John Fender

John Fender

The Department of Economics
Emeritus Professor

Contact details

John Fender has been at the University of Birmingham since 1992 and was Professor of Macroeconomics between 1998 and 2021. Since February 2021 he has been an Emeritus Professor. He is an active researcher and supervises postgraduate students. He published a monograph on Austerity in September 2020.

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MA, MPhil, DPhil (Oxford)  

Postgraduate supervision

As an Emeritus Professor, Professor Fender continues to act as a co-supervisor for PhD students, although he is unable to act as a lead supervisor.


Professor Fender’s main area of interest is theoretical macroeconomics. He is particularly interested in developing macroeconomic models of fiscal consolidation, seeking to develop some of the ideas in his recent monograph on austerity. His other interests include monetary policy and the macroeconomic effects of Covid-19. He is also interested in open economy macroeconomics, political economy and issues relating to housing and local government.

Other activities

Professor Fender is very willing to be contacted about possible media appearances. He is also happy to consider (inter alia) speaking engagements and serving as an external examiner.   



Austerity: When is it a mistake and when is it necessary?’ Agenda Publishing Company, September 2020

‘Public Sector Capital and the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy’, (with C.J. Ellis), Manchester School, 82(3), June 2014, pp. 322 – 346.

‘A Further Contribution towards Explaining why Disinflation through Currency Pegging may Cause a Boom: the Role of Forward-Looking Wage Setting’, (with N. Rankin), Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, April 2011, pp. 516 - 536. 

‘Information Cascades and Revolutionary Regime Transitions’, (with C.J. Ellis), Economic Journal, 121 (553), June 2011, pp. 763 - 792.

‘Riots, Revolutions, Democratisation and Information Cascades’, (with C.J. Ellis), VoxEU, 26 October 2011. 

‘Altruism and Economics’, in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, second edition, (edited by R. Chadwick), Academic Press, 2012.

Monetary Policy, Wiley, February 2012.

‘In (Partial) Defence of Fiscal Austerity’, Royal Economic Society Newsletter,159, October 2012, pp. 15 – 17 and p. 22.

‘In (Partial) Defence of Fiscal Austerity’ (revised version), The Business Economist, 2013, 44(2), July 2013, pp. 6 – 17. (The Society of Business Economists published this after shortlisting it for the Rybczynski prize.)

‘Public Sector Capital and the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy’, (with C.J. Ellis), Manchester School, published online August 2013.

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The macroeconomic effects of COVID 19; austerity; government debt; budget deficit; inflation; monetary policy; interest rates; unemployment; local government finance; council tax; housing; ethical issues and economics; stock market; exchange rates.

Media experience

Professor Fender is an experienced media commentator on a wide range of issues related to the UK economy from interest rates to government debt.

Related media experts

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