Dr Caroline Chapain

Dr Caroline Chapain

Department of Management
Associate Professor
School Senior Tutor

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT


  • Creativity, innovation, creative industries and creative cities and regions
  • Economic restructuring, plant closures and redundancies
  • Local and regional economic development
  • Public policies (governance, cluster policy)
  • Quantitative and qualitative methodologies
Open all sections


  • 2005: Ph.D. in Urban Studies, INRS-Urbanisation, Culture and Society, UQAM, Montreal, Canada
  • 1996: Msc in Economics (Public Finances), University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  • 1995: Bsc in Economics, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  • 1994: Major in Economics, University of Paris 2, Melun, France


Previous experience

  • 2002-05: Research advisor on public finance, economic development, and cultural issues for the Montreal Metropolitan Planning Organization, Montreal, Canada
  • 2001-02: Research Associate in the field of transportation in North America at the Transport Institute of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg
  • 1998-2001: Research Associate in the field of urban economics and transportation in North America at the Institute of National Scientific Research – Urbanization, Culture and Society in Montreal


  • Research Methods
  • Creative and Knowledge Economies


  • AHRC project on Community Media and the Creative Citizen (2012-2015)
  • AHRC project on Community filmmaking and cultural diversity (2013-2015)
  • AHRC project on Complexity and the Creative Economy (2011-2012)
  • Future Directions for Creative-Knowledge Cities: A University of Birmingham 'Think Tank' event
  • Creative clusters and innovation. NESTA Research (2009-2010)
  • Accommodating Creative Knowledge: Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union (ACRE): A four-year European FP6 research project led by the University of Amsterdam in partnership and 12 other institutions (2006-2010)

Other activities

Conferences, Seminars and Workshops Organisation

Co-chair of the Research Workshop on Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: Realities and Challenges at the 3rd Forum on Entrepreneurship in Culture sponsored by the French Ministry for Culture on the 23rd May 2017 in Paris.

Co-chair, Launch of the ‘Creative Citizen Unbound’ book, sponsored by Lord Manson, House of Parliament, 19th April 2016

Co-chair of the International Seminar on Cultural and Creative Quarters: Developing a Global Perspective. 8-10 June 2015, Angers, France. Organised with Prof. Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux, Sponsored by the Regional Studies Association and the University of Angers

Co-chair of the Creative Citizen Conference, Royal College of Arts, London, 18-19 September 2014.

Co-chair of the Special thematic session on Creative industries as drivers of spatial dynamics, International Geographical Union 2014, Regional Conference, Cracow,

Organisation of a workshop on Digital storytelling: opportunities, practices and challenges, Moseley Exchange, Birmingham, 27th February 2014

Co-chair of the Conference on Community film making and cultural diversity: policy, innovation and practice, BFI Southbank, London, 21-22 January 2014.

Co-chair of a Research Symposium on Complexity and Creative Economy as part of AHRC research project, Business School, University of Birmingham, 30th May 2012.

Co-chair of a Workshop series on Creative Regions in Europe

Creative Regions in Central and Eastern Europe, 21st-22nd September 2011, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, co-chaired with Nick Clifton (UWIC) and Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University);

Creative economies in Southern Europe, 5-6th May 2011, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, co-chaired with Roberta Comunian (University of Kent) and Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitat de Barcelona).

Visiting Researcher

May 2017: Invited Researcher, Business School, University of Nantes, France

February 2017: Invited Teacher on Creative Cities, Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France

April 2016: Invited Researcher, Faculty of Economics, University of Angers, France – collaboration/exchange about creative clusters

May 2015: Invited Researcher, Business School, University of Nantes, France – collaboration and exchange about creative clusters and open innovation.

December 2014: Visiting Researcher, CEGOT, University of Porto – collaboration and exchange on creative intermediaries

November 2014: Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Economics, University of Barcelona – collaboration and exchanges on creative spaces

June 2014: Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Economics, University of Angers, France – collaboration/exchange about creative clusters;

February 2014: Visiting Researcher, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management – exchange and collaboration on creative cluster and film innovation

Invited Speaker/Expert Contribution

July 2017: Invited speaker on Creative cities for the Summer School on Attractive Cities organised by the University of Barcelona and the University of Milan.

May 2017: Invited speaker on digital co-creation at the Understanding Reception in the Digital Age, Institute for social and Advanced Studies, University of Birmingham

October 2016: Expert interview on plant closure for Public Health Wales.

June 2016: Invited speaker, ‘Deconstructing coworking spaces’ presented at the RGCS seminar on "Coworking spaces and coworking movements: an overview of business models", CASS Business School, London

April-June 2016: Expert member, Recruitment Selection Panel, Sierra Hunter Programme, Lleida University, Spain.

January 2016: Invited panellist on the ‘Creative Hubs and Academia’ panel, at the Coming to terms with Creative hubs: a Symposium organised by Creativeworks London in partnership with Knowledge London, Kingston Business School and City University.

November 2015: Invited speaker on ‘Creative citizenship and community media.’ Research Seminar series, School of Media, Birmingham City University.

August 2015: Invited speaker, ‘Coworking spaces in the UK.’, Research seminar series, School of Management, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, Quebec.

July 2015: Invited speaker on ‘Deconstructing coworking spaces’ at the Makerspace event organised by the University of Loughborough, UK

July 2015: Invited speaker, IAS workshop on ‘Screening vulnerability.’ Organised by Birmingham Centre for Film Studies, University of Birmingham, UK

June 2015: Invited speaker on ‘Innovation in the film cluster in Soho, London.’, Seminar on Open innovation: what are we talking about? organised by the University of Nantes, Nantes, France.

June 2015: Invited speaker, research seminar on creative clusters and creative industries, Business School, University of Nantes, France.

April 2015: Invited expert, Community filmmaking sandpit organised by the Birmingham Centre for Film Studies, University of Birmingham, UK.

December 2014: Invited lecture on Creative clusters and creative cities, Post-diploma studies on Cultural industries in the policy of urban and regional development realized by Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.


Journal Articles

Chapain C. and D. Sagot-Duvauroux (2018) “Cultural and creative clusters – a systematic literature review and a renewed research agenda.” Urban Research and Practice, first online at https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/zjipHV5GyPy8INJT6kFQ/full

Chapain C., S. Emin and N. Schieb-Bienfait (2018) “Cultural and creative entrepreneurship: key issues of a still emergent research field.” Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 17(1): 29-37

Malik S., C. Chapain and R. Comunian (2017) ‘Rethinking cultural diversity in the community film sector in the UK.”Organisation, 24(3): 308-329

Andres L. and C. Chapain (2013) “The integration of cultural and creative industries into local and regional development strategies in Birmingham and Marseille: towards an inclusive and collaborative governance?” Regional Studies, 47(2):161-182

Bailey D., C. Chapain and A. de Ruyter (2012) “Employment outcomes and plant closures in a post-industrial city: an analysis of the labour market status of MG Rover workers three years on.” Urban Studies, 49(7) 1595–1612

Chapain C. and R. Comunian (2011)  Dynamics and differences across creative industries in the UK: exploring the case of Birmingham. REDIGE, 2(2) Special Edition on the Creative Economy, Available online at: http://www.cetiqt.senai.br/ead/redige/index.php/redige/issue/view/5/showToc

Chapain C. and R. Comunian (2010) “Enabling and inhibiting the creative economy: The role of the local and regional dimensions in England.” Regional Studies 44(6): 717-734

Chapain C. and L. De Propris (2009) “Drivers and processes of creative industries in cities and regions.” Creative Industries Journal 2(1): 9-18

Chapain C. and R. Comunian (2009) “Creative cities in England: researching realities and images.” In “Can we plan the creative knowledge city?” Built Environment 35(2): 220-237

Chapain C. and P Lee (2009) “Can we plan the creative knowledge city? Perspectives from Western and Eastern Europe.”Built Environment 35(2): 157-164

Editorial of Special Issues

Chapain C, Emin S and Schieb-Bienfait (2018) Entrepreneuriat culturel et créatif : réalités et enjeux, Special issue for Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat (France) 17(1)

Clifton N., Comunian R. and Chapain C. (2015)  Creative Regions in Europe. European Planning Studies, 23(12)

Comunian R., Chapain C. and Clifton N. (2014) Creative industries and creative policies: a European perspective? City, Culture and Society, 5(2): 51-53

Chapain C., N. Clifton and R. Comunian (2013) ‘Understanding Creative Regions: Bridging the Gap between Global Discourses and Regional and National Contexts.’ Regional Studies, 47(2): 131-134

Comunian R., C. Chapain and N. Clifton (2010) ‘Location, location, location: exploring the complex relationship between creative industries and place.’ Creative Industries Journal, 3(1), pp. 5-10

Chapain C. and L. De Propris (2009) Drivers and processes of creative industries in cities and regions. Special Issue,Creative Industries Journal 2(1)

Chapain C., C Collinge, P Lee and S Musterd (2009) “Can we plan the creative knowledge city?” Built Environment 35(2)

Books (authored and edited)

Chapain C. and T. Stryjakiewicz (2017) Creative industries in Europe: drivers of new sectoral and spatial dynamic, Springer.

Malik S, C. Chapain and R. Comunian (2017) Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Practices and Places. Routledge.

Clifton N., Chapain C. and Comunian R. (2016) Creative Regions in Europe. London: Routledge.

Bailey D. and C. Chapain (2011) The Recession and beyond: Local and Regional Responses to the Recession. London: Routledge.

Contributions to Edited Volumes

Chapain C. and T. Stryjiakiewicz (2017) Introduction – Creative Industries in Europe: Drivers of (New) Sectoral and Spatial Dynamics. In Chapain C. and T. Stryjakiewicz (eds) Creative industries in Europe: drivers of sectoral and spatial dynamic, Springer.

Chapain C. and K. Stachowiak (2017) Innovation Dynamic in the Film Industry: The Case of the Soho Cluster in London. in Chapain C. and T. Stryjakiewicz (eds) (2017) Creative industries in Europe: drivers of sectoral and spatial dynamic, Springer.

Stryjiakiewicz T. and C. Chapain (2017) Conclusion in in Chapain C. and T. Stryjakiewicz (eds) (2017) Creative industries in Europe: drivers of sectoral and spatial dynamic, Springer.

Malik S., C. Chapain and R. Comunian (2017) Community Filmmaking Diversity, Practices and Places: an Introduction. In Malik S, C. Chapain and R. Comunian (eds) (2017) Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Practices and Places. Routledge.

Chapain C. (2017) Community Filmmaking: Practices in places and for places – a short introduction. In Malik S, C. Chapain and R. Comunian (eds) (2017) Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Practices and Places. Routledge.

Malik, S. C. Chapain and R. Comunian (2017) Engagement and Participation in Community Filmmaking – a short introduction. In Malik S, C. Chapain and R. Comunian (eds) (2017) Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Practices and Places. Routledge.

Malik S., C. Chapain and R. Comunian (2017) Embracing the complexity of community filmmaking and diversity. In Malik S, C. Chapain and R. Comunian (eds) (2017) Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Practices and Places. Routledge.

Chapain C. and I. Hargreaves (2016) ‘Citizenship in the creative economy’ in I. Hargreaves and J. Hartley (eds) The Creative Citizen Unbound: how social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy. Bristol: Policy Press

Andres L. and C. Chapain (2015) ‘Creative Systems: a new integrated approach to understanding the complexity of cultural and creative industries in Eastern and Western countries’ In J. Bryson and P. Daniels, The Handbook of Service Business, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Pareja-Eastaway M., C. Chapain and S. Mugnano (2013) ‘Successes and Failures in City Branding Policies.’ In S. Musterd and Z. Kovacs (eds) Place Making and Policies for Competitive Cities. Wiley & Sons.

Chapain C., B. Lange and K. Stachowiak (2010) “Perspectives d’Europe : Des villes de taille moyenne peuvent-elles devenir des villes créatives?  in « Culture et attractivité des territoires : où en sommes-nous? » Edited by Corinne Berneman et Benoît Meyronin L’Harmattan, France.

Chapain C. (2010) Construir la ciudades creativas. ¿Qué función se asigna a los actors privados y publicos? In Félix Manito (editor) Ciudades Creativas. Creatividad, innovación, cultural y agenda local. Vol. 2. Fundación Kreanta. pp. 71-78

Chapain C., K. Stachowiak and M. Vaattovaarra, 2010 “Chap. 15: Beyond cluster policy: Birmingham, Poznan and Helsinki.” in Making Competitive Cities: Pathways, Actors and Policies. Edited by Sako Musterd and Alan Murie. Wyley and Son

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Creative industries and creative cities and regions; economic restructuring; plant closures; redundancies; local and regional economic development; public policies (governance, cluster policy); quantitative and qualitative methodologies

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