Professor Christine Helen Foyer BSc. PhD. FRSBiol

Professor Christine Helen Foyer

School of Biosciences
Professor of Plant Sciences

Contact details

S220, School of Biosciences

Christine Foyer is an expert in plant metabolism and its regulation under optimal and stress conditions. She is President Elect of the Association of Applied Biologists, the General Secretary of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biologists, an elected Board Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists and a Member of the French Academy of Agriculture. She will soon take up the role of Editor in Chief of Food and Energy Security. She is also a senior Editor for Plant, Cell and Environment and an Associate the Biochemical Journal, The Journal of Experimental Biology and Physiologia Plantarum. Christine has over 400 published papers and currently has an H-Index of 96. For over ten years she has been on the Thomson Reuters IP and Science official list of Highly Cited Researchers ranked within the top 1% most cited works for their subject field and year of publication, earning a mark of Exceptional Impact.Focusing particularly on reduction/oxidation (redox) biology, her lab investigates how primary processes (photosynthesis respiration) alter the redox status of the cell and associated phytohormone signalling under optimal and stress conditions. Using model (Arabidopsis) as well as crop plants (wheat, barley, maize soybean and tomato) Christine lab investigates plant responses to abiotic (drought, chilling, high light) and biotic (aphids) stresses.

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  • BSC with Honours, University of Portsmouth, UK (1974)
  • PhD, Department of Biochemistry, Kings College, University of London, UK (1977)


Christine Foyer is the Professor of Plant Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK. She obtained her BSc at the University of Portsmouth, UK and her PhD at Kings College, London, UK. After a period of post-doctoral research in the Photosynthesis Research Group at University of Sheffield, she was appointed as Research Director at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Versailles, France in 1988. Thereafter, she was appointed as a Head of Department at the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research in Aberystwyth (in 1994) and then at the Institute of Arable Crops Research (Rothamsted Research) in Harpenden, (in 1998). She was appointed Professor of Molecular agriculture at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 2007 and she joined Africa College at University of Leeds, UK in April, 2009, and the School of Biosciences at the University of Birmingham in April, 2019.


Christine Foyer will take up the lead in 2 modules at the University of Birmingham from 2109-2020.  At the University of Leeds she led a 3rd year module BLGY3173: Plant Growth, Resources and Food Security and a 2nd year module BLGY2163 How Plants Work. In addition, she had 2/3 Masters Bioscience (Biol 5292M) project students each year and up to 6 third year undergraduate project students. She also had personal tutees in BLGY1303 and BLGY2100.

She acted as the external examiner for the University of Nottingham, U.K., MSc. Courses in Plant Genetic Manipulation and Plant Biotechnology, from 2003-2006.  She was the external assessor for the revalidation of the Subject Unit 3A: Biosciences (undergraduate) for the University of Ulster in 2009. I was the external examiner for the BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Biotechnology in the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Mauritius (2010-2012). She was a Disciplinary Vice-Chair in the Research Quality Review of University College Cork, Ireland (2014-2015). Over the last 10 years, she have been the external examiner for 60 PhD theses and habilitations in the U.K. and abroad.

Postgraduate supervision

Currently, Christine has five PhD students in the lab. They are:

Sarah Owdah Alomrani (Year 3) funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia.  This research seeks to characterise the functions of cysteine proteases and cysteine protease inhibitors in the the cytosol and chloroplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana and soybeans. Transgenic lines expressing the rice cystatin, OCI have been produced and are under phenotypic and molecular analysis.  A key goal is to explore the potential of cysteine proteases as a means to enhance stress tolerance in soybean.

Katie Shultz (Year 2)BBSRC Industrial case studentship with Kettle Produce Ltd, (UK). This project is focussed on defining the molecular/metabolic basis for the blackening of cut carrot products that occurs when carrots are harvested in later months of the year. This project also seeks to find a solution to this financially serious problem to the industry.

Rachel Taylor (Year 2)BBSRC Industrial case studentship with Biogemma (France), a plant biotechnology company whose shareholders include major international seed companies.  Project research concerns the elucidation of the role WHIRLY1, which is a member of the WHIRLY family of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins, in the control of plant development and stress tolerance. Transformed maize and wheat plants with modified WHIRLY1expression that are being produced for phenoytypic analysis. These studies will also provide new information on how chloroplasts send signals to the nucleus to regulate gene expression under different environmental conditions.

Rakesh Tiwani (Year 3) NERC studentship. Photosynthetic thermal tolerance of the outer canopy trees from the Amazonia’s hottest forest. Rapid warming has exposed tropical forests to historically unprecedented rates of warming and high temperature extremes. This research asks the question of how tropical evergreen trees tolerate short duration temperature extremes such as heatwaves. This research has also developed a new combined spectral imaging and IRGA system for the analysis of these systems, using soybean as model to characterize the heat stress responses of photosynthesis under laboratory conditions.

Hendrik Swiegers (Year 1) Commonwealth Split-Site Fellowship.Silencing of cuticle protein RR-1 in Arabidopsis thaliana decreases the virulence of Diuraphis noxia biotype SAM.  Different plant-mediated RNA interference (RNAi) techniques are being used as a tool to study gene function in aphids.  Partial knockdown of Dncprr1-8 in Arabidopsis thaliana decreased foundress survival and significantly decreased nymph production during feeding on siRNA-injected in planta.


Christine is a leading expert in plant metabolism, particularly redox regulation and signalling. Her lab seeks to understand the regulation of plant growth and defence under optimal and stress conditions, with a view to preparing improved crops with sustainable yields for future agriculture. She is particularly interested in how primary processes (photosynthesis, respiration) and antioxidants such as ascorbate and glutathione generate signals that influence plant growth and defence responses. The lab also seeks to understand how metabolites and proteins move between different intracellular compartments in responses to specific triggers. A further research interest concerns the functions of proteases and other proteins such as WHIRLY1 and LEA5 in the control of plant development and stress-induced senescence in crop plants including soybean, pea, maize, barley and wheat.

Other activities

Honours and Awards

Redox Pioneer (2011), Antioxidants and Redox Signalling; Founders Award (2011), American Society of Plant Physiologists; Honorary member of the Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology (2012); Invited Professorship (2012) Université de Paris-Sud (France); Invited Professorship (2014) Université d’Angers (France); Associate Member of the French Academy of Agriculture (2016-present); Extraordinary Professor Department of Genetics, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (2016-present); Emeritus Professor (2018) Guizhou National University, China (2018-present); Associate Professor, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia, Australia (2017-present) 

Professional Activities (UK)

Work stream panel member of The National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) Food; Economy Task Force that helps shape recommendations to Government (UK); BBSRC (UK) Committee B panel member; BBSRC (UK) Pool of Experts; Annals of Botany Company Member, UK; Member of the International Fellowship Panel for the Newton International Fellowships (Royal Society, UK).

Professional Activities (International)

ERC evaluation panel for Advanced Grants; FWO expert panel BIO1, Belgium; Member of the START awards and Wittgenstein Prize Committee, FWF, Vienna, Austria; Missouri State University Plant Resilience Institute, USA, Advisory Board; Member of the Society of Free Radical Research Europe Council; Scientific Advisory Board of Helmholtz Center Munich, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres e. V. (Germany); Helmholtz Foundation review panel of the Terrestrial Environment Program, Leipzig, Germany Member of the Bayer Science & Education Foundation; Early Excellence in Science Award Nomination Group; Member of the Evaluation Team for the Strategic Plans of the CSIC centers (Spain); Reader for the L’Oréal UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In Science; External Member of the panel for revalidation of subject Unit 3A: Biosciences (undergraduate) at the University of Ulster (Northern Ireland); External Examiner for the BSc in Agricultural Biotechnology in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius; The Higher Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education Comité CMS2160003556 - V4*-SVE-CANDRESSE, France; Scientific Adviser to the International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden; Chair of Panel evaluating the Plant Sciences Cluster at the University of Pretoria, South Africa; Panel Member, the Research Council for Biosciences and Environment of the Academy of Finland; Panel Member, Evaluation of VIB, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; Panel Member, Mid Term Evaluation of the Copenhagen Plant Science Centre (CPSC), Demark; Irish Research Council STEM International assessment board, Dublin, UK; Panel for Quality & Impact evaluation for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.

Contribution to Learned Societies

General Secretary of the Federation of European Plant Biologists; Board of Directors of the American Society of Plant Biology; President Elect of the Association of Applied Biologists; Biochemical Society (member and Society representative on the UK Plant Science Federation); International Society of Photosynthesis Research (member); Society of Free Radical Research (member); Society of Experimental Biology (member); The Linean Society (Fellow); Royal Society of Biology (Fellow).


Senior Editor: Plant, Cell and Environment; Associate Editor: Physiologia Plantarum; Associate Editor: The Biochemical Journal; Associate Editor: Food and Energy Security; Handling Editor: Journal of Experimental Botany.

Research Funding

BBSRC (BB/M009130/1); BBSRC CASE studentship (BB/J011363/1); BBSRC CASE studentship (BB/K010476/1); GCRF HEFCE;British Council (2017-RLWK8-10350). British Council 2017-RLWK8-10350; Commonwealth Scolarship Commissuon Studentship (ZACN-2018-353).

Plenary/invited Presentations (2017-2019)

The UWA Institute of Agriculture, Perth, Australia; Sheffield Plant Physiology Group Early Career Workshop, Sheffield, UK; 10th International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology, Hangzhou, China; WUN Symposium cum Research Summit on Impacts of Grain Legume Research and Development, Hong Kong; Society of Experimental Biology Meeting, Gothenberg, Sweden; N8 Agrifood International Conference: Food Production for the Future, Durham, UK: 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: Emerging roles in Plant Form and Function. Kusadasi, Turkey; 3rd WUN Workshop of the Crop Resilient Open Partnership for Food Security.University of Masssachusetts, Amherst, USA: International Seminar on Biotechnology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh: Mini-Symposium on Genetics and Biotechnology Conference on Agrobiotechnology. CUHK Shenzhen, China; International Symposium on Frontiers in Critical Zone Science Nanjing, China; Minisymposium on the Role of ROS in plant stress signalling, University of Bonn, Germany: Current Challenges in Plant Biology: Redox Regulation, Helsinki, Finland; New Plant Breeding Mehods for Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources and Security of Food Production, University of Mauritius, Mauritius; 23rd Biannual International Plant Resistance to Insects Symposium, Rothamsted Research, UK; Legume Community Meeting; Rothamsted Research, UK; Advances in Legume Science and Practice, Association of Applied Biologists, Glasgow, UK; Links Workshop for Early Career Researchers from the UK, Kenya and South Africa; Plant Biology Europe EPSO/FESPB Congress; GRC on Mitochondria & Chloroplasts, Il Ciocco, Italy; 27th Annual University of Minnesota Developmental Biology Symposium. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Entomological Society of America, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 4th International Plant Physiology Congress, Lucknow, India; 4th International Plant Physiology Congress Satellite Meeting, Worldwide University Network New Delhi, India; Frontiers of Sciences IV, Leeds UK; EMBO Workshop, Delhi, India; Plant Stress Biology and Food Security Congress, Delhi, India; Worldwide Universities Network, Dublin, Ireland; Plant Oxygen Group, SFRR(Europe) Congress, Munich, Germany; Plants People Conference 2019 -MPIMP Future Foods – Challenges for Global Food Security, Golm, Germany; Plant Cell Environment 40th Anniversary Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Seminars (2017-2019)

UMR Agroécologie INRA/Université de Bourgogne/AgroSup, Dijon, France; International Worksho, Khulna, Bangladesh Department of Biology B/L215 University of York, York, UK, Seminar, Lancaster Environment Centre, University of Lanacaster, UK; Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China; Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin, China; Guizhou Normal University, China; University of Birmingham, UK; KWS SAAT SE & Co.KGaA, Einbeck, Germany.

PhD thesis Examinations (2017-2019)

Yi Zhang, The University of Montpellier, France: TT Adegboyega, North West University, South Africa; Jose Abraham Trujillo-Hernandez, University of Perpignan, France; Peng Zhang, University of Western Australia. Australia; Natrisha Devnarain, University of Pretoria, South Africa.


Refereed Journals

  1. Halliwell B & Foyer CH (1976) Ascorbic acid, metal ions and the superoxide radical. Biochemical Journal 155: 697-700. Times cited: 179
  2. *Foyer CH & Halliwell B (1976) The presence of glutathione and glutathione reductase in chloroplasts: a proposed role in ascorbic acid metabolism.  Planta 133: 21-25. Times cited: 1470
  3. Foyer CH & Halliwell B (1977) Purification and properties of dehydroascorbate reductase from Spinach leaves. Phytochemistry 16: 1347-1350. Times cited: 88
  4. Halliwell B & Foyer CH (1978) Properties and physiological function of a glutathione reductase purified from Spinach leaves by affinity chromatography. Planta 139: 9-17. Times cited: 269
  5. Jackson C, Dench J, Moore AL, Halliwell B, Foyer CH & Hall DO (1978) Subcellular localisation and identification of superoxide dismutase in the leaves of higher plants. European Journal Biochemistry 91: 339-344. Times cited: 113
  6. Foyer CH & Hall DO (1979) A rapid procedure for the preparation of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex; an assessment of its manganese content. FEBS Letters 101: 324-328. Times cited: 24
  7. Foyer CH & Hall DO (1980) Oxygen metabolism in the active chloroplast. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 4: 188-191. Times cited: 18
  8. McNeil PH, Foyer CH, Walker DA, Bird IF, Cornelius MJ & Keys AJ (1981)  Similarity of RuBPcarboxylases of isogenic diploid and tetraploid ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) cultivars.  Plant Physiology 67: 530-534. Times cited: 22
  9. Harbron S, Foyer CH & Walker DA (1981) The purification and properties of sucrose-phosphate synthetase from Spinach leaves. The involvement of this enzyme and fructose bisphosphatase in the regulation of sucrose biosynthesis. Archives Biochemisty. Biophysics 212: 237-246. Times cited: 68
  10. Birkenhead K, Walker D & Latzko E (1982) The intracellular distribution of adenylate kinase in the leaves of spinach, wheat and barley. Planta 156: 171-175. Times cited: 27
  11. Foyer CH, Walker DA & Latzko E (1982) The regulation of cytoplasmic fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in relation to the control flow to sucrose in leaves. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie 107: 457-465. Times cited: 19
  12. Foyer CH, Walker D, Spencer C & Mann B (1982) Observations on the phosphate status and intracellular pH of intact cells, protoplasts and chloroplasts from photosynthetic tissue using phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance. Biochemical Journal 202: 429-434. Times cited: 59
  13. Foyer CH, Rowell J & Walker D (1983) The effect of sucrose on the rate of de novo sucrose biosynthesis in leaf protoplasts from spinach, wheat and barley. Archieves Biochemistry Biophysics 220: 232-238. Times cited: 22
  14. Horton P & Foyer CH (1983) Relationships between protein phosphorylation and electron transport in the reconstituted chloroplast system. Biochemical Journal 210: 517-521. Times cited: 19
  15. Fernyhough P, Foyer CH & Horton P (1983) The influence of metabolic state on the level of phosphorylation of the light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex in chloroplasts isolated from maize mesophyll. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 725: 155-161. Times cited: 32
  16. Foyer CH, Rowell J & Walker DA (1983) Measurement of the ascorbate content of spinach leaf protoplasts and chloroplasts during illumination. Planta 157: 239-244. Times cited: 289
  17. *Anderson JW, Foyer CH & Walker DA (1983) Light-dependent reduction of dehydroascorbate and uptake of exogenous ascorbate by spinach chloroplasts. Planta 158: 442-450. Times cited: 65
  18. Anderson JW, Foyer CH & Walker DA (1983) Light-dependent reduction of hydrogen peroxide by intact spinach chloroplasts. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 724: 69-74. Times cited: 49
  19. Foyer CH (1984) Phosphorylation of a stromal enzyme protein in maize (Zea mays) mesophyll chloroplasts. Biochemical Journal 222: 247-253. Times cited: 13
  20. Fernyhough P, Foyer CH & Horton P (1984) Stimulation of protein kinase activity in maize mesophyll chloroplasts by decrease in the transthylakoid pH gradient. FEBS Letters 176: 133-138. Times cited: 43
  21. Woodrow IE, Ellis JR, Jellings A & Foyer CH (1984) Compartmentation and fluxes of inorganic phosphate in photosynthetic cells. Planta 161: 525-530. Times cited: 31
  22. Black MT, Foyer CH & Horton P (1984) An investigation into the ATP requirement for phosphorylation of thylakoid proteins and for the ATP-induced decrease in the yield of chlorophyll fluorescence in chloroplasts at different stages of development. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 767: 557-562. Times cited: 27
  23. Furbank RT, Stitt M & Foyer CH (1985) Intercellular compartmentation of sucrose synthesis in leaves of Zea mays. Planta 164: 172-178. Times cited: 53
  24. Foyer CH (1985) Stromal protein phosphorylation in spinach chloroplasts. Biochemical Journal 222: 97-103. Times cited: 37
  25. Stitt M, Wirtz W, Gerhardt R, Heldt HW, Spencer C, Walker D & Foyer CH (1985) A comparative study of metabolite levels in plant leaf material in the dark. Planta 166: 354-364. Times cited: 100
  26. Dietz KJ & Foyer CH (1986) The relationship between phosphate status and photosynthesis in leaves. Reversibility of the effects of phosphate deficiency on photosynthesis. Planta 167: 376-381. Times cited: 94
  27. Foyer CH & Spencer C (1986) The relationship between phosphate status and photosynthesis in leaves. Effects on intracellular Pi, photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning. Planta 167: 369-375. Times cited: 163
  28. Furbank RT & Foyer CH (1986) Oscillations in Calvin cycle metabolite concentrations in spinach leaf discs generated by the transition from air to 5% CO2. Archieves Biochemistry Biophysics 246: 240-244. Times cited: 31
  29. Foyer CH (1986) The regulation of carbon assimilation in photosynthesis. Chemistry in Britain 22: 723-726. Times cited: 4
  30. Furbank RT, Foyer CH & Walker DA (1986) Inhibition of photophosphorylation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 852: 46-54. Times cited: 11
  31. Foyer CH, Furbank RT & Walker DA (1987) Interactions between ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and stromal metabolites. I. Modulation by Calvin cycle intermediates. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 894: 157-164. Times cited: 23
  32. Furbank RT, Foyer CH & Walker DA (1987) Interactions between ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and stromal metabolites. II. Corroboration of the role of this enzyme as a metabolite buffer. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 894: 165-173. Times cited: 14
  33. Foyer CH (1987) Evidence for different kinases in thylakoid protein phosphorylation. Biochemical Journal 248: 103-108. Times cited: 2
  34. Furbank RT, Foyer CH & Walker DA (1987) Regulation of photosynthesis in isolated spinach chloroplasts during orthophosphate limitation. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 894: 552-561. Times cited: 49
  35. Foyer CH (1987) The basis for source-sink interaction in leaves. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 25: 649-657. Times cited: 85
  36. Furbank RT & Foyer CH (1988) C4 plants as model experimental systems for the study of photosynthesis. New Phytologist 109: 265-277. Times cited: 30
  37. Parry M, Keys A, Foyer CH, Furbank RT & Walker DA (1988) The mechanism of regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity by the activase system in lysed spinach chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 87: 558-561. Times cited: 23
  38. Foyer CH (1988) Feedback inhibition of photosynthesis by modulation of source-sink interactions in leaves. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 26: 483-492. Times cited: 144
  39. Foyer CH, Furbank RT & Walker DA (1989) Co-regulation of electron transport and Benson-Calvin cycle activity in isolated spinach chloroplasts. Studies on glycerate 3-phosphate reduction. Archives Biochemistry Biophysics 268: 687-697. Times cited: 6
  40. Foyer CH, Dujardyn M & Lemoine Y (1989) Responses of photosynthesis and the xanthophyll and ascorbate-glutathione cycles to changes in irradiance, photoinhibition and recovery. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 27: 751-760. Times cited: 92
  41. Foyer CH (1989) The role of orthophosphate in photosynthetic control: studies using phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance. Life Science Advances 8: 81-89.
  42. Dujardyn M & Foyer CH (1989) Limitation of CO2 assimilation and regulation of Benson-Calvin cycle activity in barley leaves in response to changes in irradiance, photoinhibition and recovery. Plant Physiology 91: 1562-1568. Times cited: 15
  43. Foyer CH (1990) The effect of sucrose and mannose on cytoplasmic protein phosphorylation, sucrose phosphate synthetase activity and photosynthesis in leaf protoplasts from spinach. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 28: 151-160. Times cited: 20
  44. Foyer CH, Furbank RT, Harbinson J & Horton P (1990) The mechanisms contributing to photosynthetic control of electron transport by carbon assimilation in leaves. Photosynthesis Research 25: 83-100. Times cited: 212
  45. Harbinson J, Genty B & Foyer CH (1990) The relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and stromal enzyme activity in pea leaves; towards an understanding of the nature of photosynthetic control. Plant Physiology 94: 545-553. Times cited: 75
  46. Khamis S, Lamaze T, Lemoine Y & Foyer CH (1990) Adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus in maize leaves as a result of nitrogen limitation: relationship between electron transport and carbon assimilation. Plant Physiology 94: 1436-1443. Times cited: 109
  47. Kunert KJ, Cresswell CF, Schmidt A, Mullineaux PM & Foyer CH (1990) The effect of variation of the activity of glutathione reductase and the cellular glutathione content in Escherichia coli on the sensitivity to methyl viologen. Archives Biochemistry Biophysics 282: 233-238. Times cited: 25
  48. Harbinson J & Foyer CH (1991) Relationship between the efficiencies of photosystems I and II and stromal redox state in CO2-free air; evidence for cyclic electron flow in vivo. Plant Physiology 97: 41-49. Times cited: 92
  49. Foyer CH, Lelandais M, Galap C & Kunert KJ (1991) Effects of elevated glutathione reductase activity on the cellular glutathione pool and photosynthesis in leaves under normal and stress conditions. Plant Physiology 97: 863-872. Times cited: 172
  50. Van Quy L, Foyer CH & Champigny ML (1991) Effect of light and NO on wheat leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity: evidence for covalent modulation of the C3 enzyme. Plant Physiology 97: 1476-1482. Times cited: 77
  51. Foyer CH, Lelandais M & Harbinson J (1992) Control of the quantum efficiencies of PSI and PSII, electron flow and enzyme activation following dark to light transitions in pea leaves; the relationship between NADP/NADPH ratios and NADP-malate dehydrogenase activation state. Plant Physiology 99: 979-986. Times cited: 73
  52. Becker TW, Foyer CH & Caboche M (1992) Light regulated expression of the nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase genes in tomato and in the phytochrome-deficient aurea mutant of tomato. Planta 188: 39-47. Times cited: 63
  53. Champigny ML & Foyer CH (1992) Nitrate activation of cytosolic protein kinases diverts photosynthetic carbon from sucrose to amino acid biosynthesis: basis for a new concept. Plant Physiology 100: 7-12. Times cited: 143
  54. Galtier N, Foyer CH, Huber J, Voelker TA & Huber S (1993) Effects of elevated sucrose-phosphate synthase activity on photosynthesis, assimilate partitioning and growth in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. UC82B). Plant Physiology 101: 535-543. Times cited: 119
  55. Foyer CH, Nurmi A, Dulieu H & Parry MAJ (1993) Analysis of two rubisco-deficient tobacco mutants, H7 and sp25; evidence for the production of rubisco large subunits in the sp25 mutant that form clusters and are inactive. Journal Experimental Botany 44: 1445-1452. Times cited: 11
  56. Foyer CH, Noctor G, Lelandais M, Lescure JC, Boutin JP & Horton P (1994) Short-term effects of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium assimilation on chlorophyll a fluorescence, thylakoid protein phosphorylation, net CO2 assimilation and amino acid biosynthesis in maize. Planta 192: 211-220. Times cited: 63
  57. Foyer CH, Lescure JC, Lefebvre C, Vincentz M & Vaucheret H (1994) Adaptations of photosynthetic electron transport, carbon assimilation and carbon partitioning in transgenic Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants to changes in nitrate reductase activity. Plant Physiology 104: 171-178. Times cited: 75
  58. Foyer CH, Descourvières P & Kunert KJ (1994) Protection against oxygen radicals: an important defense mechanism studied in transgenic plants. Plant, Cell & Environment 17: 507-524. Times cited : 846
  59. Chaumont M, Morot-Gaudry JF & Foyer CH (1994) Seasonal and diurnal changes in photosynthesis and carbon partitioning in Vitis vinifera leaves in vines with fruit and without vines. Journal Experimental Botany 45: 1235-1244. Times cited: 56
  60. Quilleré I, Dufossé C, Roux Y, Foyer CH, Caboche M & Morot-Gaudry JF (1994) The effects of the deregulation of NR gene expression on growth and nitrogen metabolism of winter-grown Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Journal Experimental Botany 45: 1205-1212. Times cited: 62
  61. Foyer CH & Ferrario S (1994) Modulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in transgenic plants with a view to improved biomass production. Biochemistry Society Transanctions 22: 909-915. Times cited: 25
  62. Foyer CH, Lelandais M & Kunert KJ (1994) Photooxidative stress in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 92: 696-717. Times cited: 1180
  63. *Strohm M, Jouanin L, Kunert KJ, Pruvost C, Polle A, Foyer CH & Rennenberg H (1995) Regulation of glutathione synthesis in leaves of transgenic poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba) trees over-expressing glutathione synthetase. Plant Journal 7: 141-145. Times cited: 134
  64. Ferrario S, Valadier MH, Morot-Gaudry JF & Foyer CH (1995) Effects of constitutive expression of nitrate reductase in transgenic Nicotiana plumbaginifolia in response to varying nitrogen supply. Planta 196: 288-294. Times cited: 34
  65. Foyer CH & Parry MAJ (1995) The absence of Rubisco activase activity in total wheat leaf extracts is recovered in the purified protein Journal Experimental Botany 46: 1055-1060. Times cited: 1
  66. Galtier N, Foyer CH, Murchie E, Alred R, Quick P, Voelker TA, Thepenier C, Laseve, G & Betsche T (1995) Effects of light and atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on photosynthetic carbon assimilation and carbon/nitrogen ratios in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants over-expressing sucrose phosphate synthase. Journal Experimental Botany 46: 1335-1344. Times cited: 82
  67. Foyer CH, Souriau N, Perret S, Lelandais M, Kunert KJ, Pruvost C & Jouanin L (1995) Over-expression of glutathione reductase but not glutathione synthetase leads to increases in antioxidant capacity and improved photosynthesis in poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba) trees. Plant Physiology 109: 1047-1057. Times cited: 289
  68. Chaumont M, Morot-Gaudry JF & Foyer CH (1995) Effects of photoinhibitory treatment on CO2 assimilation, the quantum yield of CO2 assimilation D1 protein, xanthophyll contents and electron transport rates in vine leaves. Plant, Cell & Environment 18: 1358-1366. Times cited : 44
  69. Santos M, Gousseau HDM, Lister C, Foyer CH, Creissen G & Mullineaux P (1996) Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase from Arabidopsis thaliana is encoded by a small multigene family. Planta 198: 64-69. Times cited: 63
  70. Melhorn H, Lelandais M, Korth HG & Foyer CH (1996) Ascorbate is the natural substrate for plant peroxidases. FEBS Letts 378: 203-206. Times cited: 108
  71. Foyer CH & Lelandais M (1996) A comparison of the relative rates of transport of ascorbate and glucose across the thylakoid chloroplast and plasmalemma membranes of pea leaf mesophyll cells.  Journal Plant Physiology 148: 391-398. Times cited: 95
  72. Ferrario S, Valadier M-H & Foyer CH (1996) Short-term modulation of nitrate reductase activity by exogenous nitrate in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Zea mays leaves.  Planta 199: 366-371. Times cited: 15
  73. Foyer CH (1996) Oxygen processing in photosynthesis. Biochemical Society Transactions 24: 427-433. Times cited: 41
  74. Shikanai T, Foyer CH, Dulieu H, Parry MAJ & Yokota A (1996) A point mutation to the gene encoding the Rubisco large subunit interferes with holoenzyme assembly. Plant Molecular Biology 31: 399-403. Times cited: 14
  75. Noctor G, Strohm M, Jouanin L, Kunert K-J, Foyer CH & Rennenberg H (1996)  Synthesis of glutathione in leaves of transgenic poplar overexpressing g‑glutamylcysteine synthetase. Plant Physiology 112: 1071-1078. Times cited: 134
  76. Hirel B, Phillipson B, Murchie E, Suzuki A, Kunz C, Ferrario-Méry S, Limani A, Chaillou S, Deleens E, Brugiere N, Chaumont-Bonnet M, Foyer CH & Morot-Gaudry J-F (1997) Manipulating the pathway of ammonia assimilation in transgenic legumes and non-legumes. Journal Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.  Z. Pflanzenernähr Bodenk. 160: 283-290. Times cited: 21
  77. Foyer CH, Lopez-Delgado H, Dat JF & Scott IM (1997) Hydrogen peroxide- and glutathione-associated mechanisms of acclimatory stress tolerance and signalling. Physiologia Plantarum 100: 241-254. Times cited: 845
  78. Noctor G, Arisi A-CM, Jouanin L, Valadier M-H, Roux Y & Foyer CH (1997) The role of glycine in determining the rate of glutathione synthesis in poplars. Possible implications for glutathione production during stress.  Physiologia Plantarum 100: 255-263. Times cited: 68
  79. Noctor G, Jouanin L, Arisi A-CM, Valadier M-H, Roux Y & Foyer CH (1997)  Light-dependent modulation of foliar glutathione synthesis and associated amino acid metabolism in transformed poplar. Planta 202: 357-369. Times cited: 55
  80. Ferrario-Méry S Thibaud MC, Betsche T, Valadier M-H & Foyer CH (1997)  Modulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism and nitrate reductase in untransformed and transformed Nicotiana plumbaginifolia during CO2 enrichment of plants grown in pots and in hydroponic culture. Planta 202: 510-521. Times cited: 52
  81. Chaumont M, Osório ML, Chaves MM, Vanacker H, Morot-Gaudry J-F & Foyer CH (1997) The absence of photoinhibition during the mid-morning depression of photosynthesis in Vitis vinifera grown in semi-arid and temperate climates. Journal of Plant Physiology 150: 743-751. Times cited: 36
  82. *Doulis AG, Debian N, Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (1997) Differential localization of antioxidants in maize leaves.  Plant Physiology 114: 1031-1037. Times cited: 188
  83. Kingston-Smith AH, Harbinson J, Williams J & Foyer CH (1997) Effect of chilling on carbon assimilation, enzyme activation, and photosynthetic electron transport in the absence of photoinhibition in maize leaves.  Plant Physiology 114: 1039-1046. Times cited: 96
  84. Kingston-Smith AH, Thomas H & Foyer CH (1997) Chlorophyll a fluorescence, enzyme and antioxidant analyses provide evidence for the operation of alternative electron sinks during leaf senescence in a “stay-green” mutant of Festuca pratensis. Plant, Cell & Environment 20: 1323-1337. Times cited: 35
  85. Arisi A-CM, Noctor G, Foyer CH & Jouanin L (1997) Modification of thiol contents in poplars (Populus tremula x P. alba) over-expressing enzymes involved in glutathione biosynthesis.  Planta 203: 362-372. Times cited: 69
  86. Harrison J, Tonkinson C, Eagles CF & Foyer CH (1998) Acclimation to freezing temperatures in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne).  Proceedings of International Conference on Molecular Biology of Plants under Environmental Stress, Poznan, September 1997. Acta Physiologia Plantarum 19: 505-515. Times cited: 17
  87. Noctor G, Arisi A-CM, Jouanin L, Kunert K-J, Rennenberg H & Foyer CH (1998)  Glutathione: Biosynthesis, metabolism and relationship to stress tolerance explored in transformed plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 49: 623-647. Times cited: 410
  88. Foyer CH & Mullineaux PM (1998) The presence of dehydroascorbate and dehydroascorbate reductase in plant tisuses.  FEBS Letters 425: 528-529. Times cited: 51
  89. Signora L, Galtier N, Skøt L, Lucas H & Foyer CH (1998) Over-expression of sucrose phosphate synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana results in increased foliar sucrose/starch ratios and favours decreased foliar carbohydrate accumulation in plants after prolonged growth with CO2 enrichment.  Journal of Experimental Botany 49: 669-680. Times cited: 52
  90. Dat JF, Lopez-Delgado H, Foyer CH & Scott IM (1998) Parallel changes in H2O2 and catalase during induction of thermotolerance by salicylic acid or heat acclimation in mustard seedlings. Plant Physiology 116: 1351-1357. Times cited 370
  91. Lopez-Delgado H, Dat JF, Foyer CH & Scott IM (1998) Induction of thermotolerance in potato microplants by acetyl salicylic acid and H2O2Journal of Experimental Botany49: 713-720. Times cited: 119
  92. Foyer CH, Valadier M-H, Migge A & Becker T (1998) Drought-induced effects on nitrate reductase activity and mRNA and on the co-ordination of nitrogen and carbon metabolism in maize leaves.  Plant Physiology 117: 283-292. Times cited: 209
  93. Ferrario-Méry S, Valadier M-H & Foyer CH (1998) Overexpression of nitrate reductase in tobacco delays drought-induced decreases in nitrate reductase activity and mRNA.  Plant Physiology 117: 293-302. Times cited: 87
  94. Arisi A-CM, Cornic G, Jouanin L & Foyer CH (1998) Overexpression of FeSOD in transformed poplar modifies the regulation of photosynthesis at low CO2 partial pressures or following exposure to the prooxidant herbicide methyl viologen. Plant Physiology 117: 565-574. Times cited: 57
  95. Kingston-Smith AH, Galtier N, Pollock CJ & Foyer CH (1998) Soluble acid invertase activity in leaves is independent of species differences in leaf carbohydrates, diurnal sugar profiles and paths of phloem loading. New Phytologist 139: 283-292. Times cited: 21
  96. *Vanacker HB, Carver TLW & Foyer CH (1998) Pathogen-induced changes in the antioxidant status of the apoplast in barley leaves. Plant Physiology 117: 1103-1114. Times cited: 225
  97. Noctor G & Foyer CH (1998) Ascorbate and Glutathione:  keeping active oxygen under control. Annual Review Plant Physiology Plant Molecular Biology 49: 249-279. Times cited: 3100
  98. Noctor G & Foyer CH (1998) Simultaneous measurement of foliar glutathione, g-glutamyl cysteine and amino acids by high-performance liquid chromatography: comparison with two other assay methods for glutathione. Analytical Biochemistry 264: 98-110. Times cited: 113
  99. Noctor G, Arisi A-CM, Jouanin L & Foyer CH (1998) Manipulation of glutathione and amino acid biosynthesis in the chloroplast.  Plant Physiology 118: 471-482. Times cited: 129
  100. Noctor G & Foyer CH (1998) A re-evaluation of the ATP:NADPH budget during C3 photosynthesis.  A contribution from nitrate assimilation and its associated respiratory activity?  Journal of Experimental Botany 49: 1895-1908. Times cited: 154
  101. Dat JF, Foyer CH & Scott IM (1998) Changes in salicylic acid and antioxidants during induced thermotolerance in mustard seedlings. Plant Physiology 118: 1455-1461. Times cited: 229
  102. Vanacker H, Harbinson J, Ruisch J, Carver TLW & Foyer CH (1998) Antioxidant defences of the apoplast. Protoplasma 205: 129-140. Times cited: 76
  103. Tyystjärvi E, Riikonen M, Arisi A-CM, Kettunen R, Jouanin L & Foyer CH (1999) Photoinhibition of photosystem II in tobacco plants overexpressing glutathione reductase and poplars overexpressing superoxide dismutase. Physiologia Plantarum 105: 409-416. Times cited: 26
  104. Foyer CH, Galtier N, Murchie E, Nguyen-Quoc B & Yelle S (1999) Effects of overexpression of sucrose phosphate synthase on the carbohydrate composition of tomato leaves and fruit.  Acta Horticulturae 487: 85-92. Times cited: 1
  105. Husain SE, Harrison J, ap Rees T, Shields R & Foyer CH (1999) The role of invertase in carbohydrate metabolism of tomato fruit.  Acta Horticulturae 487: 77-84. Times cited: 0
  106. Vanacker HB, Foyer CH & Carver TLW (1999)  Changes in apoplastic antioxidants induced by powdery mildew attack in oat genotypes with race non-specific resistance. Planta 208: 444-452. Times cited: 39
  107. Nguyen-Quoc B, N'tchobo H, Foyer CH & Yelle S (1999) Overexpression of sucrose phosphate synthase increases sucrose unloading in transformed tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany 50: 785-791. Times cited: 35
  108. Noctor G, Arisi A-CM, Jouanin L & Foyer CH (1999) Photorespiratory glycine enhances glutathione accumulation in both the chloroplastic and cytosolic compartments. Journal of Experimental Botany 50: 1157-1167. Times cited: 55
  109. Murchie EH, Sarrobert C, Contard P, Betsche T, Foyer CH & Galtier N (1999) Overexpression of sucrose-phosphate synthase in tomato plants grown with CO2 enrichment leads to decreased foliar carbohydrate accumulation relative to untransformed controls. Plant Physiology. Biochemistry 37: 251-260. Times cited: 16
  110. Kingston-Smith AH, Harbinson J & Foyer CH (1999) Acclimation of photosynthesis H2O2 content and antioxidants in maize (Zea mays) grown at sub-optimal temperatures. Plant, Cell & Environment 22: 1071-1083. Times cited: 56
  111. N'tchobo H, Dali N, Nguyen-Quoc B, Foyer CH & Yelle S (1999) Starch synthesis in tomato remains constant throughout fruit development and is dependent on sucrose supply and sucrose synthase activity.  Journal of Experimental Botany 50: 1457-1463. Times cited: 47
  112. Lewis CE, Peratoner G, Cairns AJ, Causton DR & Foyer CH (1999) Acclimation of the summer annual species, Lolium temulentum, to CO2 enrichment. Planta 210: 104-114 Times cited: 8
  113. Imai T, Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (1999) Inhibition of endogenous ascorbate synthesis in potato leaves supplied with exogenous ascorbate. Free Radical Research 31: 171-179. Times cited: 26
  114. Pastori G, Foyer CH & Mullineaux P (2000) Low temperature-induced changes in the distribution of H2O2 and antioxidants between the bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of maize leaves.  Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 107-114. Times cited: 63
  115. Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (2000) Bundle sheath proteins are more sensitive to oxidative damage than those of the mesophyll in maize leaves exposed to paraquat or low temperatures. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 123-130. Times cited: 73
  116. Noctor G & Foyer CH (2000) Homeostasis of adenylate status during photosynthesis in a fluctuating environment. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 347-356. Times cited: 75
  117. Scott IM, Dat JF, Lopez-Delgado H & Foyer CH (2000) Salicylic acid and hydrogen peroxide in abiotic stress signaling in plants. Phyton 39: 13-17. Times cited: 14
  118. Pastori G, Mullineaux P & Foyer CH (2000) Post-transcriptional regulation prevents accumulation of glutathione reductase protein and activity in the bundle sheath cells of maize.  Plant Physiology 122: 667-675. Times cited: 53
  119. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2000) Oxygen processing in photosynthesis: regulation and signalling. New Phytologist 146: 359-388. Times cited: 552
  120. Bartoli C, Pastori G, & Foyer CH (2000) Ascorbate biosynthesis in mitochondria is linked to the electron transport chain between Complexes III and IV. Plant Physiology 123: 335-343. Times cited: 244
  121. Ferrario-Méry S, Suzuki A, Kunz C, Valadier M-H, Roux Y, Hirel B & Foyer CH (2000) Modulation of amino acid metabolism in transformed tobacco plants deficient in Fd-GOGAT.  Plant and Soil 221: 67-79. Times cited: 35
  122. Arisi A-CM, Mocquot B, Lagriffoul A, Mench M, Foyer CH & Jouanin L (2000) Responses to cadmium in leaves of transformed poplars overexpressing g‑glutamylcysteine synthetase. Physiologia Plantarum 109: 143-149. Times cited: 63
  123. Lewis CE, Noctor G, Causton D & Foyer CH (2000) Regulation of assimilate partitioning in leaves.  Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 27: 507-519. Times cited: 31
  124. Horemans N, Foyer CH & Asard H (2000) Transport and action of ascorbate at the plant plasma membrane. Trends in Plant Sciences 5: 263-267. Times cited: 180
  125. Murchie EH, Ferrario-Méry S, Valadier M-H & Foyer CH (2000) Short-term nitrogen-induced modulation of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in tobacco and maize leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 1349-1356. Times cited: 13
  126. Vanacker H, Carver TLW & Foyer CH (2000) Early H2O2 accumulation in mesophyll cells leads to induction of glutathione during the hypersensitive response in the barley-powdery mildew interaction. Plant Physiology 123: 1289-1300. Times cited: 217
  127. Horemans N, Foyer CH, Potters G & Asard H (2000) Ascorbate functions and associated transport systems. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 38: 531-540. Times cited: 143
  128. Kingston-Smith A & Foyer CH (2000) Overexpression of Mn-superoxide dismutase in maize leads to increased foliar antioxidant enzyme activities, but no increase in foliar H2O2, ascorbate or glutathione contents and no detectable superoxide dismutase activity in the mesophyll. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 1867-1877. Times cited: 35
  129. Baier M, Noctor G, Foyer CH & Dietz KJ (2000) Antisense suppression of 2-cys peroxiredoxin in Arabidopsis thaliana specifically enhances the activites and expression of enzymes associated with ascorbate metabolism, but not glutathione metabolism. Plant Physiology 124: 823-832. Times cited: 113
  130. Noctor G, Veljovic-Jovanovic S & Foyer CH (2000) Peroxide processing in photosynthesis: antioxidant coupling and redox signalling. Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 355: 1465-1475. Times cited: 150
  131. Dat JF, Lopez-Delgado H, Foyer CH, Scott IM (2000) Effects of salicylic acid on oxidative stress and thermotolerance in tobacco. Journal of Plant Physiology 156: 659-665. Times cited: 58
  132. Husain SE, James C, Shields R & Foyer CH (2001) Manipulation of fruit sugar   composition but not content in Lycopersicon esculentum fruit by introgression of an acid invertase gene from L. piminellifolium. New Phytologist 150: 65-72. Times cited: 14
  133. Husain SE, Thomas BJ, Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (2001) Invertase protein is present throughout development of Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pimpinellifolium fruit. New Phytologist 150: 73-81. Times cited: 17
  134. Sparks CK, Castleden CK, West J, Habash DZ, Madgwick P, Paul MJ, Noctor G, Harrison J, Wu R, Wilkinson J, Quick WP, Parry MAJ, Foyer CH & Miflin BJ (2001) Potential for manipulating carbon metabolism in wheat. Annals of Applied Biology 138: 34-35. Times cited: 13
  135. Baxter C, Foyer CH, Rolfe S & Quick WP (2001) Expression of a maize sucrose phosphate synthase gene in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) alters the kinetic properties of the enzyme and leads to changes in foliar carbohydrate contents. Annals of Applied Biology 138: 47-55. Times cited: 9
  136. Ferrario-Méry S, Masclaux C, Suzuki A, Valadier MH, Hirel B & Foyer CH (2001) Glutamine and a-ketoglutarate are metabolite signals involved in NR gene transcription in untransformed and transformed tobacco plants deficient in FdGOGAT. Planta 213: 265-271. Times cited: 49
  137. Nguyen-Quoc B & Foyer CH (2001) Sucrose metabolism in tomato fruit: “Futile   cycles” and distinct roles for invertase and sucrose synthase. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 881-889. Times cited: 107
  138. Paul MJ & Foyer CH (2001) Sink regulation of photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 1383-1400. Times cited: 531
  139. Veljovic-Jovanovic S, Pignocchi C, Noctor G & Foyer CH (2001) Low vitamin C in the vtc 1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with decreased growth and intracellular redistribution of the antioxidant system. Plant Physiology 127: 426-435. Times cited: 183
  140. Foyer CH, Theodoulou FL & Delrot S (2001) The functions of intercellular and intracellular glutathione transport systems in plants. Trends in Plant Science 6: 486-492. Times cited : 278
  141. Signora L, De Smet I, Foyer CH & Zhang H (2001) ABA plays a central role in mediating the regulatory effects of nitrate on root branching in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 28: 655-662. Times cited: 167
  142. Foyer, CH (2001). Prospects for enhancement of the soluble antioxidants ascorbate and glutathione. BioFactors 15: 75-78. Times cited: 33
  143. Ferrario-Méry S, Hodges M, Hirel B & Foyer CH (2002) Photorespiration-dependent increases in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase in transformed tobacco plants deficient in Fd-G0GAT. Planta 214: 877-886. Times cited: 38
  144. Noctor G, Novitskaya L, Lea PJ & Foyer CH (2002) Co-ordination of leaf minor amino acid contents in crop species: Significance and interpretation. Journal of Experimental Botany 53: 939-945. Times cited: 68
  145. Noctor G, Gomez L, Vanacker H & Foyer CH (2002) Glutathione homeostasis and signalling: the influence of biosynthesis, compartmentation and transport.  Journal of Experimental Botany 53: 1283-1304. Times cited: 489
  146. *Noctor G, Veljovic-Jovanovic S, Driscoll S, Novitskaya L & Foyer CH (2002)Drought and oxidative load in wheat leaves: a predominant role for photorespiration? Annals of Botany 89: 841-850. Times cited: 283
  147. Pastori GM & Foyer CH (2002) Common components, networks and pathways of Cross tolerance to stress. The central role of “redox”, and abscisic acid-mediated controls. Plant Physiology 129: 460-468. Times cited: 401
  148. Novitskaya L, Trevanion S, Driscoll S, Foyer CH & Noctor G (2002) How does photorespiration modulate leaf amino acid contents? A dual approach through modelling and metabolite analysis. Plant, Cell & Environment 25: 821-835. Times cited: 103
  149. Ferrario-Méry S, Valadier M-H, Godefroy N, Miallier D, Hirel B, Foyer CH & Suzuki A(2002) Diurnal changes in ammonia assimilation in transformed tobacco plants expressing ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase mRNA in the antisense orientation. Plant Science 163: 59-67. Times cited: 26
  150. Veljovic-Jovanovic S, Noctor G & Foyer CH (2002) Are leaf hydrogen peroxide concentrations commonly overestimated? The potential influence of artefactual interference by tissue phenolic and acorbate. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 40: 501-507. Times cited: 136
  151. Foyer CH, Vanacker H, Gomez L & Harbinson J (2002) Regulation of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in maize leaves at optimal and chilling temperatures: review. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 40: 659-668. Times cited: 103
  152. Dutilleul C, Driscoll S, Cornic G, De PaepeR, FoyerCH & Noctor G (2003) Functional mitochondrial complex I is required by tobacco leaves for optimal photosynthetic performance in photorespiratory conditions and during transients. Plant Physiology 131: 264-275. Times cited: 158
  153. FoyerCH, Parry M & NoctorG (2003) Markers and signals associated with nitrogen assimilation in higher plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 54: 585-593. Times cited: 183
  154. Van Heerden PDR, Kruger GHJ, Loveland JE, Parry M & Foyer CH (2003) Dark chilling imposes metabolite restrictions on photosynthesis in soybean. Plant, Cell & Environment 26: 323-337. Times cited: 27
  155. *Kiddle G, Pastori GM, Bernard B, Pignocchi C, Antoniw J, Verrier PJ & Foyer CH (2003) Effects of leaf ascorbate content on defense and photosynthesis gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Antioxidants and Redox Signalling 5: 23-32. Times cited: 69
  156. Van der Vyver C, Schneidereit J, Driscoll S, Kunert K & Foyer CH (2003)Expression of oryzacystatin I in transformed tobacco results in a conditional phenotype and modified abiotic stress resistance. Plant Biotechnology Journal 1: 101-112. Times cited: 60
  157. Husain S, N'tchobo H, Nguyen-Quoc B, Kingston-Smith AH, Thomas BJ & Foyer CH (2003) Changes in activities of acid invertase isoforms affect sugar accumulation and composition during ripening of tomato fruit. Journal Horticultural Science Biotechnology 78: 182-192. Times cited: 4
  158. *Pastori GM, Kiddle G, Antoniw J, Bernard S, Veljovic-Jovanovic S, Verrier PJ, Noctor G & Foyer CH (2003) Leaf vitamin C contents modulate plant defense transcripts and regulate genes controlling development through hormone signaling.  Plant Cell 15: 939-951. Times cited : 300
  159. *Dutilleul C, GarmierM, Mathieu C, Chetrit P,  Noctor G, FoyerCH & De PaepeR (2003) Leaf mitochondria modulate whole cell redox homeostasis, set antioxidant capacity, and determine stress resistance through altered signalling and diurnal regulation. Plant Cell 15: 1212-1226. Times cited: 336
  160. De Smet I, Signora L, Beeckman T, Inze D, Foyer CH & Zhang H (2003) An ABA-sensitive lateral root developmental checkpoint in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 33: 543-555. Times cited: 344
  161. Pignocchi C & Foyer CH (2003) Apoplastic ascorbate metabolism and its role in the regulation of cell signaling. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 6: 379-389. Times cited: 256
  162. Baxter CJ, Foyer CH, Rolfe SA & Quick WP (2003) Enhanced sucrose phosphate synthase activity in transgenic tobacco sustains photosynthesis in older leaves and alters development. Journal of Experimental Botany 54: 1813-1820. Times cited: 107
  163. *Pignocchi C, Fletcher JE, Barnes J & Foyer CH (2003) The function of ascorbate oxidase (AO) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.).  Plant Physiology 132: 1631-1641. Times cited: 165
  164. Strand A, Foyer CH, Gustafsson P & Hurry V (2003) Increased expression of sucrose-phosphate synthase in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana results in improved photosynthetic performance and increased freezing tolerance at low temperatures. Plant Cell and Environment 26: 523-535. Times cited: 140
  165. GhannoumO, ConroyJP, DriscollSP, PaulMJ, FoyerCH & LawlorDW (2003) Non stomatal limitations are responsible for drought induced photosynthetic inhibition in four C4 grasses. New Phytologist 159: 599-608. Times cited: 55
  166. Vines JRL, Jenkins PD, Foyer CH, French MS & Scott I (2003) Physiological effects of peracetic acid on hydroponic tomato plants. Annals Applied Biology 143: 153-159. Times cited: 7
  167. FoyerCH & Noctor G (2003) Redox signalling through chloroplasts and mitochondria in photosynthetic cells. Physiologia Plantarum 119: 355-364. Times cited: 558
  168. *MillarAH, Mittova V, Kiddle G, Heazlewood JL, BartoliCG, Theodoulou FL & Foyer CH (2003) Control of ascorbate synthesis by respiration and its implications for stress responses. Plant Physiology 133: 443-447. Times cited: 213
  169. Mittova V, Kiddle G, Theodoulou FL, Gomez L, Volokita M, Tal M, Foyer CH & Guy M (2003) Co-ordinate induction of glutathione biosynthesis and glutathione-metabolising enzymes is correlated with salt tolerance in tomato. FEBS Letts 554: 417-421. Times cited: 88
  170. Noctor G, Dutilleul C, De Paepe R & FoyerCH (2004) Use of mitochondrial electron transport mutants to evaluate the effects of redox state on photosynthesis, stress tolerance and the integration of carbon/nitrogen metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 49-57. Times cited: 69
  171. Mittova V, Kiddle G, Theodoulou FL, Foyer CH, Volokita M, Tal M & Guy M (2004) The role of mitochondrial APX isoforms in determining sensitivity to salt stress in two tomato species, Lycopersicon esculentum and L.  pennellii. Plant, Cell & Environment 27: 237-250. Times cited: 15
  172. Andrews PK, Fahy DA & Foyer CH (2004) Relationships between Fruit Exocarp Antioxidants in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) high pigment-1 mutant during Development. Physiol. Plantarum 120: 519-528. Times cited: 28
  173. Gomez L, Vanacker H, Buchner P, Noctor G & Foyer CH (2004) Intercellular distribution of glutathione synthesis in maize leaves and its response to short term chilling. Plant Physiology 134: 1662-1671. Times cited: 75
  174. Castleden CK, AokiN, GillespieVJ, MacRaeEA, QuickWP, FoyerCH, FurbankRT & LunnJE (2004)Evolution and function of the sucrose-phosphate synthase gene families in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and other grasses. Plant Physiology 135: 1753-1764. Times cited: 59
  175. Trevanion SJ, Castleden CK, FoyerCH, FurbankRT, QuickWP & LunnJE (2004) Regulation of sucrose-phosphate synthase in wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaves. Functional Plant Biology 31: 685-695. Times cited: 16
  176. Gomez LD, NoctorG, Knight M & FoyerCH (2004) Regulation of Calcium Signalling and Gene Expression by Glutathione. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 1851-1859. Times cited: 98
  177. LunaCM, Pastori GM, Driscoll S, Groten K, Bernard, S & Foyer CH (2005) Drought controls on H2O2 accumulation, catalase (CAT) activity and CAT gene expression in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 56: 417-423. Times cited: 103
  178. Puppo A, Groten K, BastianF,Carzaniga,R, Soussi M, Lucas MM, de FelipeMR, Harrison J, Vanacker H & Foyer CH (2005) Legume nodule senescence: Roles for redox and hormone signalling in the orchestration of the natural aging process. Tansley Review. New Phytologist 165: 683-701. Times cited: 172
  179. Bartoli CG, Guiamet JJ, Kiddle G, Pastori G, Di Cagno R, Theodoulou FL & Foyer CH (2005) Ascorbate content in wheat leaves is not determined by maximal L-galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH) activity under drought stress.Plant, Cell & Environment 28: 1073-1081. Times cited: 51
  180. Foyer CH & NoctorG (2005) Oxidant and antioxidant signalling in plants: a re-evaluation of the concept of oxidative stress in a physiological context. Plant, Cell & Environment 28: 1056-1071. Times cited: 852
  181. *Foyer CH & NoctorG (2005) Redox homeostasis and antioxidant signalling: a metabolic interface between stress perception and physiological responses. The Plant Cell17: 1866-1875. Times cited: 1233
  182. Dutilleul C, Lelarge C, PrioulJ-L, De PaepeR, FoyerCH & Noctor G(2005) Mitochondria-driven changes in leaf NAD status exert a crucial influence on the control of nitrate assimilation and the integration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Plant Physiology 139: 64-78. Times cited: 129
  183. GrotenK, VanackerH, Dutilleul C, Bastian F, Bernard S, Carzaniga R &  FoyerCH (2005) The roles of redox processes in pea nodule development and senescence. Plant, Cell & Environment 28: 1293-1304. Times cited: 34
  184. Pavet V, Olmos E, Kiddle G, Mowla, S, Kumar S, Antoniw J, Alvarez ME & Foyer CH (2005) Ascorbic acid deficiency activates cell death and disease resistance responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Plant Physiology 139: 1291-1303. Times cited: 193
  185. Mora-Herrera ME,Lopez-DelgadoH, Castillo-Morales A, & Foyer CH (2005) Salicylic acid and H2O2 function by independent pathways in the induction of freezing tolerance in potato. Physiologia Plantarum 125: 430-440. Times cited: 33
  186. Driscoll SP, A Prins, Olmos E., Kunert K J & Foyer CH (2006) Specification of adaxial and abaxial stomata, epidermal structure and photosynthesis to CO2 enrichment in maize leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 381-390. Times cited: 56
  187. Groten K, Dutilleul C, van Heerden PDR, Vanacker H, BernardS, FinkemeierI, DietzK-J & Foyer CH (2006)Redox regulation of peroxiredoxin and proteinases by ascorbate and thiols during pea root nodule senescence. FEBS Letts 580: 1269-1276. Times cited: 44
  188. Maughan S & FoyerCH (2006) Engineering and genetic approaches to modulating the glutathione network in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 126: 382-397. Times cited: 58
  189. Beyene G, Foyer CH & Kunert KJ (2006) Two new cysteine proteinases with specific expression patterns in mature and senescent tobacco (Nicotina tabacum L.) leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 1431-1443. Times cited: 50
  190. *Pignocchi C, Kiddle G, Hernández I, FosterSJ, Asensi A, Taybi T, BarnesJ & FoyerCH (2006) Ascorbate-oxidase-dependent changes in the redox state of the apoplast modulate gene transcription leading to modified hormone signaling and defense in tobacco. Plant Physiology 141: 423-435. Times cited: 99
  191. Bartoli CG, Gómez F, FernándezL, Yu J, McIntosh L & FoyerCH (2006) Inter-relationships between light and respiration in the control of ascorbic acid synthesis and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 1621-1631. Times cited: 142
  192. Olmos E, Kiddle G, Pellny TK, Kumar S, Foyer CH (2006) Modulation of plant morphology, root architecture and cell structure by low vitamin C in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 1645-1655. Times cited: 56
  193. Vanacker H, Sandalio LM, Jimenez A, Palma JM, Corpas FJ, Meseguer V, Gomez M, Sevilla F, Leterrie M, Foyer CH & del Rio LA (2006) Nitrogen nutrition-dependent regulation of redox processes in pea leaves and nodules. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 1735-1745. Times cited: 55
  194. MowlaSB, CuypersA, Driscoll SP, ThompsonJ, Foyer CH & Theodoulou FL (2006) Yeast complementation reveals a role for an Arabidopsis thaliana late embryogenesis abundant (LEA)-like protein in oxidative stress tolerance. The Plant Journal 48: 743-756. Times cited: 59
  195. NoctorG, De PaepeR & FoyerCH (2007) Mitochondrial redox biology, an interface between bioenergetics and genetics. Trends in Plant Science 12: 125-134. Times cited: 277
  196. Vidal G, Ribas-Carbo M, Garmier M, Dubertret  G, Rasmusson A, Foyer CH & De Paepe R (2007) Lack of respiratory chain Complex I impairs AOX engagement and modulates redox signaling during elicitor-induced cell death in tobacco. The Plant Cell 19: 640-655. Times cited: 96
  197. Foyer CH, Noctor G & van Emden HF (2007) An evaluation of the costs of making specific secondary metabolites; is the yield penalty incurred by host plant resistance to insects due to competition for resources? International Journal of Pest Management 53: 175-182. Times cited: 10
  198. LudidiN, PellnyTK, KiddleG, DutilleulC, Groten K, van HeerdenPDR, DuttS, PowersSJ, RömerP & Foyer CH (2007)Genetic variation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) maturity genotypes demonstrates the importance of the root but not the shoot C/N ratio in the control of plant morphology and reveals a unique relationship between shoot length and nodulation intensity. Plant, Cell & Environment 30: 1256-1268. Times cited: 8
  199. Pastori GM, Huttly A, West J, Sparks C, Pieters A, Luna CM, Jones HD & Foyer CH (2007) The maize Ac/Ds system is functional in hexaploid wheat through successive generations. Functional Plant Biology34: 835-843. Times cited: 5
  200. FoyerCH & NoctorG (2007) Shape-shifters building bridges? Stromules, matrixules and metabolite channelling in photorespiration. Trends in Plant Science 12: 381-383. Times cited: 5
  201. Soares AS, Driscoll SP, Olmos E, Harbinson J, Arrabaça MC & Foyer CH (2008) Adaxial/Abaxial Specification in the Regulation of Photosynthesis with respect to Light Orientation and Growth with CO2 Enrichment in the C4 species Paspalum dilatatum. The New Phytologist 177: 186-198. Times cited: 29
  202. Garmier M, Priault P, Vidal G, Driscoll S, Djebbar R, Boccara M, Mathieu C, Foyer CH & De Paepe R (2008) Light and oxygen are not required for harpin-induced cell death. Journal of Biological Chemistry282:37556-37566. Times cited: 27
  203. HoeberichtsFA, VaeckE, KiddleG, CoppensE, van de CotteB, AdamantidisA, OrmeneseS, FoyerCH, ZabeauM, InzéD, PérilleuxC, Van BreusegemF & Vuylsteke M (2008) A temperature-sensitive mutation in the Arabidopsis thaliana phosphomannomutase gene disrupts protein glycosylation and triggers cell death.Journal of Biological Chemistry283: 5708-5718. Times cited: 38
  204. PrinsA, Van HeerdenPDR, OlmosE, KunertKJ & FoyerCH (2008) Cysteine proteinases regulate chloroplast protein content and composition in tobacco leaves: a model for dynamic interactions with ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) vesicular bodies. Journal of Experimental Botany 59:1935-1950. Times cited: 88
  205. Bernard SM, Møller ALB, Dionisio G, Kichey T, Jahn TP, Dubois F, Baudo M, Lopes MS, Tercé-Laforgue T, Foyer CH, Parry M, Forde BG, Araus JL, Hirel B, Schjoerring JK & Habash DZ (2008) Gene expression and  function of glutamine synthetase isozymes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Molecular Biology 67: 89–105. Times cited: 78
  206. Pellny TK, Van Aken O, Dutilleul C, Wolff T, Groten K, Bor M, De Paepe R, Reyss A, Van Breusegem F, Noctor G & Foyer CH (2008) Mitochondrial respiratory pathways modulate nitrate sensing and nitrogen-dependent regulation of plant architecture in Nicotiana sylvestris. Plant Journal 54: 976–992. Times cited: 38
  207. Privat I, Foucrier S, Prins A, Epalle T, Eychenne M, Kandalaft L, Caillet V, Lin C, Tanksley S, Foyer CH & McCarthy J (2008) Differential regulation of grain sucrose accumulation and metabolism in Coffea arabica (Arabica) and Coffea canephora (Robusta) revealed through gene expression and enzyme activity analysis. The New Phytologist 178: 781–797. Times cited: 24
  208. Van Heerden PDR, Kiddle G, Pellny TK, Mokwala PW, Schlüter U, Kunert K & Foyer CH (2008) Roles for the regulation of respiration and the oxygen diffusion barrier in soybean in the protection of symbiotic nitrogen fixation from chilling –induced inhibition and shoots from premature senescence. Plant Physiology 148: 316-327. Times cited: 28
  209. BartoliCG, Tambussi EA, Fanello D & Foyer CH (2009) Control of ascorbic acid synthesis and accumulation and glutathione by the incident light red/far red ratio in Phaseolus vulgaris leaves. FEBS Letts 583:118-122. Times cited: 36
  210. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2009) Redox regulation in photosynthetic organisms: Signaling, acclimation and practical implications.Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 11: 862-905. Times cited: 630
  211. ValtaudC, Foyer CH, DixonDP, Fleurat-LessardP & BourboulouxA (2009) Systemic effects on leaf glutathione metabolism and defence protein expression caused by esca infection in grapevines.Functional Plant Biology 36: 260-279. Times cited: 21
  212. Pellny TK, Locato V, Diaz Vivancos P, Markovic J,  De Gara L, Pallardó  FV & Foyer CH (2009) Pyridine nucleotide cycling and control of intracellular redox state in relation to poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity and nuclear localisation of glutathione during exponential growth of Arabidopsis cells in culture. Molecular Plant 2: 442-456. Times cited: 53
  213. Foyer CH, Bloom A, Queval G & Noctor G (2009) Photorespiratory metabolism: genes, mutants, energetics, and redox signaling. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology 60: 455-484. Times cited: 295
  214. Soares-Cordeiro AS, Driscoll SP, Pellny TK, Olmos E, Arrabaça MC & Foyer CH (2009) Variations in the dorso-ventral organization of leaf structure and Kranz anatomy coordinate the control of photosynthesis and associated signalling at the whole leaf level in monocotyledonous species. Plant, Cell & Environment 32: 1833-1844. Times cited: 8
  215. *Maughan SC, Pasternak M, Cairns N, Kiddle G, Brach T, Jarvis R, Haas F, Nieuwland J, Lim B, Müller C, Salcedo-Sora E, Kruse C, Orsel M, Hell R, Miller AJ, Bray P, Foyer CH, Murray JAH, Meyer AJ & Cobbett CS (2010) Plant homologs of the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine-resistance transporter, PfCRT, are required for glutathione homeostasis and stress responses. PNAS 107: 2331-2336. Times cited: 92
  216. Hager J, Pellny T, Mauve C, Lelarge-Trouverie C, Prioul J-L, De Paepe R, Foyer CH & Noctor G (2010) Conditional modulation of NAD levels and metabolite profiles in Nicotiana sylvestris by mitochondrial electron transport and carbon/nitrogen supply. Planta231: 1145–1157. Times cited:  15
  217. BartschM, BednarekP, Diaz VivancosP, SchneiderB, von Roepenack-LahayeE, FoyerCH, Kombrink E, Scheel D & Parker JE (2010) Accumulation of isochorismate-derived 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic 3-O-B-D-xyloside in Arabidopsis resistance to pathogens and ageing of leaves. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285: 25654-25665. Times cited: 30
  218. Diaz Vivancos P, Wolff T, Markovic J, Pallardó FV & FoyerCH (2010) A nuclear glutathione cycle within the cell cycle. The Biochemical Journal 431: 169-178. Times cited: 95
  219. *Diaz VivancosP, DongY, ZieglerK, MarkovicJ, Pallardó FV, PellnyTK, VerrierP & FoyerCH (2010) Recruitment of glutathione into the nucleus during cell proliferation adjusts whole cell redox homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana and lowers the oxidative defence shield. The Plant Journal 64: 825-838. Times cited: 66
  220. Soares-Cordeiro AS, Driscoll SP, Arrabaça MC & Foyer CH (2010) The adaxial and abaxial sides of Paspaulum dilatatum leaves exhibit different sensitivities to dark chilling and capacities for recovery from stress. The Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 687-699. Times cited: 5
  221. PrinsA, Muchwesi MukubiJ, PellnyTK, VerrierP, BeyeneG, Silva Sabino LopesM, EmamiK, TreumannA, Lelarge-TrouverieC, NoctorG, KunertKJ, Kerchef P &  Foyer  CH (2010) Acclimation to high CO2 in maize is dependent on water status and leaf rank. Plant, Cell & Environment 34: 314-331. Times cited: 20
  222. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2011) Ascorbate and glutathione: the heart of the redox hub. Plant Physiology 155: 2-18. Times cited: 686
  223. Foyer CH & Shigeoka S (2011) Understanding oxidative stress and antioxidant functions to enhance photosynthesis. Plant Physiology 155: 93-100. Times cited: 392
  224. Foyer CH, Noctor G & Hodges M (2011) Respiration and nitrogen assimilation: targeting mitochondria-associated metabolism as a means to enhance nitrogen use wfficiency.  The Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 1467–1482. Times cited: 84
  225. LopesMS, ArausJL, van HeerdenPDR & FoyerCH (2011) Enhancing drought tolerance in C4 crops. The Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 3135–3153. Times cited: 94
  226. Diaz VivancosP, DriscollSP, BulmanCA, YingL, EmamiK, TreumannA, MauveC,NoctorG & Foyer CH(2011) Perturbations of shikimic acid metabolism modulate cellular redox homeostasis and alter the abundance of proteins involved in photosynthesis and photorespiration. Plant Physiology 157: 256-268. Times cited: 40
  227. *Kerchev PI, PellnyTK, VivancosPD, KiddleG, HeddenP, DriscollS, VanackerH, VerrierPJ,HancockRD & Foyer CH (2011) The transcription factor ABI-4 is required for the ascorbic acid- dependent regulation of growth and regulation of jasmonate-dependent defense signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 3319-3334. Times cited: 102
  228. MohdSalleh F, Evans K, Goodall B, Machin H, Mowla SB, Mur LAJ, Runions J, Theodoulou FL, Foyer CH & Rogers HJ (2012) A novel function for a redox-related LEA protein (SAG21/AtLEA5) in root development and biotic stress responses. Plant, Cell & Environment 35: 418-429. Times cited: 33
  229. Kerchev PI, FentonB, FoyerCH & HancockRD (2012) Infestation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) alters redox status and is influenced by ascorbate. Plant, Cell & Environment 35: 430-440. Times cited:23
  230. Kerchev PI, FentonB, FoyerCH & HancockRD (2012) Plant responses to insect herbivory: Interactions between photosynthesis, reactive oxygen species and hormonal signalling pathways. Plant, Cell & Environment 35: 441-453. Times cited: 87
  231. NoctorG, MhamdiA, QuevalG, ChaouchS, HanY, NeukermansJ & Foyer CH(2012) Glutathione functions in plants: An integrated Overview. Plant, Cell & Environment35: 454-484. Times cited: 385
  232. FentaBA, DriscollSP, KunertKJ & FoyerCH (2012) Characterization of drought tolerance traits in nodulated soybeans: The importance of maintaining photosynthesis and shoot biomass under drought-induced limitations on nitrogen metabolism. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Physiology 198: 92–103. Times cited: 25
  233. Foyer CH, Kerchev PI & HancockRD (2012) The ABA-INSENSITIVE-4 (ABI4) transcription factor links redox, hormone and sugar signalling pathways. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7: 276-81. Times cited: 37
  234. Foyer CH, NeukermansJ, QuevalG, NoctorG & Harbinson J (2012) Photosynthetic control of electron transport and the regulation of gene expression. The Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 1637-1661. Times cited: 177
  235. Queval G & Foyer CH (2012) Redox regulation of photosynthetic gene expression. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367: 3475-3485. Times cited: 34
  236. Bartoli CG, Casalongue C, SimontacchiM, Marquez-Garcia B & FoyerCH (2013)  Interactions between hormone and redox signalling pathways in the control of growth and cross tolerance to stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 94: 73-88. Times cited: 66
  237. García-GiménezJL, MarkovicJ, DasíF, QuevalG, Schnaubelt D, FoyerCH & PallardóFV (2013)Nuclear glutathione. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1830: 3304-3316. Times cited: 47
  238. Munné-BoschS, Queval G & Foyer CH (2013) The impact of global change factors on redox signaling underpinning stress tolerance. Plant Physiology161: 5-19. Times cited: 96
  239. *Kerchev PI, Karpińska B, MorrisJA, HussainA, VerrallSR, HedleyPE, FentonB, Foyer CH & HancockRD (2013) Vitamin C and the abscisic acid-insensitive 4 (ABI4) transcription factor are important determinants of aphid resistance in Arabidopsis. Antioxiants and Redox Signaling 18: 2091-2105. Times cited: 31
  240. Vorster BJ, Schlüter U, du Plessis M, van Wyk S, Makgopa ME,  Ncube I, Quain MD, Kunert K & Foyer CH (2013) The cysteine protease – cysteine protease inhibitor system explored in soybean nodule development. Agronomy 3: 550-570.
  241. Marquez-GarciaB, NjoM, BeeckmanT, GoormachtigS& Foyer CH (2013) A new role for glutathione in the regulation of root architecture linked to strigolactones. Plant, Cell & Environment 37: 488-498. Times cited: 13
  242. Schnaubelt D, Schulz P, Hannah MA, Yocgo RE & Foyer CH (2013) Perturbations in cellular GSH homeostasis influence shoot and root development but have no negative effects on abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Physiology 4: article 416. Times cited: 8
  243. ConsidineMJ & Foyer CH(2014) Redox Regulation of Plant Development. Antioxiants and Redox Signaling.21: 1305-1326. Times cited: 89
  244. NoctorG, Mhamdi A, Queval G & FoyerCH (2014) Regulating the redox gatekeeper: vacuolar sequestration puts glutathione disulfide in its place. Plant Physiology163: 665–671. Times cited: 28
  245. Foyer CH, Karpinska B & Krupinska K (2014) The functions of WHIRLY1 and REDOX-RESPONSIVE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 1 in cross tolerance responses in plants: A hypothesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369: 20130226. Times cited:30
  246. NoctorG, Mhamdi A & FoyerCH (2014) The roles of reactive oxygen metabolism in drought: not so cut and dried Plant Physiology 164: 1636–1648. Times cited: 127
  247. Passaia G, Queval G, Bai J, Margis-PinheiroM & Foyer CH (2014) The effects of redox controls mediated by glutathione peroxidases on root architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Journal of Experimental Botany. 65: 1403-1413. Times cited: 33
  248. Quain MD, MakgopaME, MagamaF, Márquez GarcíaB, MontroseA, SchnaubeltD, Fernandez-GarciaN, OlmosE,  KunertKJ & Foyer CH (2014) Ectopic phytocystatin expression leads to enhanced drought stress tolerance in soybean (Glycine max) and Arabidopsis thaliana through effects on strigolactone pathways, and can also result in improved seed traits. Plant Biotechnology. 12: 903-913. Times cited: 30
  249. Rasool B, Karpinska B, Konert G, Denessiouk K, Kangasjärvi S & Foyer CH (2014) Effects of light and the beta subunit composition of protein phosphatase 2A on the susceptibility of Arabidopsis thaliana to aphid (Myzus persicae) infestation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5: Article 405. Times cited: 13
  250. FentaBA, BeebeSE, KunertKK, BurridgeJD, BarlowK, LynchJP & Foyer CH (2014) Field phenotyping of soybean roots for drought stress tolerance.Agronomy 4: 418-435.
  251. Foyer C H, Verrall SR & Hancock RD (2015) Systematic analysis of phloem-feeding insect induced transcriptional reprogramming in Arabidopsis highlights common features and reveals distinct responses to specialist and generalist insects. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66: 495–512. Times cited:16
  252. Schnaubelt D, DongY, Queval G, Diaz-VivancosP, MakgopaME, HowellG, De SimoneA, BaiJ, HannahMA & Foyer CH (2015) Low glutathione regulates gene expression and the redox potentials of the nucleus and cytosol in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant CellEnvironment. 38: 266-279. Times cited: 31
  253. ConsidineMJ and FoyerCH(2015) Metabolic responses to sulfur dioxide in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): photosynthetic tissues, berries and wine Frontiers in Plant Science. 6: Article 60. Times cited: 3
  254. Quain MD, Makgopa ME, Cooper J, KunertKJ & Foyer, CH (2015) Ectopic phytocystatin expression alters nodule numbers and the nitrogen deficiency-dependent expression of cysteine proteases and their inhibitors in soybean (Glycine max). Phytochemistry 112: 179-187. Times cited: 8
  255. Xia X-J, Zhou Y-H, Shi K, Zhou J, Foyer CH & Yu J-Q (2015)  Interplay between reactive oxygen species and hormones in the control of plant development and stress tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany.  66: 2839-2856. Times cited: 99
  256. ComadiraG, Rasool B, Karpinska B, Márquez García B, MorrisJ, VerrallSR, Bayer M, HedleyPE, Hancock RD, & Foyer CH (2015) WHIRLY1 functions in the control of responses to N-deficiency but not aphid infestation in barley (Hordeum vulgare). Plant Physiology 168: 1140-1151. Times cited: 3
  257. Kunert, KJ van Wyk, SG, Cullis CA, Vorster BJ & Foyer CH (2015) Potential use of phytocystatins in crop improvement, with a particular focus on legumes. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 3559-3570. Times cited: 20
  258. Locato V, Novo Uzal E, Cimini S, Andolfi A, Evidente A, Micera A, Foyer CH, & De Gara L (2015) Ophiobolin A impairs cell cycle by affecting sub-cellular GSH re-distribution between nuclei and cytosol. Journal of Experimental Botany.  66: 2991-3000. Times cited: 5
  259. ComadiraG, Brwa Rasool, Barbara Karpinska, MorrisJ,VerrallSR, HedleyPE,Foyer CH& Hancock RD (2015) Nitrogen deficiency in barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings induces molecular and metabolic adjustments that trigger aphid resistance. Journal of Experimental Botany.  66: 3639–3655. Times cited: 13
  260. Márquez García B,ShawD, Cooper  J, KarpinskaB, QuainMD, MakgopaEM, KunertK &  Foyer CH (2015) Redox markers for drought-induced nodule senescence, a process     occurring after drought-induced senescence of the lowest leaves in soybean (Glycine max   Merr.)Annals of Botany. 116: 497–510. Times cited: 12
  261. Meitha K, Konnerup D, Colmer T, Considine J, Foyer CH, & Considine M (2015) Spatio-temporal relief from hypoxia and production of reactive oxygen species during bud burst in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Annals of Botany. 116: 703–711. Times cited: 12
  262. Yi C, Yao K, Cai S, Li H, Zhou J, Xia X, Shi K, Yu J, Foyer CH & ZhouY (2015) High atmospheric carbon dioxide-dependent alleviation of salt stress is linked to RESPIRATORY BURST OXIDASE 1 (RBOH1)-dependent H2O2 production in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 7391-7404 Times cited: 15
  263. Diaz-VivancosP, de SimoneA, Kiddle G & Foyer CH (2015) Glutathione –linking cell proliferation to oxidative stress Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 89: 1154–1164 Times cited: 35
  264. SchippersJHM, FoyerCH & van Dongen J T (2016) Redox regulation in shoot growth, SAM maintenance and flowering. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 29, 121-128. Times cited: 15
  265. Cheng F, Yin L-L, Zhou J, Xia X-J, Shi K, Yu J-Q, Zhou Y-H, & Foyer CH (2016) Interactions between 2-Cys peroxiredoxins and ascorbate in autophagosome formation during the heat stress response in tomato, Journal of Experimental Botany. 67: 1919-1933. Times cited: 8
  266. FoyerCH, RasoolB, DaveyJ, & Hancock RD (2016) Cross tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses in plants: A focus on resistance to aphid infestationJournal of Experimental Botany 67: 2025-2037. Times cited: 29
  267. Noctor G Mhamdi A, & Foyer CH (2016) Oxidative stress and antioxidative systems: recipes for successful data collection and interpretation. Plant CellEnvironment. 39: 1140-1160. Times cited: 36
  268. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2016) Stress-triggered redox signalling: What’s in pROSpect?"  Plant CellEnvironment. 39: 951-964. Times cited: 50
  269. Noctor G & Foyer CH (2016) Intracellular redox compartmentation and ROS-related communication in regulation and signalling. Plant Physiology. 171: 1582-1592.  Times cited: 36
  270. Foyer CH, LamH-M, NguyenH T, SiddiqueKHM, VarshneyR K, ColmerTD, CowlingW, BramleyH, MoriTA, HodgsonJ M, CooperJW, MillerT, KunertK, VorsterJ, CullisC, OzgaJA, WahlqvistML, LiangY, ShouH, ShiK, YuJ, FodorN, KaiserBN, WongF-L, ValliyodanB & ConsidineMJ. (2016) Neglecting legumes has compromised human health and sustainable food production. Nature Plants. 2: Article: 16112. Times cited: 55
  271. KunertKJ, VorsterBJ, FentaBA, KibidoT, DionisioG& Foyer CH (2016) Drought stress responses in soybean roots and nodules. Frontiers in Plant Science.  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01015. Times cited: 11
  272. GriffithsCA, PaulMJ & Foyer CH (2016) Metabolite transport and associated sugar signalling systems underpinning source/ sink interactions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1857: 1715–1725. Times cited: 16
  273. Guo Z, Wang F, Xiang X, Ahammed G, Wang M, Onac E, Zhou J, Xia X, Shi K, Yin X , Chen K, Yu J, Foyer CH & Zhou Y (2016) Systemic induction of photosynthesis via illumination of the shoot apex is mediated by phytochrome B. Plant Physiology. 172: 1259-1272. Times cited: 14
  274. Considine M, Diaz Vivancos P, Kerchev P, Signorelli S, Agudelo-Romero P, Gibbs DJ & Foyer CH (2017) Learning to breathe: Developmental phase transitions in oxygen status. Trends in Plant Science. 22: 140–153. Times cited: 11
  275. Foyer CH, Ruban AV & Noctor G (2017) Viewing oxidative stress through the lens of oxidative signalling rather than damage. Biochemical Journal. 474: 877–883. Times cited: 19
  276. KarpinskaB, RasoolB, ZhangK, PastokD, MorrisJ, VerrallSR, HedleyPE, HancockRD & Foyer CH & (2017) The redox state of the apoplast influences the acclimation of photosynthesis and leaf metabolism to changing irradiance Plant Cell Environment. 41, 1083-1097. Times cited: 3.
  277. Cooper, JW, Wilson, M, Derks, MFL, Smit, S, Kunert KJ, Cullis C & Foyer CH (2017) Enhancing faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genome resources. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68: 1941–1953. Times cited: 4
  278. de Simone A, Hubbard R, Viñegra de la Torre N, Velappan Y, Wilson M,  Considine MJ, SoppeWJJ, & Foyer CH (2017) Redox changes during the cell cycle in the embryonic root meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 27: 1505–1519. Times cited: 3
  279. Karpinska B, Owdah Alomrani S & Foyer CH (2017) Inhibitor-induced Oxidation of the Nucleus and Cytosol in Arabidopsis thaliana: Implications for Organelle to Nucleus Retrograde Signalling. Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 372: 20160392. Times cited: 2
  280. GuoH, ZhouH, ZhangJ, GuanW, XuS, ShenW, XuG, XieY & Foyer CH (2017) L-cysteine desulfhydrase-related H2S production is involved in OsSE5-promoted ammonium tolerance in roots of Oryza sativa. Plant Cell Environment. 40: 1777–1790. Times cited: 1
  281. RasoolB, McGowan J. Pastok D, Marcus SE, MorrisJ, VerrallSR, HedleyPE, HancockRD & Foyer CH (2017) Redox control of aphid resistance through altered cell wall composition and nutritional quality. Plant Physiology, 175: 259-271. Times cited: 1
  282. FodorN, ChallinorA, DroutsasI, Ramirez-VillegasJ, ZabelF, KoehlerA-K & FoyerCH (2017)Integrating plant science and crop modelling: Assessment of the impact of climate change on soybean and maize production. Plant and Cell Physiology. 58: 1833–1847. Times cited: 1
  283. Noctor G, Riechheld J-P & Foyer CH (2018) ROS-related redox regulation and signaling in plants. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 80: 3-12. Times cited: 5
  284. Signorelli S, Agudelo-Romero P, Meitha K, Foyer CH & Considine MJ  (2018)Roles for light, energy, and oxygen in the fate of quiescent axillary buds. Plant Physiology. 176: 1171–1181. Times cited: 3
  285. Cooper, JW, BeyyoudhL, DasganHY, Kunert KJ, Beveridge C & Foyer CH (2018)  Strigolactones positively regulate chilling tolerance in soybean, pea and Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environment. 41:1298–1310. Times cited: 1
  286. Zhou, H, Finkemeier I, Guan W, Tossounian M, Wei B, Young D, Jingjing J, Messens J, Xue J, Zhu J, Wilson M, Shen W-B, Xie Y & Foyer CH (2018) Oxidative stress-triggered interactions between the succinyl- and acetyl-proteomes of rice leaves. Plant Cell Environment. 41: 1139-1153.
  287. MeithaK, Agudelo‑RomeroP, SignorelliS, GibbsDJ, ConsidineJA, FoyerCH & Considine MJ (2018) Developmental control of hypoxia during bud burst in grapevine. Plant Cell Environment. 41: 1154-1170. Times cited : 1
  288. Fodor, N. Foskolos A, Topp CFE. Moorby JM, Pasztor L & Foyer CH (2018) Spatially-explicit estimation of heat stress related impacts of climate change on the milk production of dairy cows in the United Kingdom. PLoS ONE 13:  e0197076.
  289. WangF, WuN, ZhangL, AhammedGJ, ChenX, XiangX, ZhouJ, XiaX, ShiK, YuJ, FoyerCH & ZhouY (2018) Light signaling-dependent regulation of photoinhibition and photoprotection in tomato. Plant Physiology. 176, 1311–1326. Times cited: 3
  290. ZhangH, HuZ, LeiC, ZhengC, WangJ, ShaoS, Li  X, XiaX, CaiX,  ZhouJ, ZhouY, YuJ, Foyer, CH & ShiK (2018) Plant phytosulfokine peptide initiates auxin-dependent immunity through cytosolic Ca2+ signaling in tomato. Plant Cell. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.17.00537.
  291. FoyerCH, Wilson M & Wright M (2018) Redox regulation of cell proliferation: Bioinformatics and redox proteomics approaches to identify redox-sensitive cell cycle regulators, Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 122, 137-149. Times cited : 2
  292. Caviglia M, Mazorra Morales L M, Concellón A, Grozeff G E, Wilson M, Foyer CH, Bartoli C G (2018) Ethylene signaling triggered by low concentrations of ascorbic acid regulates biomass accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 122, 130-136. Times cited: 1
  293. PlumbW, TownsendAJ, RasoolB, AlomraniS,RazakN,KarpinskaB, RubanAV& Foyer CH (2018) Ascorbate-mediated regulation of growth, photoprotection and photoinhibition in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany.69, 2823-2835. Times cited: 1
  294. Foyer C H (2018)Reactive oxygen species, oxidative signaling and the regulation of photosynthesis. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 154, 134-142. Times cited: 1
  295. Wany A, Foyer CH, Gupta KJ (2018) Nitrate NO, ROS signaling in stem cell homeostasis. Trends in Plant Science.
  296. Hu Y, Tian S, Foyer CH, Houb D, Wanga H, Zhoua W, Liub T, Gea J, Lua L, Lin X (2019) Efficient phloem transport significantly remobilizes cadmium from old to young organs in a hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 365, 421-429.
  297. Wang F, Zhang L, Chen X , Wu X, Xiang X, Zhou J, Xia X, Shi K, Yu J, Foyer CH, Zhou Y (2019) SlHY5 integrates temperature, light and hormone signaling to balance plant growth and cold tolerance. Plant Physiology. DOI: 10.1104/pp.18.01140.
  298. Foyer CH, SiddiqueKHM,TaiAPK, AndersS, FodorN, WongF-L, LudidiN, ChapmanMA, FergussonBJ, ConsidineMJ, ZabelF, PrasadPVV, VarshneyRK, NguyenHT &  LamH-M (2019) Modelling predicts that soybean is poised to dominate crop production across Africa. Plant Cell Environment. 42, 373-385.
  299. Fauset S, Oliviera L, Bucjeridge MS, Foyer CH,  Galbraith D, Tiwari R & Gloor M (2019) Contrasting responses of stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity to warming and elevated CO2 in the tropical tree species Alchornea glandulosa under heatwave conditions Environmental and Experimental Botany. 158, 28-39.
  300. Fang P, Yan M, Chi C, Wang M, Zhou Y, Zhou J, Shi K, Xia X, Foyer CH & Yu JQ (2019) Brassinosteroids act as a positive regulator of photoprotection in response to chilling stress. Plant Physiology 180, 2061-2076.
  301. XieM, ChungC Y-L, LiM-W, WongF-L, WangX, LiuA, WangZ, LeungA K-Y, WongT-H, TongSW, XiaoZ, FanK, NgM-S, QiX, YangL, DengT, HeL, ChenL, FuA, DingQ, HeJ, ChungG, IsobeS, TanabataT, ValliyodanB, NguyenHT, CannonSB, FoyerCH, Chan TF & LamHM (2019) A reference-grade wild soybean genome. Nature Communications 10, 1216.
  302. Zhou Y H, Ge S, Jin L, Yao,K, Wang Y, Wu XD. Zhou, J.  Xia, X, Shi, K, Foyer, CH & Yu JQ (2019) A novel CO2-responsive systemic signaling pathway controlling plant mycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phyologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.15917.
  303. Foyer, CH, Baker, A, Wright M, Sparkes I, Mhamdi A, Schippers JHM & Van Breusegem F  (2019) On the move: Redox –dependent protein relocation.  Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erz330
  304. García-QuirósE, de Dios AlchéJ, KarpinskaB & Foyer, CH (2019) Glutathione redox state plays a key role in flower development and pollen vigour. Journal of Experimental Botany. 10.1093/jxb/erz376
  305. Wang G, Hu C, Zhou J, Liu Y, Cai J, Pan C, Wang Y, Wu X, Shi K, Xai X, Zhou Y, Foyer CH & Yu J (2019) Systemic root-shoot signaling drives jasmonate-based root defense against nematodes, Current Biology  In Press
  306. Botha A-M, Maling’a J & Foyer CH (2019) Sub-Saharan Africa food security: Global warming requires new strategies for insect control. Food and Energy Security. In Press
  307. Rasool B, Karpinska B, Pascual J, Kangasjärvi S, & Foyer, CH (2019) Catalase, glutathione and protein phosphatase 2A interactions regulate plant defences against aphids at high and low irradiance.Plant Cell Environment. In Press
  308. Karpinska B, Razak N, & Foyer, CH (2019) WHIRLY1 is required for the NEP/PEP transition in chloroplast development. Philosophical Transactions B. In Press
  309. Foyer, CH, Kyndt T & Hancock RD (2019) Ascorbate and ascorbate oxidase functions in photosynthesis, growth and defence. Antioxidants and Redox Signalling. In Press
  310. Foyer, CH & Noctor G (2019) Redox homeostasis and signaling in a higher CO2 world. Annual Review of Plant Biology, In Press.

Scholarly Books

Foyer CH (1984) Photosynthesis (Bittar EE series ed) Cell Biology Monographs, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 219 pp).

Co-edited Books

  1. Causes of photooxidative stress in plants and amelioration of defense systems”, published in 1994, CRC Press, 416 pp.
  2. A Molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Plants” published by Taylor and Francis in 1998, 347 pp.
  3. Photosynthetic nitrogen assimilation and associated carbon and respiratory metabolism” for the Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration series, published by Kluwer Academic Press in 2002, 284 pp.
  4. Redox Metabolism and Longevity Relationships in Animals and Plants”, for the SEB Experimental Biology series, Volume 62, published by Taylor and Francis in 2009, 281 pp.
  5. Africa’s Engine for Growth-Plant Science and Biotechnology hold the key” Aspects of Applied Biology, Vol 96, published by the Association of Applied Biologists in 2010, 428 pp. ISSN 0265-1491
  6. Nitrogen Metabolism plants in the Post-Genomic Era”, (with Hanma Zhang) Annual Plant Reviews Vol. 42, published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2010, 336 pp. ISSN 01460-1494

Book Chapters

  1. Leegood RC, Walker DA & Foyer CH (1985) Regulation of the Benson-Calvin cycle. In: Photosynthetic mechanisms and the environment, J. Barber, N.R. Baker, eds, vol. 6, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam. 189-258.
  2. Foyer CH, Lelandais M, Edwards EA & Mullineaux PM (1991) The role of ascorbate in plants, interactions with photosynthesis, and regulatory significance. In: Active oxygen/oxidative stress and plant metabolism, E. Pell, K. Steffen, eds, Current Topics in Plant Physiology, vol. 6, American Society of Plant Physiologists. 131-144.
  3. Foyer CH & Furbank RT (1992) Exploitation of chloroplast systems in biotechnology: stabilisation and regulation of photosynthesis. In: Comprehensive Biotechnology, second supplement: Plant Biotechnology, M.W. Fowler, G.S. Warren and M. Moo-Young, eds, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 293-315.
  4. Foyer CH (1992) Interactions between electron transport and carbon assimilation in leaves. Co-ordination of activities and control. In: Photosynthesis: Photoreactions to Plant Productivity, Y.P. Abrol, P. Mohanty, Govindjee, eds, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co, PVT Ltd, New Delhi. 199-224.
  5. Foyer CH (1993) Chlorophyll a fluorescence as a probe for leaf metabolism and plant vitality. In: Crop structure and light microclimate: characterisation and applications, C. Varlet-Grancher, R. Bonhomme, H. Sinoquet, eds, INRA Editions, Versailles, France. 419-425.
  6. Foyer CH (1993) Ascorbic acid. In: Antioxidants in higher plants, R.G. Alscher, J.L. Hess, eds, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A. 31-58.
  7. Foyer CH & Lelandais M (1993) The role of ascorbate in the regulation of photosynthesis. In: Photosynthetic responses to the Environment, H.Y. Yamamoto, C.M. Smith, eds, Current Topics in Plant Physiology, Vol. 8, American Society of Plant Physiologists. 88-101.
  8. Foyer CH & Harbinson J (1994) Oxygen metabolism and the regulation of photosynthetic electron transport. In: Causes of photooxidative stresses and amelioration of defense systems in plants, C.H. Foyer, P. Mullineaux, eds, CRC Press. 1-42.
  9. Foyer CH, Valadier MH & Ferrario S (1994) Co-regulation of nitrogen and carbon assimilation in leaves. In: Environment and Plant Metabolism, flexibility and acclimation. N. Smirnoff, ed, Bios Scientific publishers, Guildford, U.K. 17-33.
  10. Foyer CH, Chaumont M, Murchie E, Galtier G & Ferrario S (1995) End product modulation of carbon partitioning with a view to improved biomass production. In: Carbon partitioning and source-sink interactions in plants.  Current Topics in Plant Physiology (M.A. Madore and W.J. Lucas, eds) American Society of Plant Physiologists. 45-53.
  11. Foyer CH & Galtier N (1996) Source sink interaction and communication in leaves. In: Photoassimilate distribution in plants and crops: Source sink relationships. E, Zamski and A.A. Schafer, eds, Marcel Dekker, Inc Publishers. Chapter 13, 311-340.
  12. Foyer CH (1997) Oxygen metabolism and electron transport in photosynthesis. In: Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses. (J. Scandalios, ed, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, U.S.A. 587-621.
  13. Noctor G, Arisi AC, Jouanin L & Foyer CH (1997) Regulation of glutathione synthesis in transformed plants.  In: Sulphur Metabolism in Higher Plants: W.J. Cram, eds, Backhuys Publishers, Leidon, The Netherlands. 243-245.
  14. Foyer CH & Harbinson J (1997) The photosynthetic electron transport system:  efficiency and control.  In: A molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Higher Plants,  C.H. Foyer, and W.P. Quick, eds, Taylor and Francis, London, U.K. 3-39.
  15. Ferrario-Méry S, Murchie E, Hirel B, Galtier N, Quick WP & Foyer CH (1997) Manipulation of the pathways of sucrose biosynthesis and nitrogen assimilation in transformed plants to improve photosynthesis and productivity.  In: A Molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Higher Plants”, C.H. Foyer and W.P. Quick, eds, Taylor and Francis, London, U.K. 125-153.
  16. Ferrario S, Foyer CH & Morot-Gaudry J-F (1997) Co-ordination entre métabolismes azoté, photosynthétique et respiratoire.  In : Assimilation de l'azote chez les plantes: aspects physiologique, biochimique et moléculaire.  J-F. Morot-Gaudry, ed, INRA Editions, Paris, France.  Chapter 13, 235-248.
  17. Foyer CH, Kingston-Smith A, Harbinson J, Arisi A-CM, Jouanin L & Noctor G (1998) The uses of transformed plants in the assessment of physiological stress responses. In: Responses of Plant Metabolism to Air Pollusion. L.J. de Kok and I. Stulen, eds, Backhuys Publishers, The Netherlands. 251-261.
  18. Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (1998) Chilling sensitivity and antioxidant metabolism in maize (Zea mays L.). In: Progress in Botanical Research (I. Tsekos, M. Moustakas, eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.  183-190.
  19. Horemans N, Foyer CH & Asard H (1999).  The functions of ascobate and ascorbate transport systems in plant membranes. In: Different pathways through life: Biochemical aspects of plant biology and medicine. (A. Denke, K. Dornisch, F. Fleischmann, J. Graßmann, I. Heiser, S. Hippeli, W. Oßwald and H. Schempp, eds, Lincom Europa. 16: 217-238.
  20. Rennenberg H & Foyer CH (2000) Regulation of glutathione metabolism and compartmentation and its response to stress. In: Sulfur nutrition and sulfur assimilation in higher plants: molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects. C. Brunold, H. Rennenberg, L.J. De Kok, I. Stulen and J.C. Davidian, eds, Paul Haupt Publishing, Berne. 127-153.
  21. Pastori GM & Foyer CH (2000) Manipulation of glutathione and ascorbate metabolism in plants. In: Plant tolerance to abiotic stresses in agriculture: Role of genetic engineering. J.H. Cherry et al. eds, Kluwer Academic Press. The Netherlands. 299-314.
  22. Foyer CH, Ferrario-Méry S & Noctor G (2001)Integration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  Plant Nitrogen. P.J. Lea and J.F. Morot-Gaudry, eds, Springer-Verlag Berlin. 237-254.
  23. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2001) The molecular biology and metabolism of glutathione. In: Significance of glutathione in plant adaptation to the environment. D. Grill, M. Tausz and L. De KoK, eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 27-57.
  24. Foyer CH (2002) Oxidative Stress in Plants. In: Biotechnology Intelligence Unit. D. Inzé and M. Van Montagu, eds, Kluwer Academic Press. 33-68.
  25. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2002) Photosynthetic nitrogen assimilation: Inter-pathway control and signaling. In: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration. Volume 12, “Photosynthetic nitrogen assimilation and associated carbon and respiratory metabolism”, C.H. Foyer and G. Noctor, eds, ISBN 0-7923-6336-1. 1-22.
  26. Foyer CH (2003) Ascorbate and glutathione metabolism in plants: H2O2 processing and signalling. Cellular Implications of Redox Signalling.  C. Gilter and A.H. Danon, eds, Imperial College Press. London. 191-212.
  27. Foyer CH, Groten K and Kunert K (2003) Genetics of Crop Improvement: GM of Oxidative Stress. Encyclopaedia of Applied Plant Sciences, (B. Thomas, D.J. Murphy and B. Murray, eds). Academic Press.  419-430.
  28. Foyer CH (2004) The role of ascorbic acid in defence networks and signalling in plants. In: Vitamin C. Functions and Biochemistry in Animals and Plants. (H Asard, JM May N Smirnoff eds.), Bios. Scientific Publishers, 2004, Oxon U.K. Chapter 4.  65- 82.
  29. Sweetlove L & Foyer CH (2004)Roles for reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in plant mitochondria. In Plant mitochondria: from Genome to function. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration. Volume 17. D. A. Day, A.H. Millar andJ. Whelan, eds. 307-320.
  30. Foyer CH, Gomez LD, & van Heerden PDR (2005) Glutathione. In Antioxidants and reactive species in plants. N. Smirnoff, ed. Blackwell Publishing.  Oxford. 1-24.
  31. Foyer CH, Trebst A & Noctor G (2006) Protective and signalling functions of ascorbate, glutathione and tocopherol in chloroplastsIn Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration. Volume 19, “Photoprotection, Photoinhibition, Gene Regulation, and Environment”, B. Demmig-Adams and W.W. Adams eds. 241-268.
  32. Foyer CH, NoctorG& VerrierP (2006) Photosynthetic carbon-nitrogen interactions: Modelling inter-pathway control and signalling. In: Control of Primary Metabolism in Plants. Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 22. M.McManus and B.Plaxton eds.Blackwell Publishing.325-347.
  33. FoyerCH, KiddleG & VerrierP (2007) Transcriptional profiling approaches to understanding how plants regulate growth and defence: a case study illustrated by analysis of the role of Vitamin C. Plant Systems Biology. (2006) eds. S Baginsky and A.R. Fernie. Birkenhauser, Basel.55-86.
  34. PrinsA, Verrier P, KunertKJ, & FoyerCH (2008) CO2 enrichment modulates both proteinase and proteinase inhibitors in maize. Proceedings of thec 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis. (Allen JF, Gantt E, Golbeck JH and Osmond B) Springer publishers. 1375-1378.
  35. Foyer CH, Pellny TK, Locato V & De Gara L (2008) Analysis of redox relationships in the plant cell cycle: determinations of ascorbate, glutathione and poly (ADPribose) polymerase (PARP) in plant cell cultures. In: Redox-Mediated Signal Transduction: Methods and Protocols, part of the Methods in Molecular Biology series: Vol. 476. (Hancock, J ed) Humana Press. ISBN 978-1-58829-842-3. 199-217.
  36. Prins A, Kunert KJ, & Foyer CH (2009) Interactions between CO2 signalling, cellular redox state and ageing in plants. In “Redox Metabolism and Longevity Relationships in Animals and Plants”, SEB Experimental Biology series, Vol. 62. (Foyer CH, Thornalley P and Faragher R Eds). Taylor and Francis publishers. ISBN 978-0415419543. 203-226.
  37. Foyer CH (2010) Mitochondrial redox state, nitrogen metabolism and signalling.  In: Annual Plant Reviews 42, Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants in the Post-genomic Era (C.H. Foyer and H. Zhang, eds.) Wiley-Blackwell. 278-304.
  38. Noctor G, Queval G, Mhamdi A, Chaouch S, Foyer CH (2011) Glutathione. The Arabidopsis Book. (Millar, H. Editor; American Society of Plant Biologists Rockville, MD) 9: 1-32.
  39. GiauffretC & FoyerCH (2011) Effects of chilling temperatures on maize growth and biomass production. In: Advances in Maize (J.L. Prioul, C. Thévenot and T. Molnar eds). In Essential Reviews in Experimental Biology series. 2, Society for Experimental Biology (UK) ISSN: 2042-3381 (print) ISBN: 978-1-907491-04-7. 347-372.
  40. FentaBA, Schluter  S, Marquez GarciaB, DuPlessisM, FoyerCH & KunertKJ (2011) Identification and application of phenotypic and molecular markers for abiotic stress tolerance in soybean. In Soybean - Genetics and Novel Techniques for Yield Enhancement. (Krezhova D. ed) InTech Open access publishers. ISBN 978-953-307-721-5. 181-200.
  41. LopesMS & FoyerCH (2011) The impact of high CO2 on plant abiotic stress tolerance. Chapter: 6. In: Crop Stress Management and Global Climate Change, CABI, (J.L. Araus and G. Slafer, eds). 85-104.
  42. Foyer CH & Harbinson J (2012) Photosynthetic Regulation. In: Terrestrial photosynthesis in a changing environment: The molecular, physiological and ecological bases of photosynthesis driving its response to the environmental changes (J. Flexas, F. Loreto and H. Medrano, eds.) Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-89941. 20-40.
  43. Parry MAJ, Andralojc PJ, Foyer CH, Galmes J & Sharkey TD (2012) Biochemical and molecular techniques for the study of photosynthetic processes. In: Terrestrial photosynthesis in a changing environment: The molecular, physiological and ecological bases of photosynthesis driving its response to the environmental changes (J. Flexas, F. Loreto and H. Medrano, eds.) Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-89941. 186-205.
  44. Gregersen PL, CH Foyer and K Krupinska (2014) Photosynthesis and Leaf Senescence as Determinants of Plant Productivity. In: Biotechnology in agriculture and Forestry. Biotechnological Approaches to Barley Improvement, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 69, doi 10.1007/978-3-662-44406-1. pp.113-138.
  45. ShawDS, MeithaK, ConsidineMJ, & Foyer CH (2017) Mitochondrial respiration and oxygen tension. In: Methods in in Molecular Biology: Plant Respiration& Internal Oxygen: Methods and Protocols (Jagadis Kapuganti, Editor) Springer. DOI: 10.1007.978-1-4939-7292-011.
  46. Foyer CH, Pellny TK, Locato V, Hull J& De Gara L (2019) Analysis of redox relationships in the plant cell cycle: Determination of ascorbate, glutathione, and poly(ADPribose)polymerase (PARP) in plant cell cultures.  In Methods in Molecular Biology. 1990, 165-181.


Refereed Conference Papers


  1. Foyer CH & Hall DO (1980) Superoxide dismutase activity in the functioning chloroplast. In: Clinical and Biomedical Aspects of Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase, Developments in Biochemistry IIa, J.V. Bannister, H.A.O. Hill, eds, Elsevier/North Holland. 380-389.
  2. Halliwell B, Foyer CH & Charles SA (1981) The fate of hydrogen peroxide in illuminated chloroplasts. In: Photosynthesis II - Electron Transport and Photophosphorylation, G. Akoyunoglou, ed., Balaban International Science Services, Philadelphia. 279-284.
  3. Foyer CH, Harbron S & Walker DA (1981) Regulation of sucrose phosphate synthetase and sucrose biosynthesis in spinach leaves. In: Photosynthesis IV - Regulation of carbon metabolism, G. Akoyunoglou, ed., Balaban International Science Services, Philadelphia. 357-364.
  4. Foyer CH, Anderson J & Walker DA (1984) Light-dependent reduction of hydrogen peroxide via the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in intact spinach chloroplasts. In: Advances in Photosynthesis Research III. 7., C. Sybesma, ed., Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk, The Hague, The Netherlands. 689-692.
  5. Fernyhough P, Horton P & Foyer CH (1984) Regulation of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein (LHCP) phosphorylation in intact maize mesophyll chloroplasts.  In: Advances in Photosynthesis Research III. 4, C. Sybesma, ed, Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk, The Hague, The Netherlands. 299-302.
  6. Black M, Horton P & Foyer CH (1984) Effects of phosphorylation on the properties of thylakoid membranes. In: Advances in Photosynthesis Research III. 4, C. Sybesma, ed, Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk, The Hague, The Netherlands. 315-318.
  7. Foyer CH, Furbank RT & Walker DA (1987) Interactions of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase with thylakoid and stromal reactions. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research, J. Biggins, ed, Vol. 3, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster. 309-312.
  8. Dujardyn M & Foyer CH (1989) Regulation of CO2 assimilation during photoinhibition. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, vol. IV 16, M. Baltscheffsky, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 283-286.
  9. Harbinson J, Genty B, Foyer CH & Baker NR (1989) The relationship between the efficiencies of photosystems I and II and the control of electron transport. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, vol. IV 16, M. Baltscheffsky, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 259-262.
  10. Schöner S, Foyer CH, Lelandais M & Krause H (1989) Increase in activities of scavengers for active oxygen in spinach related to cold acclimation in excess light. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, vol. II 6, M. Baltscheffsky, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 483-486.
  11. Foyer CH, Dujardyn M & Lemoine Y (1989) Turnover of the xanthophyll cycle during photoinhibition and recovery. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, vol. II 6, M. Baltscheffsky, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 491-494.
  12. Foyer, CH, Galtier, N, Huber, SC & Quick, P (1993) The role of sucrose phosphate synthase in determining assimilate partitioning and photosynthetic capacity in tomato leaves. In: Research in Photosynthesis, Vol IV, N. Murata, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 737-744.
  13. Kunert KJ & Foyer CH (1993) Thiol/disulphide exchange in plants. In: Sulfur Nutrition and Assimilation in Higher Plants, Regulatory, Agricultural and Environmental Aspects, L.J. De Kok, I. Stulen, H. Rennenberg, C. Brunold, W. Rauser, eds, SPB Academic Publishers, The Hague. 139-151.
  14. Foyer CH, Lelandais M, Jouanin L & Kunert KJ (1994) Over-expression of enzymes of glutathione metabolism in poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba): consequences for glutathione metabolism. In: Proceeding of the First European workshop on glutathione, regulation, cellular defenses and clinical aspects. Bulletin de la Société Luxembourgeoise de Biologie clinique asbl (Société luxembourgeoise de biologie clinique ASBL, eds). 229-240.
  15. Foyer CH, Lefebvre C, Provot M, Vincentz M & Vaucheret H (1993) Modulation of nitrogen and carbon metabolism in transformed Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutant E23 lines expressing either increased or decreased nitrate reductase activity. In: Aspects of Applied Biology, E. White, P.S. Kettlewell, M.A. Parry, R.P. Ellis, eds, No.34 Physiology of varieties, Association of Applied Biologists. Horticulture Research International, U.K. 137-145.
  16. Foyer CH, Jouanin L, Souriau N, Perret S, Lelandais M, Kunert K-J, Noctor G, Pruvost C, Strohm M, Mehlhorn H, Polle A & Rennenberg H (1995) The molecular, biochemical and physiological function of glutathione and its action in poplar.  In: Eurosilva Contribution to Forest Tree Physiology, Dourdan, France.  H. Sandermann, Jr. and M. Bonnet-Masimbert, eds, INRA Editions, Paris. (Les Colloques, No. 76) 141-170.
  17. Galtier N, Murchie E, Signora L & Foyer CH (1995) The sucrose/starch ratio in leaves is determined by SPS activity.  In:  Photosynthesis:  From light to biosphere. Vol.V. P. Mathis, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 301-304.
  18. Foyer CH & Lelandais M (1995) Ascorbate transport into protoplasts, chloroplasts and thylakoid membranes of pea leaves. In:  Photosynthesis:  From light to biosphere. Vol.V. P. Mathis, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 511-514.
  19. Chaumont M, Morot-Gaudry J & Foyer CH (1995) Diurnal fluctuations in photosynthesis and associated metabolism in Vitis vinifera leaves.  In:  Photosynthesis:  From light to biosphere. Vol.V. P. Mathis, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 861-864.
  20. Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (1995) Characterisation of the acid invertase isoforms in leaves of different phloem loading type. In:  Photosynthesis:  From light to biosphere. Vol.V. P. Mathis, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 719-722.
  21. Souriau N, Hauck B, Gay AP, Foyer CH & Thomas H (1995) Photosynthesis and light energy dissipation in senescing leaves of grass mutants blocked in chlorophyll degradation.  In:  Photosynthesis:  From light to biosphere. Vol.III. P. Mathis, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 935-956.
  22. Kingston-Smith AH & Foyer CH (1996) Characterisation of the acid invertase isoforms in leaves of different phloem loading type.  In: Photosynthesis:  From light to biosphere.  Vol.V. P. Mathis, ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 719-722.
  23. Foyer CH, Champigny ML, Valadier MH & Ferrario S (1996) Partitioning of photosynthetic carbon: the role of nitrate activation of protein kinases.  In: Protein phosphorylation in plants.  Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe, P. Shewry, N. Halford and R. Hooley, eds) Clarendon Press Oxford. 35-51.
  24. Foyer CH, Kingston-Smith A, Pastori G & Harbinson J (1998) Photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in maize leaves subjected to low temperatures. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, G. Garab, ed, Vol IV: 2425-2431.
  25. Lewis CE, Causton DR, Peratoner G, Cairns AJ & Foyer CH (1998) Acclimation of Lolium temulentum to growth at elevated CO2 In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, G. Garab, ed, Vol V: 4035-4038.
  26. Foyer CH & Harbinson J (1999) Relationships between antioxidant metabolism and carotenoids in the regulation of photosynthesis. In: The photochemistry of carotenoids. H.A. Frank, A.J. Young, D. Britton and R.J. Cogdell, eds, Advances in Photosynthesis Volume 8. Kluwer Acadamic Press. 305-325.
  27. Foyer CH, Ferrario-Méry S & Huber SC (2000) Regulation of carbon fluxes in the cytosol. Co-ordination of sucrose synthesis, nitrate reduction and organic acid and amino acid biosynthesis. In:  Photosynthesis: Physiology and Metabolism (Advances in Photosynthesis Series) Kluwer Academic Press, The Netherlands. 177-203.
  28. Noctor G, Jouanin L & Foyer CH (1997) The biosynthesis of glutathione explored in transformed plants.  In: Regulation of Enzymatic Systems Detoxifying Xenobiotics in Plants.  K. Hatzios, ed, NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 109-124.
  29. van HeerdenPDR, SchlüterU, MokwalaPU, KunertKand FoyerCH (2008) Inhibition of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by datk chilling in soybean. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture series. Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Agriculture. Proceedings of the 15th International Nitrogen Fixation Congress and the 12th International Conference of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation. (Dakora FD, Chimphango SBM, Valentine AJ, Elmerich C & Newton WE, editors) Volume 42. Springer Science and Business Media, Dordrecht. 91-95
  30. Gregersen PL, CH Foyer and K Krupinska (2014) Photosynthesis and Leaf Senescence as Determinants of Plant Productivity. In: Biotechnological Approaches to Barley Improvement, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 69, Chapter 7, J Kumlehn and N Stein (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-44406-1_7 PP. 113-138.
  31. De Simone A, Pellny TK & Foyer C H (2015)Accumulation of ascorbate in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana wildtype and vtc2 mutants under continuous light and short photoperiod conditions. Aspects of Applied Biology, 124, 123-130.
  32. Cooper JW, KunertK, DaşganH Y & Foyer C H (2015)Understanding chilling tolerance in legumes Aspects of Applied Biology, 124, 117-121.
  33. de Simone A, DongY,  Diaz VivancosP & Foyer CH (2015) GSH partitioning between the nucleus and cytosol in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Physiology and Ecophysiology of Sulfur. Plants.Springer (De Kok L J et al., Hawkesford, M.,Rennenberg, H.,Saito, K.,Schnug, E. eds) pp 37-48.DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20137-5-4.
  34. Hu Y & Foyer C H (2018) Chilling-dependent inhibition of shoot branching in pea strigolactone synthesis and signalling mutants.  Aspects of Applied Biology, 138, 131-134.


  1. Foyer CH (1986) Discovery of the most abundant inhibitor in the world. Nature 324: 211.
  2. Foyer CH (1993) Le mécanisme de résistance des plantes à l'oxygène. La Recherche 252: 270-276.
  3. Foyer CH, Noctor G & Morot-Gaudry J-F (1997)  L'oxygene: bienfart ou danger pour les plantes.  Biofuture 169: 27-29.
  4. Foyer CH & Noctor G (1999) Leaves in the dark see the light. Science 284: 599-601.
  5. Foyer CH & Paul MJ (1999) http/www/elsnet/elsonline/htm/A000 1304.htm/ Embryonic Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences Macmillan Publishers Ltd Basingstoke U.K.
  6. Foyer CH & Fletcher JM (2001) Plant antioxidants: Colour me healthy? The Biologist 48: 115-120.
  7. Foyer CH, Allen JF (2004) Lessons from redox signalling in plants. Antioxidants & Redox Signalling. 5: 3-5.
  8. NoctorG & Foyer CH(2012) Managing the cellular redox hub in photosynthetic organisms. Plant, Cell and Environment. 35: 199-201.
  9. Foyer CH & Noctor G (2013) Redox signaling in plants. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling.18: 2087-2090.
  10. Hancock RD, Hogenhout S & Foyer CH(2015) Mechanisms of Plant-Insect Interaction. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 421-424.
  11. Foyer, C H (2015) Opening up ascorbate transport. Nature Plants 1, 1-2
  12. Sandalio LM & Foyer (2015) Unravelling the reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen    signalling networks in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 2825-2826.
  13. Halford NG & Foyer (2015) Producing a road map that enables plants to cope with future climate change. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 3433-3434.
  14. Considine MJ, Sandalio LM & Foyer CH (2015) Unravelling how plants benefit from ROS and NO reactions, while resisting oxidative stress. Annals of Botany 116, 469–473.
  15. Nüsslein K, Parkash Dhankher O, Xing B, Smith-Doerr L, Sacco  T, Maathuis F, Pareek  A, Vara Prasad PV,  Botha AM, Foyer CH, Kunert K, Cullis C, Dumont M. Chen B, Lu L (2016) Food security needs social-science input. Nature. 535, 37.
  16. Considine M, Kadambot H.M. Siddique & Foyer CH, & (2017) Nature’s pulse power: legumes, food security and climate change Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 1815–1818.
  17. De Gara L & Foyer CH (2017) Ying and Yang interplay between reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species controls cell functions Plant Cell Environment. 40, 459–461.
  18. Foyer CH, Ruban A & Nixon PJ (2017) Photosynthesis solutions to enhance productivity. Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 372, 20160374.
  19. DhankherO P & Foyer CH (2018) Climate Resilient Crops for Improving Global Food Security and Safety. Plant Cell Environment. 41, 887-884.
  20. Van Breusegem F, Foyer C H, Mann G E (2018) Reactive oxygen species are crucial “pro-life “survival signals in plants. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 122, 1-3.
  21.  Foyer CH, Nguyen HT, Lam H-M. (2018) A seed change in our understanding of legume biology from genomics to the efficient cooperation between nodulation and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Plant Cell Environment. 41, 1947-1954.

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