Professor Jonathan Reinarz

Professor Jonathan Reinarz

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Director, Social Studies in Medicine

Contact details

Social Studies in Medicine (SSiM)
Department of Applied Health Sciences
Murray Learning Centre
College of Medicine and Health
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Jonathan Reinarz is the Director of The History of Medicine Unit. He is Professor of the History of Medicine.

Jonathan has published extensively on the history of hospitals and medical education, including a history of the Birmingham teaching hospitals (2009), the history of the senses, especially smell, and the history of accidents, including burns and scalds. Most recently has led an AHRC project (2016-2021), ‘Forged by Fire: Burn Injury and British Identity, c. 1800-2000'. He edited Volume 5: The Age of Empire for the Bloomsbury Cultural History of Medicine(2021). He has also contributed a chapter to the catalogue for Smell It!, an exhibition organised by ten art galleries in Bremen, Germany, and recently (with Professor Ludmilla Jordanova) contributed a chapter to the Mediality of Smells/Médialité des odeurs volume edited by Jean-Alexandre Perras and Érika Wicky (Peter Lang, 2021). He also continues to publish on the history of alcohol, beer and breweries.

His numerous book reviews have appeared in Social History of MedicineMedical HistoryJournal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, IsisAmerican Historical ReviewSocial and Cultural HistoryWomen’s History ReviewHistoryTwentieth Century British HistoryFrench HistoryJournal of British StudiesLondon JournalCentaurusSenses and Society, Slavery & AbolitionMuseum & Society, Midland History, Journal for the Society of Army Historical ResearchCanadian Journal of History and Social History of Alcohol Review. Since 2001, he has presented academic papers at more than 100 seminars and conferences nationally and internationally. Most of these have subsequently been developed into publications.

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  • Professor of the History of Medicine
  • MA (1994) and PhD (1999) University of Warwick
  • Graduated BA from University of British Columbia, Canada in 1992


Undergraduate (in Medicine and Health unless otherwise noted)

*Strand Lead for History of Medicine, Intercalated Medical Science BMedSc (PoSH)

*SP1 Introduction to the History of Medicine

*SP1 Under the Knife: The History of Surgery

*SP1 Skin and Bones: a History of Anatomy

*SP2 Plagues and Peoples: a history of epidemics

*Supervision of 3rd-year History dissertations (Arts and Law)

*Supervisor of 4th-year Electives

*Facilitator and Examiner for Year 1 Poster SSA

*Examiner 4th-Year Conference Posters

*Graduate Supervisor of PhD and MPhil students in History of Medicine

*Lecturer and Supervisor on MA in Birmingham and West Midland History (Arts and Law)

*Supervisor of MA students in History and Cultures (Arts and Law) Cultural Inquiry MA

*Lecturer on Masters in Public Health

*Lecturer on Sociology of Health and Illness (Social Sciences)

*Lecturer on MOMD Making Cultures: New Ways of Reading Things (Arts and Law)

*Lecturer on Birmingham Foundation Academy

*and I host a Research Taster Session (SSC) in the MBChB

* He currently supervises a number of graduate students researching the history of medical institutions, medical education and medical specialisation from the late eighteenth century to the twentieth century

Postgraduate supervision

Dr Reinarz is interested in supervising doctoral research students in the following areas:

The history of medical institutions, including hospitals, workhouses, dispensaries and medical schools since 1750
The history of health and illness in the English midlands
The history of patients’ experiences of health and illness over the last two centuries
Children’s health and illness, and institutional care since 1750
The history of the senses, and particularly the cultural history of smell
The history of alcohol since 1750

Other activities

  • President, European Association of the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) 2017-2019
  • Secretary, European Association of the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) 2013-2017
  • Member of the EAHMH Scientific Board 2013-
  • Editor of Clio Medica History of Medicine Book Series, Brill 2015-
  • Editorial Board Member of Medical History 2020-
  • Editorial Board Member of European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health 2020-
  • Editorial Board Member of Canadian Bulletin for the History of Medicine 2012-
  • Editorial Board Member of Brewery History 2014-
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the International Network for the History of Hospitals 2006-2020
  • Council; and Publishing Committee of the Dugdale Society 2012-2019
  • Executive Member of the Society for the Social History of Medicine (2000-8)
  • Reviews Editor of Social History of Alcohol and Drugs (2007-9)


Recent publications


Reinarz, J (ed.) 2021, A Cultural History of Medicine in the Age of Empire (1800-1920). The Cultural Histories Series, vol. 5, Bloomsbury, London. <>

Benyovsky Latin, I, Gentilcore, D, Kinzelbach, A, Kralj-Brassard, R, Lazarević, I, Masakure, C, Peterson, A, Priani, E, Ravančić, G, Reinarz, J, Crawshaw, JS, Theodore, D, Vanja, C, Weisz, G & Živković, V 2020, Tracing Hospital BoundariesIntegration and Segregation in Southeastern Europe and Beyond, 1050-1970. vol. 102, Brill.


Ewan, S & Reinarz, J 2021, 'Lessons from a forgotten disaster: the Queen Victoria street fire, 1902', London Journal.

Mooney, G & Reinarz, J 2020, 'Hospital visiting in epidemics: an old debate reopened', History and Policy. <>

Reinarz, J 2017, 'Accidents and Violent Death in Early Modern London, 1650-1750 by Craig Spence Accidents and Violent Death in Early Modern London, 1650-1750 Craig Spence Woodbridge: Boydell Press , 2016 , xii+ 273 p., $115.00', Bulletin Canadien d'Histoire de la Medecine, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 531-533.

Reinarz, J 2017, 'Towards a History of Hospital Food', Food & History, vol. 14, no. 1.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Reinarz, J 2022, Flogging a Dead Horse? Adulteration and Brewing in Nineteenth-Century England. in D Malleck & C Krasnick Warsh (eds), Pleasure and Panic: New Essays on the History of Alcohol and Drugs. UBC Press, pp. 219-244. <>

Reinarz, J 2018, Smell and Victorian England. in MM Smith (ed.), Smell and History: A Reader. West Virginia University Press.

Reinarz, J 2017, Historic and Theatrical Smellscapes - Introduction. in V Henshaw, K McLean, D Medway, C Perkins & G Warnby (eds), Designing with Smell: Practices, Techniques and Challenges. Routledge, pp. 197-199.

Reinarz, J, Chinn, C & Dick, M 2016, Industry and Illness: Investing in Health and Medical Provision. in C Chinn & M Dick (eds), Birmingham: The Workshop of the World. Liverpool University Press. <>


Reinarz, J 2022, Portrait of the medical student as a young man, caracatures, realism and airbrushed history c 1880-1920. in D Gavrus & S Lamb (eds), Transforming Medical Education: Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning, and Belonging in Medicine. McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 414-434. <>

Reinarz, J 2021, Framing scent: historical impressions of smell and art. in S Benthack, J de Vries, L Günther, M-L Kinne, I Lähnemann, S Rosenthal, A Thurmann-Jajes, EV Moeller, GAKSFCAB, G-M-H, K Bremen & KBFEV (eds), Smell it! Geruch in der Kunst - Katalog zum institutionsübergreifenden Ausstellungsprojekt Smell it! Geruch in der Kunst. Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von 8 Bremer Museen zum Geruch in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Wienand. <>

Reinarz, J & Jordanova, L 2021, This (smelly) little world: smell and identity in Francis Brett Youngs: The young physician. in J-A Perras & É Wicky (eds), Mediality of smells. Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts, vol. 47, Peter Lang, pp. 175-194. <>

Reinarz, J & Fanxiang, M 2021, 医院史研究: 过去、现在与未来. in Z Yongan, M Fanxiang & J Reinarz (eds), 专题: 医院史研究的新视野. 1st edn, Journal of the Social History of Medicine and Health, no. 1, vol. 6, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), pp. 3-13.

Reinarz, J, Wiskin, C & Bates, V 2016, The History of Clinical Communication Teaching. in J Brown, L Noble, A Papageorgiou & J Kidd (eds), Clinical Communication in Medicine. First edn, 27, Wiley-Blackwell, Chicester, pp. 172-178.

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