Professor Xiaohui Liu

Professor Xiaohui Liu

The Department of Strategy and International Business
Chair in International Business

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University House
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TY
United Kingdom

Xiaohui Liu is Chair in International Business at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK. Her main research interests include knowledge spillovers, human mobility, innovation and the internationalization strategies of firms from emerging economies.

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PhD in International Economics, University of Birmingham

MPhil in Economics, Beijing Normal University

BSc in Economics, Beijing Normal University


Xiaohui Liu is Professor of International Business at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. Previously, she was a professor at the School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University. Her main research interests are international knowledge spillovers, labour mobility, innovation and the internationalisation strategies of emerging-market firms. She has published widely in journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Organization Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of World Business and International Business Review. 

Professor Liu is a silver medalist of the Academy of International Business as one of the most prolific authors in the Journal of International Business Studies. She has won Best Competitive Paper awards from the Academy of International Business (UK) and International Association for Chinese Management Research. Her research has been funded by the ESRC, the Leverhulme Trust, the British Academy and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She is advisory editor of Research Policy and associate editor of International Business Review. She also serves on the editorial boards for various journals, including of Journal of World Business and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. She is treasurer of AIB UK & Ireland and a member of ESRC Peer Review College.  

 Xiaohui has extensive teaching experience and has taught research-led courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA levels on international business and strategic management.


  • International Business
  • International Business Strategy
  • Implementing Strategy and Managing Change

Postgraduate supervision

Currently supervising PhD research in the following areas:

  • Cross-border merger and acquisitions by emerging market firms
  • Political risk and Subsidiary performance
  • Open innovation and firm performance

I am interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:

  • Innovation in the context of transition economies
  • The internationalization strategy of emerging market firms
  • International knowledge transfer/spillovers, outward foreign direct investment and human mobility


Research and Academic interests

  • Subsidiary performance, interstate relations and political risk  
  • International knowledge transfer/spillovers, outward foreign direct investment and human mobility
  • Innovation in the context of transition economies

Other activities

  • Advisory editor of Research Policy
  • Editorial board member: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, International Business Review, Asian Business & Management and the Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies.
  • General secretary of the Chinese Economic Association (UK)
  • A member of ESRC Peer Review College


Recent publications


Xia, T & Liu, X 2024, 'Cross‐National Knowledge Distance and Host Country Innovation—The Mediating Roles of Local Talents and Third‐Country Exporting', Thunderbird International Business Review.

Adomako, S, Shenkar, O, Liu, X, Amankwah-Amoah, J & Ahsan, M 2024, 'Editorial on Doing business in Africa: Navigating opportunities and challenges in Africa's emerging markets', Journal of International Management, vol. 30, no. 5, 101189.

Han, X, Lukoianove, T, Zhao, S & Liu, X 2024, 'International relations in international business research: A review and research agenda', Journal of Business Research, vol. 174, 114536.

Adomako, S, Liu, X, Sarala, RM, Ahsan, M, Lee, JY & Shenkar, O 2024, 'Multinational Corporations and Social Innovation in Emerging Markets', Management International Review, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 343-363.

Xia, T & Liu, X 2022, 'The innovation paradox of TMT political capital in transition economy firms', Journal of Business Research, vol. 142, pp. 775-790.

Chidlow, A, Wang, J, Liu, X & Wei, Y 2021, 'A co-evolution perspective of EMNE internationalization and institutions: an Integrative Framework of 5Cs', International Business Review, vol. 30, no. 4, 101843.

Xia, T & Liu, X 2021, 'Cultural values and innovation: The mediating role of entrepreneurial learning capacity', Journal of International Management, vol. 27, no. 1, 100812.

Lin, D, Zheng, W, Lu, J, Liu, X & Wright, M 2019, 'Forgotten or not? Home country embeddedness and returnee entrepreneurship', Journal of World Business, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 1-13.

Luo, H, Liu, X, Wu, A & Zhong, X 2019, 'Is it possible to escape? Local protectionism and outward foreign direct investment by Chinese privately-owned enterprises', Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

Lioliou, E, Willcocks, L & Liu, X 2019, 'Researching IT multi-sourcing and opportunistic behavior in conditions of uncertainty: a case approach', Journal of Business Research.


Han, X & Liu, X 2022, State Capitalism as an Instrument of Diplomacy: The Internationalization of Chinese Firms. in M Wright, GT Wood , A Cuervo-Cazurra , P Sun, I Okhmatovskiy & A Grosman (eds), The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm. Oxford Handbooks, Oxford University Press, pp. 306–326.

Han, X & Liu, X 2019, Legitimacy and Institutional Governance Infrastructure: Understanding Political Risk from a Chinese MNE Perspective. in Legitimacy and Institutional Governance Infrastructure: Understanding Political Risk from a Chinese MNE Perspective. pp. 3-26.

Conference contribution

Han, X, Chidlow, A & Liu, X 2019, Risk Management and the Post-entry Performance of Emerging Market MNEs. in Academy of International Business (AIB), Copenhagen, (22-27 June)..

Han, X, Chidlow, A & Liu, X 2019, Risk Management Legitimacy and the Overseas Subsidiary Performance in Emerging Market MNEs. in Academy of International Business – United Kingdom & Northern Ireland (AIB-UK&I) Chapter, University of Sussex, Brighton (24-27 April)..

Review article

Zhao, S, Liu, X, Andersson, U & Shenkar, O 2022, 'Knowledge management of emerging economy multinationals', Journal of World Business, vol. 57, no. 1, 101255.

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