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Bion, J., Aldridge, C., Girling, A. J., Rudge, G., Sun, J., Tarrant, C., Sutton, E., Willars, J., Beet, C., Boyal, A., Rees, P., Roseveare, C., Temple, M., Watson, S. I., Chen, Y. F., Clancy, M., Rowan, L., Lord, J., Mannion, R., … Lilford, R. (2021). Changes in weekend and weekday care quality of emergency medical admissions to 20 hospitals in England during implementation of the 7-day services national health policy. BMJ Quality and Safety, 30(7), 536–546.
Singhal, R., Ludwig, C., Rudge, G., Gkoutos, G. V., Tahrani, A., Mahawar, K., Pędziwiatr, M., Major, P., Zarzycki, P., Pantelis, A., Lapatsanis, D. P., Stravodimos, G., Matthys, C., Focquet, M., Vleeschouwers, W., Spaventa, A. G., Zerrweck, C., Vitiello, A., Berardi, G., … Saydam, M. (2021). 30-Day Morbidity and Mortality of Bariatric Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Multinational Cohort Study of 7704 Patients from 42 Countries. Obesity Surgery, 31(10), 4272–4288.
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Kartschmit, N., Sutcliffe, R., Sheldon, M. P., Moebus, S., Greiser, K. H., Hartwig, S., Thürkow, D., Stentzel, U., Van Den Berg, N., Wolf, K., Maier, W., Peters, A., Ahmed, S., Köhnke, C., Mikolajczyk, R., Wienke, A., Kluttig, A., & Rudge, G. (2020). Walkability and its association with walking/cycling and body mass index among adults in different regions of Germany: a cross-sectional analysis of pooled data from five German cohorts. BMJ Open, 10(4), e033941.
Akiboye, F., Adderley, N. J., Martin, J., Gokhale, K., Rudge, G. M., Marshall, T. P., Rajendran, R., Nirantharakumar, K., & Rayman, G. (2019). Impact of the Diabetes Inpatient Care and Education ( DICE ) project on length of stay and mortality . Diabetic Medicine, 1–9.
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Šumilo, D., Nirantharakumar, K., Willis, B. H., Rudge, G., Martin, J., Gokhale, K., Thayakaran, R., Adderley, N. J., Chandan, J. S., Okoth, K., Hewston, R., Skrybant, M., Deeks, J. J., & Brocklehurst, P. (2019). Long-term impact of giving antibiotics before skin incision versus after cord clamping on children born by caesarean section: protocol for a longitudinal study based on UK electronic health records. BMJ Open, 9(9), e033013.
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Benning Maisoon Ghaleb, Anu Suokas, Mary Dixon-Woods, Jeremy Dawson, Nick Barber, Bryony Dean Franklin, Alan Girling, Karla Hemming, Martin Carmalt, Gavin Rudge, Thirumalai Naicker, Ugochi Nwulu, Sopna Choudhury, A., & Lilford, R. (2011). Large scale organisational intervention to improve patient safety in four UK hospitals: Mixed method evaluation. BMJ, 342:d195.
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