Bailey, Ralph W. “Human Economists and Abstract Methodology”. Economic Issues, Vol 17, Part I, 2012, pp. 49–75.
RW Bailey, WS Siebert, JT Addison. 2007. "The Impact ofDeunionization on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", Research in Labor Economics, 27, 337-364.
RW Bailey. 2007. "Ordering the dispersion of OLS under near-integration", Statistics and Probability Letters, 77, 594-597.
RW Bailey. 2007. "The real part of a complex ARMA process", Econometric Theory, 23, 537-545.
RW Bailey, D Kelsey, J Eichberger. 2005. "Ambiguity andPublic Good Provision in Large Societies", Journal of Public EconomicTheory, 7, 5, 741-759.
RW Bailey, AMR Taylor. 2002. "An Optimal Test Against aRandom Walk Component in a Non-Orthogonal Unobserved Components Model",Econometrics Journal, 5, 2, 520-532.
RW Bailey, P Burridge, S Nandeibam. 2001. "An integralinequality on C([0,1]) and dispersion of OLS under near-integration",Econometric Theory, 17, 471-474.
RW Bailey, R Clarke. 2000. "Global macroeconomicsustainability: a dynamic general equilibrium approach", Environmentand Development Economics, 5, 177-194. Also published as chapter 15 ofPerrings and JR Vincent eds. 2003. "National Resource Accounting andEconomic Development", Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 253-270.
RW Bailey. 1998. "The number of weak orderings of a finite set". Social Choice and Welfare, 15, 559-562.
RW Bailey. 1994. "Polar generation of random variables with the t-distribution", Mathematics of Computation, 62, 206, 779-781.
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