a Person-Centred Start-Up Acclerator.’ Presentation at 61st Annual ERSA Congress in Pecz, Hungary.   

Schwarz, J., Nathan, M., Silva, O., Overman, H., Riom, C. and Nunes-Chaim, G. (2020) ‘Mimicking and Optimising Urban Features: The Role of Accelerators in Small Business Support.’ Presentation at City-REDI Symposium CRRESY.   

Schwarz, J., Nathan, M., Silva, O., Overman, H., Riom, C. and Nunes-Chaim, G. (2020) ‘Evaluating a Person-centred Start-up Accelerator.’ Presentation at City-REDI internal seminar series.   

Schwarz, J. and Nathan, M., (2019) ‘Pathways Evaluation: First Cut.’ Stakeholder presentation.

Schwarz, J. (2019) ‘Feminist by Default: A Case Study of a Person-centred Business Acceleration Programme’ Presentation at RSA Winter Conference.